
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thoughts on Thursday...

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I put some green beans in the microwave for what I "thought" was 3 minutes and 30 seconds...3:30.

I some how pushed an extra zero...33:00.

Cooking other things I wasn't paying attention, but thankfully I caught them after 7 minutes before they burst into flames. Lol !!

There were some that were splattered all over and some that were so dried up I could have used them for some kind of craft beads for jewelry making. Microwave was a mess.

What's your kitchen disaster?

Happy Thursday,


  1. My most common one is filling the sink with dishwater - and running it over - BIGTIME! I have done this so often you wouldn't believe it! Once the water filled all the drawers and cupboards as the water flowed along and down the counters!
    This has left my formica a little wharped in places....

  2. I've had many cooking mishaps but the most recent was when I put a couple of corn taco shells in the toaster oven and forgot about them. They burst into flame and mealted totally. Managed to get the fire out with a box of baking soda, then put the oven in the garage overnight to cool off. Took some scrubbing but the thing come clean and still works like a charm.

  3. Funny you should ask! I left a daughter (16) at home tonight so she could finish homework. She cooked a burger (on HIGH, I suspect, but she wouldn't admit to the temperature setting) and called me later to ask how she should deal with all the smoke. I asked her what the firemen suggested she ought to do. Very seriously, she declared that the smoke detectors didn't go off and no fire trucks were nearby either. She opened windows, turned on ceiling fans and went for a walk. Hopefully, it cleared her head and thus, her English paper was somewhat coherent. When my younger daughter and I arrived back home, we definitely smelled burgers. The grill pan in soaking in the sink.

  4. We once had a sourdough starter, sitting on the counter with a lid lightly screwed on. It was summer, we went out of town for a few days. Came home to find sourdough starter everywhere. Bit of a heatwave, upstairs apt in an old house, no AC, windows all closed because we were gone. I can't quite imagine what happened since the jar didn't break, but it pushed the lid off and shot starter everywhere. Cleaning up dried on sourdough starter is no fun! And we kept finding new spots for weeks.

  5. I did this yesterday:

  6. I had a pie dish explode in the oven while making pie- it was 3/4 done. There was glass and pie all through the oven/elements and we had people arriving for dinner! Disaster!

  7. I dropped a pumpkin pie on its way into the 425 degree oven. Every thing immediately cooked on whatever surface it hit - the racks, the door, the crevices. I now have "no helpers" and "no funny wisecracks" rules in place during the holoiday season!!

  8. I am an absolute klutz in the kitchen. I boil something over on my cook-top at least once a week. I have had a glass dish literally explode when I took it out of the microwave. How I didn't wind up blind with glass shards is a miracle. I have dropped my Thanksgiving Turkey in the floor trying to get it in the oven. And I have served a "still raw" Turkey. I took it out too soon. Meanwhile, 25 people are standing around wanting their Thanksgiving feast. I think I should leave the cooking to others. :)

  9. The thing I love about microwave disasters is that they are contained!
    I haven't had one blow the door off...yet.

  10. The other night, my hubby left the burner on under the cast iron skillet. The house was filled with smoke, but I just though he was over zealous with his cooking. More time later (at least 30 min), I mentioned to him how the house was so smokey earlier and he must have had a great supper. His look on his face was so funny...We ran to the stove Sure enough. The burner was still on under the cast iron skillet and all the seasoning was gone.

  11. Do I choose only one?

    In college, hubby decided to microwave a frozen chicken breast for me to eat while I was working on my senior project. We're not sure how it happened, but we noticed smoke after a while, and the darn piece of meat had completely disintegrated.

    And my other favorite was a few months ago when I peeled about 5 pounds of carrots to cook in a soup for church, and thought that my garbage disposal could handle the volume. The drain backed up, and hubby had to take it all apart to clean out. Next time I do mass cooking for church I'll just toss the peels in the trashcan instead of the sink disposal.

  12. Many years ago I had bought a small glass skillet with Teflon in the middle. My daughter wanted to heat up some tortillas and put the pan on the stove to heat up. Then she went to the bathroom and totally forgot she had started the stove....the Teflon melted off the pan! We don't let her ever forget that - and we never did get to use that pan.

  13. During a TV commercial I decided to make popcorn. In an electric popcorn popper, I heated up some popping oil, added popcorn, and returned to the family room catch the rest of the program. I commented, "Hmm, that popcorn popper is really loud." I went to the kitchen to get it and found I'd left the lid off the popper. Of course, popcorn was everywhere. We laughed our way through cleaning up the mess. Even then, several days later, when we reached for a soup ladle hanging on the rack, a popped piece of corn was in it! It's something our family still talks about.

  14. Well, there have been two most recently. I blogged about one...

    The other involved dropping a FULL rice cooker on the floor AFTER removing the lid... UGH. Thank God for a sweet hubby who cleaned up the mess! :)

  15. Years ago, my son decided to "hard boil" an egg in the microwave so he popped on nice fresh egg in there. No pot or container nor water, just the whole egg and set the timer for 20 minutes and the temp on High. The mess wasn't as bad as the smell.

    Cleaning tip: Microwave a bowl of distilled white vinegar until it boils than let it sit in there until cool. Remove and wipe out all the yuck -- it work :-)

  16. just walking into the kitchen can be a nightmare for me. The Hub does the cooking now! Bless his heart!

  17. Son dropped a glass the other night, and it shattered. We've vacuumed and still keep finding shards. Second thing he dropped that night. (BTW, he's 18 and NOT prone to dropping things).

  18. I was hard-boiling eggs one day, set the timer, and got on the computer. I didn't realize the kitchen swinging door had closed behind me, so I never hear the timer. I was engrossed in the computer (probably blogs!) and about 45 minutes later thought I smelled something! Oh yeah, I smelled something alright! I jumped up remembering the eggs, and when I opened the kitchen door, the room was thickly filled with smoke, but the dang detectors didn't go off until I opened the dang door. The eggs were sitting in the pot, water all gone, eggs black, pan black.....and smoking! I grabbed a hot pad, and took the pan outside and put it in the snow! It took 4 days to get THAT SMELL out of the kitchen! Ugh! My hubby is so good.....he scrubbed that pan, and got it back to new! :o)

  19. When I was 17, I lived with my brother for some weeks. One day he called and told me to make pasta because he had to work longer.

    There were two problems:
    1. He had a gas-stove without automatic "fire", I had to use a lighter. I had never done this before and never looked carefully when he did it. So I switched on the gas and chose the big flame. Ouch! A big jump later I put my hot fingers under cold water... but it worked.
    (Later he told me to use the smallest flame.)

    2. I had never cooked pasta, my mum always did it.
    Okay, I took a big pot, filled it with water and noodles and put it one the fire. And waited. And waited...
    When my brother arrived about an hour later, the water still was not cooking.

    He laugthed, put away the water and showed me the correct order. :)

  20. The time I tried to change the washer in the kitchen faucet comes to mind. When I turned the water back on, the handle and hot water hit the ceiling! Apparently, I hadn't screwed it on very well.

    I vote for Dree's sourdough disaster!

  21. i can't believe i'm getting ready to actually admit to this...

    we didn't have a dishwasher in the house i grew up in, so when i moved out into my first apartment, i had a dishwasher. i had no clue that they required their own 'special' soap...

    i filled both! little cups up to the top with Dawn dish washing soap and walked away...

    yeah- good times :)

  22. I know a great kitchen anecdote: a friend of mine was holding a party and decided on paper plates to avoid washing up. They drank lots of alcohol, forgot the plates were made of paper and put them in the dishwasher... She clogged it so badly she had to get rid of it and buy a new one... And about the extra zero, a shop assistant charged me 200 euros instead of 20. Luckily I realized straight away and they credited my account on the spot!

  23. That is awesome!!!! :) Sounds like something I would do!

    I just posted recently about my bad kitchen moment. At least I can blame baby brain Lol!

  24. I decided to try cooking bacon in the microwave, but forgot how powerful the wattage was in that particular microwave. I not only burned the bacon to black-black, I blew the fuse in my microwave and melted the plastic within in it. Yeah, it had to be replaced.

  25. When I was first learning how to bake cakes I needed to make some icing. It called for powdered sugar and not knowing the difference I used regular sugar. Icing was kinda grainy to say the least.

    This wasnt as bad as my mom who had never baked a pie in her life. When she was first married she decided to make a pie but mistook the salt for the sugar. Her dad ate a whole slice and didnt say a word.

    Oh I also overcooked chicken in the microwave...didnt know chicken bones could actually melt. Ick.

  26. Baking a frozen pizza and dropping it on the floor sauce side down as I removed from the oven.....sigh.

  27. Karen back in the early 80's my mom got her first microwave. My sister and my hubby had heard you
    could cook an egg in the microwave, so they started by putting one in there in the shell,
    you guessed it....blew up big time.
    Messed up the whole inside of the microwave, they cleaned it up and started over. They decided they had put it on for too long. On about the fifth egg they decided they should stick a pin hole in the end of the egg. Guess what....that didn't work either. My mom finally told them they could continue their science project in their own microwaves.LOL. They laughed so much that day, we all did.

  28. When my daughter was 8 years old, she had watched me cook oatmeal in the microwave. Looked easy enough... One day she decided to try it for herself. She punched in 20 minutes instead of 20 seconds... burned up the oatmeal and the microwave smelled like burned oatmeal ever after.

  29. too funny, I was keeping my Mom today and cut up an apple and put it in the microwave with a little sugar, cinnamon, butter and a tablespoon or so of raisins. Well, I hit the wrong button, too. I burned the apples so badly in the microwave that even after soaking, I don't know if I will ever get the burnt sugar off the ramekin. the trouble with all of that is we had someone looking at our house today---Burnt apples & cinnamon---burning cinnamon and apple candle.

  30. Oh dear...let me count the ways. First year of marriage - I left roast pork and gravy in a pan to reheat. Forgot to turn the burner completely off when I went to pick up new hubby - the house smelled horrible for days. I also have had a lot of "luck" with my green beans. I've burned more quarts of home canned green beans than I will even admit to. Just last month I broke the glass top on my oven. Yesterday...I burned brocolli - now that really was stinky. I've been doing this for over 43 years now. I guess I'll probably have a few more accidents - probably next week!

  31. yo la sigo pero soy una "merodeadora",me encanto la palabra,y como hoy es reflexión ,usted no necesita que le diga lo increíblemente talentosa que es ,porque lo ES,pero sus seguidoras son muy divertidas ,a mi ,solo se me quema la comida ,pero a ellas LES PASA TODO!!!

  32. I once put ginger biscuits in the microwave to 'soften' them to make tart cases and they caught fire after two minutes, luckily I was watching the microwave!

  33. My son decided to add the hottest sauce he could find to a chicken breast and throw it in a grill pan. We had to open up the house and run outside in the middle of the winter because the fumes were overpowering!

  34. Shirley said:
    One time I was heating up a hot dog on a paper plate and messed the time up. When I went to get it out it was stuck to the plate and was hard as bricks. I thought it would look great painted and hung on a wall. (Ha-Ha)

  35. Oh where to begin. There was that time in the early 90's when I got my first own microwave and decided to thaw some hamburger in it...then promptly got sidetracked and forgot I'd put it in there. I didn't use the microwave often, and the window to see into it was below my eyeline. The days rolled by and I started noticing a terrible smell in my kitchen. I checked the trash...nope. Disposal? Nope. Fridge? Nope. Sniff, sniff, sniff...puzzled, I followed my nose to the back of my microwave, where the vents were. Having truly and completely forgotten about the hamburger, I curiously (and stupidly) opened up the microwave door...

    I threw out the entire microwave, it was seriously THAT bad. It took me several days until I could clear the smell from my nose, let alone the apartment. To this day I do not put anything in the microwave that I do not intend to cook through until it's done!

  36. Wow! I've had several mishaps in the kitchen but the worst by far was when I was trying to multi-task. I had a brand new stove that I bought on a 12-month same as cash deal and hadn't even made the first payment. I was doing some tea staining on dolls in a plastic container that was on the stove. I put a pot of water on to boil, ran back to my sewing room to re-hoop and start my embroidery machine again and got side-tracked. I walked out of my sewing room a few minutes later and I could see flames coming from my kitchen. I ran back in there and saw that I turned the burner on under the plastic container instead of the pot of water. I melted my brand new stove that I hadn't even paid for yet!!! I called my hubbie at work and started crying when I told him what I had done. I just knew he was going to be really mad but instead he just said that accidents happen and don't worry. He ordered parts and fixed the stove. I live out in the country in a very old frame house so I was just very thankful to God that He sent me back to the kitchen before the house went up in flames.


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