
Monday, February 13, 2012

Pinterest Help...How to Pin and Repin

Pin It

Pinterest is "the" place lately, but many of you have so many questions about it. Pinterest is a virtual cork board where you can save photos and links to things you see on the Internet.

Click HERE to see my Pinterest boards for an example.

The main question from most of you has been...How do I PIN or REPIN? They are the same, but different. Lol !!

Let's cover them separately with "PINNING" first.

To "PIN" something from a website, you need the "Pin It" button on your computer's toolbar.

See mine circled in red?

To add the "pin it" button to your toolbar, go to...
  • your dashboard
  • click "about"
  • then click "pin it button"

It's under the Goodies section. The instructions are easy and there is also a video.

When you have the "PIN IT" button on your computer's toolbar, you can now "pin" anything from a website.

For example...

You are on the HGTV website and see a beautiful kitchen. You want to use some of the ideas from that kitchen when you redo your own home some day. When you are on that website, go to the "pin it" button at the top of your toolbar and click it.

Pinterest will bring up all the photos from that website. You pick one photo that you want for your pin board and follow the instructions. Easy Peasy!

Now how to "REPIN"...

When you are on your dashboard and want to start browsing...

Click the red "PINTEREST" word in the upper center.

First things that come up are the pinners that you are following and all the things that they have pinned.

The next section is "EVERYTHING" and that is, well, everything that everyone has pinned at that very moment.

If you want to break it down even further, click "EVERYTHING" and a drop down menu will come up with categories like DIY and CRAFTS.

Now to "REPIN"...

Move your mouse cursor over a picture that you want to repin. You can now pick "REPIN", "LIKE", or "COMMENT". You can do any or all of those three things.

When you click "REPIN" another screen will appear that has all your boards to select from. You can also place your cursor in the description box and change what the previous person has written or keep it...either way is fine. Click the red "Pin It" button. Done!

If you have repinned or pinned something that you don't have a board for, simple scroll down to the bottom of that boards menu and you can CREATE a new one.

I hope this helps. I will be setting up a Pinterest help page at the top of my blog, but for now you can find them under the labels section under Pinterest. (by the way, I have no affliation with Pinterest...just love it!!)

Have a great time pinning,


  1. And let's not forget that when pinning something for the first time, it's SO helpful if one pins from the direct link page/blog entry. So frustrating to find a pin for an awesome project but have the pin go to the home page of the site/blog and have to hunt forever to find it!

  2. Ditto to what Leigh said!

    If you're going to pin something from a blog, make sure you are on that specific post FIRST ~ before pinning!

    If you don't, finding that recipe-DIY project-tutorial-whatever means having to scan through days, weeks, months, years of blog posts. (You might find something interesting along the way, but you'll waste a lot of time trying to find the "whatever" you were looking for.)

  3. Thanks, Karen! I just joined Pinterest (yes, I finally caved) last week. This was very helpful!

  4. Thank you for the fab instructions! Having been on Pinterest for a while still was not quite sure what I was doing!!

  5. My do you pin from an iPad?

  6. Do you knw how to remove aomething you have pinned to one of your Boards?

  7. I just have to add that if you are new to Pinterest, pin some things before you start "following" other pinners. If you "follow" someone before you have any pins, that person cannot follow you back because you have no pins, or worse, no boards at all. Thanks for this great tutorial, and thanks to all the other commenters who also left great Pinterest tips. Happy Pinning! (jen hagan on Pinterest)

  8. Thanks so much for guiding 'the challenged' few!
    I too would like to know how to bookmark the Pin on my iPad

  9. ...and Karen is fun to follow on Pinterest, she pins some great stuff!!

  10. Well if only it was this easy!!!! Apparently you have to ask for an 'invite' first. And when they get around to sending the invite, then and only then can you actually pin anything. I've got the Pin It Button on my toolbar, but, it still doesn't let me pin - not without the invite!

  11. I'm finding lately that it's hard to find the original "pin." I always try to pin from the original so everyone knows where it came from. It seems like Pinterest is doing things a little differently now.

  12. Have you ever done something like this about Flickr? I am not a blogger but want to create a Flickr photostream without having to invite everyone individually, I am not understanding some of the lingo, a bit frustrated with it.

  13. Just wanted to mention something that I have never seen documented anywhere, I accidentally discovered it... If you are on a site you can select some text (like the title) then press "Pin It" and that selected text will populate the description field. I LOVE THAT because my least favorite thing is typing the description!

  14. Thank you. Thank you! I have become addicated to Pinterest and wondered to create a pin if I saw something wonderful elsewhere. Thanks, too, to the other commentors for their suggestions. I think I spend more time on Pinterest getting creative ideas than I do actually creating lately.
    Would you do a tutoral on how to create an original pin such as if we made something and want to share it or to recommend a book, whatever? I would appreciate that.

  15. I've been wanting to try pintrest for a few weeks since my friend invited me... but felt overwhelmed. Thanks for giving me the courage to jump in!

  16. I try to always find the actual instructions, photos whatever to Pin from and sometimes my ADD gets the best of me, I get so engrossed in everything I see, I forget that one really cool thing I came looking for...also, I created a blog thanks to reading Sew Many Ways, and post photos and instructions then Pin from there. It's fast easy and FREE so, why not showcase your creative side? :) Thank You


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