
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Shop Early For Seasonal Items...

I think we all know that stores put out seasonal or holiday items very early, sometimes 2-3 months in advance. When we see it, we sometimes ignore it because we are not even in that "mode" yet for that holiday.

However, I have a shopping tip for you. When you see that seasonal or holiday section early on...definitely take a look. The products for certain holidays are only ordered once for that particular time period. If you see something that you want...get it, because once it's gone, it's gone.

Shop early and buy it when you see it!

These pumpkins are an example.

fall decor

Our daughters are long past dressing up for Halloween, but I still look in that section of stores every year. These pumpkins were in Walmart in the scary decor aisle. Not scary to me!!

For me, they are perfect for Fall decor.

fall decor

I love the colors and the beaded surface and they are only $2-3 each.

fall decor

You can use them in different spots around the house from September through November, so it's a good investment.

fall decor

Thrift store basket for $2.00 is the best holder.

fall decor

Fall centerpiece you can use over and over each year!

fall decor

Christmas is out now at Michael's, so I grabbed some ribbons that caught my eye.

Sometimes a very small item triggers a whole theme for that red and white snowflake ribbon. I love it!!

Christmas ribbon

and this burlap glitter ribbon. How could I resist and at 40% off...even better.

Christmas ribbon

So when you are out shopping, don't just walk by all those seasonal aisles because you will miss out on some great things.

Thanks for stopping by!!

Have a great day,

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  1. Love the pumpkins (and ribbon).
    The stems on the pumpkins caught my eye...gnarled and twisted...just like the real thing. ;)
    I just purchased wire baskets on "pick your plum"...very cute and they will work with your idea of a centerpiece !
    Great ideas.

  2. It's amazing how early they put things out. But I agree, you need to get it when you see it, or else it is GONE!

  3. I'm glad I'm not the only one who buys early. You gotta get the good stuff before it goes! I just bought my very first Christmas tree today! :)

  4. I have some of those pumpkins that I bought on sale a couple of years ago. They make an appearance every year...something different each time.

    I LOVE the snowflake ribbon...can't wait to see what you do with it :)

  5. You are so many times have we gone back to get something, or worse, a "few more of something" and they are all gone. But it is hard to think Christmas when it is 100 degrees outside! Love your posts and your blog. Visit me if you can:


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