
Monday, March 30, 2015

Double Use for Phone Charging Station...Sewing Box!!

Some of life's ordinary things can have double duty and make our day a little easier or at least pretty! I found a phone charging box in a thrift store a long time ago. It sits between 2 couches where everyone watches tv. We all have phone chargers in our bedrooms, but that time when you are watching television and your phone is low, I have these plugs available for iPhones and iPads.

I sit right next to this box, in the corner of the couch and do my hand sewing or little projects...charging my phone if needed.

sewing box

I realized I wasn't using the drawer in the front...until now!! Now it holds all my hand sewing supplies for my mini hexies.

sewing box

Then I had a better idea for the whole box. Pop in to see...

Most phone charging boxes have a section in the back where the plug is stored out of sight. Your phone charger will be plugged into that plug and then fed through a hole in the front.

sewing box

Well, how about storing all your spools of thread that you are using and feed the thread through the front.

sewing box

See where the threads are going to the front?

sewing box

Now you have a handy little box of your sewing supplies and spools of thread aren't lost in the cushions or rolling on the floor under the coffee table...I'm just sayin'.

sewing box

Just pull out the thread and cut the length you need.

sewing box

See? Sewing station blends in with your decor!!

sewing box

I forgot to take a picture of it, but I did put the phone charging plug back in there too with the thread.

Best of both worlds!!

ps...that tissue box is not staged. I've had the worst cold ever for the past week. Thankfully going away!!

sewing box

I know not all phone charging station boxes are the same size, style or set up, but when you do see them in yard sales or thrift stores you will definitely take a second look at them now!!

Thanks for stopping by and happy sewing!!

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  1. How awesome the simplest things are such nice tools. Organizing is always important for me, especially double duty items.

  2. I hope you recover asap. I believe there is an horrendous flu going its rounds in the US. Take care and thank you for all your wonderful hints and posts. I'm a stalker but my heart is with you with each post. xx

  3. I can see all kinds of containers working for it. Now I know where my phone is. Sorry about your cold, I have a minor cough that just doesn't want to go away but I know I am not miserable like you...sorry.

  4. BRAVO! Love this! and looks so sweet!!!


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