
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Dealing with Loss...Sharing a New Blog

We've all dealt with a loss in our, friend or a loved one. It's devastating. I lost my mom to Parkinson's Disease over 6 years ago and I miss her every day. Time does help and memories are priceless.

Losing a loved one is horrific, but losing a spouse or significant other...I can't even imagine. Yesterday, in my blog post where you can post any question to my readers, Linda ask for people to stop by her sister-in-law Meg's new blog...Grief Speak. Meg lost her husband of 22 years, suddenly, last fall.

We all "write" blogs for a number of reasons and we all "read" blogs for many more. The main reasons are to connect and to share. Even if you never speak, or comment or know the person on the other side of the computer, you are still "connecting" with them. You are relating to them and similar experiences in life. Whether it be through quilting, crafting, cooking or the loss of a loved one...we all need to feel connected. With that in mind, I want to share a blog with you.

Meg started her blog to share her experiences and hopefully help one person in her same situation. Here is a quote from her blog...

"While grief is grief, and it is said that everyone grieves in a different way, there are things that seem universal. There are, however, different challenges that each person faces depending on the other circumstances in his/her life– age being one of them. Unfortunately, I am learning that there are a lot of us middle-aged widows and widowers out there.
I don’t claim to be any kind of expert or to know anything about anything. I am just sharing my experiences, thoughts, and feelings. If you find anything in this blog helpful, then I am glad. If not, then blame my sister-in-law!"

Please stop by Meg's blog HERE. One click can make all the difference in some one's life...yours and hers.

My thoughts and prayers and go out to Meg and her family for their loss and their road to healing.


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  1. Thanks for this. I just went over and read all her posts. Having lost my mom last year, her blog resonates with me. My husband is older than I, and I "worry" about losing him. He turned 70 this yr, so it's come more to the forefront of my mind since my mom's passing. I don't know if reading her blog will help that but I appreciate you posting the info!!!

  2. I read Meg's posts...very touching and I know she will help others. When my Dennis was ill a few years past, I had to deal with new dimensions to our relationship... lucky for me, I still have in. Unfortunately, Meg does not have a "follow" so I will try to return often to follow her posts.

    1. Gracie, thank you for visiting my blog.I think I have to have a RSS feed to have a follow button, and I keep getting an error message for that. I need to contact the host to see what is going on. I'll try to see how to get a follow button. Thank you.


  3. Thank you so much for this post, Karen. I know that many people will find Meg's blog insightful, comforting and inspiring. I really appreciate that you wanted to share this with your readers. Having loved your blog for some time now, I find your generous support and help to others to be quite amazing. You have a very special gift.

  4. I have paid a visit and left a message, no saccharine, it does not help. My thoughts are with Meg. I have bookmarked her blog so that I can visit again.

  5. Karen, I want to share my sympathies with you over the loss of your mother. My dad has Parkinson's, and I know what a long struggle it is for both patient and caregiver.

  6. Thank you for passing on this thoughtful blog. My youngest son passed away from metastisized cancer almost 5 years ago. I find it helpful to read and reflect on grief journeys that people are taking.....It is a journey and the road is always leading in different directions.

  7. Thank you, Karen, for sharing my blog. I am humbled and honored that you found it worthy of your post today. Some of your followers have visited and left kind comments. I appreciate you sharing my blog and the link.

    With gratitude,

  8. Thanks for sharing! I follow blogs through Bloglovin, and to follow any blog: go to the blog page, highlight the address in the address bar, copy, paste into the search bar in Bloglovin and "follow" when the correct blog comes up. Nothing else needed...

  9. Thank you for this and for the link. My husband was diagnosed with Parkinson's 10 years ago this week at the age of 49. My heart goes out to you and yours.


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