
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thoughts on Thursday...

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I LOVE food. That could be it for my Thought this Thursday, because I do love food...everything but liver!

However, my thoughts this Thursday are...

If I had to eat the same thing everyday, what would it be?

Of course, there wouldn't be the need to worry about calories or my health or anything like that! LOL

I think I would have to pick loaded Nachos...and I mean LOADED...meat, cheese, all the veggies, sour cream, guacamole etc

How about you?? Remember don't worry about your weight!! Not an issue when blogging.

Happy Thursday,


  1. Pasta! There are so many sauce options with pasta. So many things you can add to it to make it different.

  2. Man oh man, those nachos sound delish, I could eat some kind of Mexican food everyday.YUM YUM!!!!!!!!!

  3. Your nachos sound wonderful and I wish that could be my dish. But if I had nothing else to eat I know the dish I would want would be potatoes. You can boil them put butter on them or chives. Even cheese or chili. You can fry potatoes or have whipped potatoes. Oh my, I gain weight as we speak. :)

  4. Pasta! I am a pasta nut but haven't eaten it for a while since I am trying to lose weight.....but yummmy!

  5. I have Celiac, so I miss so many good things. But I think the thing I miss most and could probably eat everyday would be a fat juicy hamburger with a BUN and all the extras! OH gosh, or maybe fried shrimp!

  6. Chineese...anything!! And I DO eat liver...wish my Mom was still able to cook...she made the best liver...(and no, that is NOT an oxymoron!lol)

  7. Bacon...shrimp, and a very dense/very chocolate cake.


  8. I would have to say Mexican food - I could eat it everyday and never get tired - my hubby is the same way! I'm glad calories don't count. My second would have to be CHOCOLATE, I'm a diehard CHOCOHOLIC and am glad to admit it:)

  9. Loaded bbq baked potatoes (a Texas thing I guess, since I've only seem them here in Texas) -- baked potato topped with copped bbq meat w/sauce, butter, cheese, sour cream, green onions, and I skip the bacon and jalapenoes. And add nice piece of moist gooey coconut browie. Mmmmm.

    I make an awesome liver! So good, that my father-in-law who is extremely biased against all liver except how his mother made it gave me rave reviews. Karen, maybe you just haven't had the right liver yet...just sayin'.

  10. Liver and onions with a big pile of mashed potatoes and gravy would be my number one choice. My second choice would be lobster with drawn butter. Notice how I like food that is probably a heart attack on a plate?

  11. I would have to say chocolate covered strawberries or bruschetta - the kind with fresh tomatoes, garlic and basil. Every time I eat those things I tell my kids they better enjoy them because we're going to be eating them in heaven!

  12. Fried chicken. I can hardly pass a C.S fried chicken establishment without yearning for a whole bucket.

  13. I love Pasta, however, I am Irish so a day without Potatoes is like a day without Sunshine. Potatoes for me. (I ate Liver when I was pregnant, 34 yrs ago. Craved it. But not since)

  14. PIZZA! I told my husband I would love to work in a pizza parlor so that I could eat all I want and get tired of them. I don't think I ever would tho'!

  15. Hmmm, If I had to choose only one thing, I think it would be pizza...chased with a Guinness !
    Oh I can't wait till date night, on Friday...

  16. Mexican Rice with Black Beans, topped with homemade guacamole, cheddar cheese, sour cream and salsa!! YUMMM!!

  17. I can't pick just one thing! How about a meal? Dungeness crab, artichokes, and some dessert combining cheesecake, chocolate, raspberries, and hazelnuts. Great, now I really need to make sure to show up for Weight Watchers this morning! :-)

  18. Now I want nachos.

    I think I would have to go with pizza.

  19. Holy Cow! Kristi picked my meal, except I'd be substituting corn on the cob for the artichokes! How funny is that! I think I'm gonna have to go check out her blog now! We're kindred foodie spirits! Ha!

    Oh, and last nights dinner at home WAS loaded nachos! Tortilla chips covered with hamburger cooked with green chilies, onions and garlic, refried beans, corn, tomatoes, black olive slices, homemade salsa, jalapenos, and shredded cheese! Yum! It's kindof our go-to meal when we don't really feel like cooking! And yeah, these are all staples at our house! lol

  20. Mine also would have to be pasta....definitely with all kinds of red sauces. Alfredo sauces not for me.

  21. Popcorn! Homemade only, with real butter. Love, love, love it and can't get enough. I'd eat it every night for dinner, if I could.

  22. If I could only eat one thing forever, it would probably be the chicken lettuce wraps from PF Changs. The succulent crunch of the lettuce wrapped around the savory, complex, delicious filling is just the best!

  23. OK this is scary to actually admit but I don't think I could ever get tired of eating a Red Robin cheeseburger and french fries. I'm very glad we do not have one close to our house or I would be in serious trouble.

  24. I don't know if I have a favorite, but my husband's restaurant serves awesome loaded nacho's ;) I am one of those weird people that eat to live, not live to eat--haha

  25. Wow this is a fun comment section. Since calories and health don't count I would want a really good Hoagie, Sub sandwich. I would want it with salami, capricola, ham, provalone, lettuce, tomatoe, onion, oil, vinegar and Italian spices. I also need a small bag of barbaque chips and a root beer. Heaven. My second choice would be to hang with joAnne at PF Changs for the Lettuce wraps. I pick them up for lunch once a week. yummie

  26. Spaghetti & Meatballs - hands down! It's my birthday next week and in my family we always get to pick our birthday dinner. You bet it's Spaghetti & Meatballs!! (I love most every food but liver too!)

  27. My chocolate chip cookies! Here's the recipe and step-by-step instructions: Enjoy!

  28. Ohhh, wow. Hmmm, yeah, it wouls be a toss up between spaghetti and nachos. Nachos would probably win. LOL. Fun question!

  29. Baby back ribs...and then some more ribs.

  30. It's a toss-up between Mexican food and Italian food! Nachos sound good right now! Great question!

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, on toasted bread, almost every day for lunch. It would be no problem if that is all I could eat every day. I absolutely love peanut butter!

  33. Jeg velger potetball med stekt bacon, pølser og kålrotstappe. Til drikke : kefirmelk.
    Dette er et ekte norsk måltid og himmelsk godt!
    Trine in Norway

  34. A local pizza joint has the best pizzas ever; my current favorites toggle between vegetarian and pepperoni with sausage or mushroom. I could eat pizza every day!

  35. Hi Karen, I go through cycles of foods that I can't seem to live without. For the past 6 months it was ice cream, but after a trip to the doctor last week, and a very embarrassing moment on the scale, that quickly changed! So for now, my new thing is PB&J sandwiches. Who knows what it will be next month, but for right now, it is PB&J all the way!!! Karen♥

  36. Hamburgers!! Can you imagine the possibliities.....You can do so many diffierent things with hamburgers. Now for me the best way is add bacon avacado cheddar cheese lettuce mayo pickels....OMG I am hungry now.

  37. This one is hard. I do not like having the exact same thing more than two times a week. Hubby can eat the same thing all week. If its meatloaf (yuk) he can eat it for two weeks. Did I say yuk?!!
    I would have to say a chicken dish. Chicken parm, chicken with veggies noodles and pesto, chicken with tomatoes & cheese. I could go on. But must have lots of fresh veggies.

  38. Fajitas with all the colourful veggies and tasty flavours!

  39. Mexican Food any day everyday.
    I'm with on the liver...YUK!

  40. If I "HAD" to choose just one thing, it would have to be a Chik-fil-A meal #1 (sandwich & waffle fries & Diet Dr. Pepper). We lived in HI for 6 years & no Chik-fil-A there...bummer. But seriously, I couldn't eat the same thing every day. Just couldn't. My DH ate a tuna fish sandwich, fig newtons, & soda every day for lunch for about 10 years. Yuck!!! Not the content, but the SAME. THING. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. No thank you. Variation is the key to my "comestible" delight. (I had to look that one up. It means: suitable for use as food.) :)


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