
Monday, September 3, 2012

When Life Gives You Crumbs...Make a Pie Anyway

Hi everyone...Happy Labor Day to all my friends in the states. Hope you can enjoy a little time off today!

Thought I would share a little..."when life gives you lemons, make lemonade"...sort of thing.

Hubby loves chocolate cream pie. Nothing fancy, just the store bought graham cracker crust and sugar free instant pudding. It gets him a quick chocolate fix after dinner without all the guilt.

Yesterday, he took the pre-packaged crust out to make the pie and found it in a million pieces. He started to throw it away, when I said we should make little individual pies!!

Sorry, forgot to take a picture of the completely ruined crust, but here's part of it.

Just add the broken pieces to little dishes...

and spoon on the pudding.

See little pies!

Adding little whipped cream can't hurt...right?

 and maybe a little extra crumb topping too!!

Perfect little, individual portions!

So when life gives you crumbs...make a crumb pie!!

Happy Monday,

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  1. Too funny, I made chocolate cream pie yesterday too, was planning on posting them at some point today. My crusts remained in tact though! Good idea, good save!

  2. Don't you just hate when you take care to get that crust through the grocery store and check out, then to store at home until you're ready to use - then bingo-bango - broke...but waht a clever idea. I have 'redone' it before too with a little more butter and reshaping. That sounds like a great, quick idea!!

  3. Ha, ha, too funny!!!! Great idea!

  4. Great! You gotta chew it anyway!! (Now you're makin' me hungry for chocolate!)

  5. Interesting post because my Husband's favorite pie is also chocolate creme. Before we were married, we went to a Memorial Day Picnic where our table was high on a hill in our pool club. The wind was whipping about. The very first pie I ever made for him with the chocolate creme with graham cracker crust. It also became the very first air-borne pie to hit him in the face when the wind lifted the requisite red checked table cloth. Actually the only pie to hit him in the face during our 42 years of marriage but certainly the most memorable!

  6. I just take the crust, add a little butter to it, blend it all up, repress it back into the pan, bake it for 5-10 minutes, and all put back together.

  7. You're the (simply) best BLOG I love! Thank you for all of your tips and hints and inspiration!

  8. Yes, it is totally still good! LOL. I bang up the graham crackers to make a crust! LOL.


  9. That happened so often I gave up on those darned things and now buy a box of graham crackers and make an easy crust. Hubby actually likes it better. I dont press it hard into the serving cups. I crumble and mix the crackers with a touch of melted butter and press it just a bit using the bottom of a glass. One of hubbys favorites too.


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