
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Thoughts on Thursday...

I always save the best for last...

How about you? Do you eat your favorite thing on the plate first or last?

Happy Thoughts,

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  1. I am with you, Karen. I prefer to save the best for last.

  2. I prefer the best first and then work around the rest. That keeps me from overeating.

  3. I always save the best for last too. I get the least liked stuff out of the way.

  4. LAST - always.
    Green veggies, then meat, then potatoes.

    Cheesecake filling, then base, then topping.

    and if I can buy Oreos on offer [often expensive in the UK]then I eat the biscuit first then the filling!

  5. Well, hopefully I haven't put anything on my plate that I don't like. I don't eat meat usually so, nope I just eat a little of everything as I go.

  6. I think eating dessert first should be the rule, that way you always have room!

  7. Oh, yes. The potatoes are always last.

  8. I like too eat dessert first! Cause, even if I eat the other stuff til I'm full, I still eat the dessert!!!

  9. if i'm hungry...yes! best for last. if i am not so first, encase i run out of room...i don't want to miss the good stuff...or over eat!

  10. Best for last definitely! That's why I always eat my pizza crust first :)!!

  11. I hate it when everything on the plate is so good that I can't decide which bite to eat last!

  12. Karen, Im with you. I always save the best for last.
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  13. I used to eat the best last but I learned that by eating it first that if I get full then I don't have to make myself keep eating. Now I usually eat a bit of everything together.

  14. I eat the best First!---and all of it is Best!

  15. My thing is "The Perfect Bite" which will have just the right amount of everything in it! On Thanksgiving, that bite will be a smidge of turkey, stuffing, yam, and cranberry every bite is all the flavors together! Yum! I try and do that at every meal!

  16. I start with the best (but don't eat it all) and then eat what I can of the rest, then finish with the best :)

  17. I'm like and eat best last but the other commenters that eat their favorite first so they don't over eat have a point too.

  18. This one is easy! If I don't like it, I leave it off my plate to start with.

  19. I just make sure to save some of the best for the last bite!

  20. Nope...
    I go for the gusto..or good stuff first!!!! I may not be hungry if I start with the so so first and then could not really enjoy the best!!!

  21. If you eat the good stuff first then you can always claim that you're too stuffed to eat the stuff you don't like anyway! It works for me, lol!

  22. Always last. As a reward for eating the things that are good for me, yet I might not like.

  23. I start with whatever hot food will get cold and unappetizing first! Generally I try to eat the "fast carbs" last, so I am already feeling full by the time my mouth wants another potato or piece of garlic bread :)

  24. I save the best for last!

  25. I tell my kids "Worst first" so they get it over with and get to enjoy their favorite without the "worst" hanging over them.


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