
Monday, July 30, 2012

Ribbon Organizing Again...Tension Rods

Hi All...working in my sewing room again and moved my ribbon organizing system, so I thought I would share some pictures.

Here is the old way...I loved it and worked great, but I needed the shelf!!

It's just tension rods inside a bookshelf!!

I added a yard stick and scissors for easy measuring and cutting.

Tension them for so many things!!

Here's the new way to organize spools ribbon...

Between the legs of my cutting table. Definitely an unused space.

Even works great on the curvy areas.

Lots of space on both ends of the table too!!

Look for crazy unused space in your work area. You might be surprised where you can squeeze things in!!

Have a great day,

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  1. You one smart lady! Looks great!

  2. Okay... I loved the first idea--in the bookshelves, but the second is brilliant! I adore using otherwise "unusable" space. This rocks. Oh, and I'm an Army wife, so I'm well acquainted with spring tension rods.

  3. Im currenytly trying to shove an entire craftroom into one corner of my dining room, im definitely investing in some tension rods!

  4. Wow - talk about finding unused space - that's amazing. I'd never have thought to use that spot. Very clever and now you have more room for fabric on your shelves! I

  5. oooOOOOOoooo!! Ingenius! Thanks for sharing - I'll have to use this idea when we get into the house.

  6. That is a very cute idea. However, if I tried it and an end got loose, I can only imagine the fun Dolly would have unwinding the whole spool, LOL. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Wonderful idea! I will get right to it, since it will allow me to eliminate one more box of crafting stuff. Thanks!

  8. I like the idea. I also like how your sewing area is a work in progress like mine where you continue to find ways to improve it.

  9. I love it Karen. I just added a tape measure to the front of a shelf right below my ribbon collection on a dowel rod. It is very convenient.

  10. Brilliant! I only have a few spools of rick rack, but love this idea!

  11. Now that is clever!! Thanks so much for sharing...I'm running off to my sewing room to see if it will work for me!

  12. fantastic idea Karen! Thanks for sharing:)

  13. I love the idea, but at my house it would be too much fun for the cat. :)

  14. So creative - we should all look for those unexpected places.

  15. What a fantastic idea! I need this in my sewing room. I don't have many spools of ribbon, but they would look so cute displayed this way.

  16. I love this idea! I'm a scrapbooker and ribbon storage takes up a lot of space, so I'll definitely use this when I reorganize my space.

  17. You always come up with such clever ideas.

  18. Such a brilliant idea!!! Thank you for sharing this! I just stumbled upon your blog and Love it.. I am now your newest follower and would love it if you could please stop by my blog and become a follower of mine too! Thanks a bunch!


  19. Love this idea ! I always am looking for some storage space. So what did you put on the shelf ? ;)

  20. That is a great idea! I will be adding tension rods wherever I can now! Love your inspired to make over my sewing space, thanks to the ideas here!

  21. I like this idea but your cat(s) must not be naughty. My cats would steal the pins right out of the ribbon and then steal the ribbon. I have to keep my pins in covered containers.
    They are such thieves!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Now aren't you the creative one. Love the tension rod idea! You have the most amazing ideas and tips.

  24. I just re-organized my closet this afternoon. I used the tension rod idea for my ribbon! I am so excited because I can see it all and access it a lot easier! thanks for the tip!

  25. Where in the world did you find them skinny enough to go through the holes in the ribbon spools?
    My biggest problem is that the whole dowel that they are currently on turns and the rest of my ribbon all unrolls as well. Drives me nuts! LOL

  26. Great idea! You could even mount a yardstick on the edge of the table just above the ribbon.

  27. Thank you for this tip!
    I just pinned!
    Marisa from

  28. Beautiful idea!. Thanks for sharing.


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