
Friday, August 24, 2012

Give Aways Winners...

Ok, I have the 2 give away winners for the set of coasters from Home a la Mode and the jumbo gift pack from Crafter's Vision.

The coasters...cute, cute, cute from Home a la Mode.

And the winner of the coasters is Mary Grace McNamara of the wonderful blog Hooked on Needles. If you can contact me, Mary Grace, I will forward your snail mail info to Home a la Mode. Congratulations!!


Now for the goody bag from Crafter's Vision!!

and the winner of the goody bag is....Pam, who said

Hiya! WOW!!! I've found a new store. I bookmarked it, created an account, and signed up for the newsletter. LOVE IT!!! I love the fabric selections, but the sales areas always catch my eye, and the patterns, oh my! My wish list would include some of the Christmas fabrics, especially the penguin patterns, and the snack packs, too bad they're out of them right now. 
Thank you, Lisa and Karen, for the giveaway, it's awesome!!!
Blessed be, hugs!!!

playamom57 at yahoo dot com

If you can contact me with your snail mail information I can pass it on the Lisa.


Thanks again to everyone who commented and stopped by both shops for a visit!!

Have a great Friday,

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  1. Did I miss a post about you quiting the find a friend friday? Was going to link to you today.

  2. Oh how exciting! I love winning stuff, and especially cute stuff like this! Thanks so much Karen! Emailing right now.


  3. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! Can't believe it :O What a great win, I can't wait to get this goodie bag. Thank you soooooooooooo much!!! Love the shop! I'm so excited, will get you my snail mail addy right away. Thank you Karen and Lisa. WHOOO HOOO, blessed be, hugs!!!

    playamom57 at yahoo dot com


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment...I just love hearing from you!