
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thoughts on Thursdays...

Toilet paper on the the paper over from the top or from under? Mine has to be over! Has to be.


You know "Thoughts on Thursday" can be about any thing...crazy or not!

Have a great Thursday,


  1. over indeed and yes I have changed them if found otherwise, regardless of whose bathroom it might be :S

  2. Over always!!! lol
    Hugs from Brasil!

  3. As long as someone remembers to replace the roll once they use one up, I don't care which direction it is going :)

  4. You're so funny, Karen! Under, for sure. It's easier to pull down than to pull up.

  5. Over. My dispensers have those things that hang down and touch the rolls (do you know what I'm talking about? they're attached to the top of the dispenser, and the other end touches the roll to keep it from moving too fast) so if you have them going under it's nigh impossible to get any paper.

  6. It had been over...but we finally put the heat register into the remodeled bathroom (it didn't have it for two years...there's still no trim:)) and it's a small bathroom, so the register is near the toliet paper. So now, the toilet paper goes under so the air doesn't unroll it!

  7. My mother taught me that under was it hangs next to the wall and out of sight...

  8. Apparently, according to the manufacturers, 'over' is male and 'under' is female. But I am definitely an over girl, and always have been!!

    Q- how many men does it take to change a toilet roll?

    A- science has no evidence of any men ever changing the roll!!

    blessings x

  9. Under, for sure. I've noticed that a few guests have switched it from time to time.

  10. I'm an over girl too, easier to find the end that way I think.
    I once told my hubby I prefer the paper to come over the top and he looked at me like I was a nutter. He said he thought he knew every thing about me, but he had learned something new that day! Gotta keep them on their toes!
    For the record he doesn't care which was the paper hangs, as long as it's there.

  11. Heh, I think it is funny that the reason Tins and Treasures mom gave for wanting it under is exactly the reason that I (and a few others I see) want it over - she wants it to be under and invisible, I want it to be over so I can see it. Hee!

    Recently in one of our two bathrooms I've started hanging it under because the cat has figured out how to unroll it if it is over. She hasn't made the connection to the other bathroom yet, so I've got one of each.

  12. Most definitely under!!! So much easier to tear that way. Same with paper towels - lol!

  13. Ever since I found my kids in the bathroom having a BLAST hitting the roll watching it unroll over and over and over again.. it has become an under roll. I ran a daycare for 9 years. When they hit the roll that way it just spins, it doesn't unroll :)

  14. It has to be over! I do housekeeping work, and you have to have the roll over in order to form the triangle for the next guest. =) It totally annoys me when the roll is under...over over over. =)

  15. Over for sure with a nice point folded on the end .

  16. Over is easier to find the end and use definitely. No nice triangles in my house, honestly I don't think of that when I'm using the toilet, and when I'm done I am thinking about what needs to be done next.

  17. well, I use to do under...but, after 37 years of marriage and a hubby who kept changing my "under"...I've given up (well, in that one


  18. absolutely over! My husband ALWAYS does under and it drives me up a wall!!!!!

  19. I'm definitely on top!! :o)

  20. over for sure. I even change them in people's homes or public restrooms!

  21. Over! And if anyone puts it on the other way, I change it! LOL

  22. OVER!!! It's easier for me to find the end when I have to make a midnight potty stop with my eyes still closed! ;0)

  23. Well, of course it's over! Except at my MIL's house, where the cat loves to unroll an entire roll before anyone can catch her. My MIL's solution was to put the roll in the cabinet, without any regard for guests trying to use the bathroom! I put the roll on 'backwards' and showed her how the cat can play and play, and never unroll it! Sheesh! But that would be the ONLY time it should go on 'under'! And I'm with Desi....I've 'fixed' them at other places too! LOL

  24. I am an 'over' person, my husband is an 'under' guy. However, I read somewhere that 'under' uses less paper, especially with potty training toddlers. I have found it to be true. So, we are now an 'under' family!

  25. Looks like the "over" people have it but I definitely like it under. I just think it looks tidier.

  26. Over, most definitely!!! And when you can see we're running low on the roll, for goodness sakes, get a new roll out and put it within arms reach. Please. I'm just sayin...

  27. It has to be over the top. I've changed toilet paper rolls at restaurants, etc. before. Our bathroom is actually "on the counter" because there isn't a toilet paper holder and I'm OK with that.

  28. My husband and I had this debate when we got married. He grew up with it over and I grew up with it under. I gave in because it really wasn't a big deal to me, I've adjusted well...ha ha.

  29. Over. Everyone (except my husband) knows this.

  30. I am the point I don't care which way it goes, I am thrilled when someone else hangs it up!

  31. Over. Under. Doesn't really matter as long as it's there when needed!


  32. I never used to think I was OCD, but as i get older I find there are a very select few things that make me twitchy..and this is one of them. it's got to be over (I've been known to turn them around as well).

  33. Mine's over, that way you don't touch the wall when retriving it.
    Clean wall no germs.

  34. That was suppose to be retrieving it.

  35. Who cares, as long as it's where it's needed. Life's too short to worry about TP.

  36. Over?? Only if I want my cats to unroll the entire thing - and they will! I kid you not. Although it is at first funny to come home and find TP strewn across the entire house with a pile under the roll, its not that funny to do it again!

  37. I don't care as long as it is put ON the roller!

  38. Since my son loved to hit the tp roll and unroll it I have been putting it under no more piles of tp. It is still my habit!

  39. Over works for me. I dislike under and like the 2nd poster change it wherever I am.

  40. over, except for when the grandcat visits. :)

  41. Over, for me. I once had a cat who would grab any hanging down paper and run in circles throughout the house leaving a paper trail. This only happened when the paper was under. Therefore, over for me!

  42. Gotta be over so you can see it when needed:)

  43. From the top of course :-) You are Funny!

  44. Over, Over, OVER!! When my first born son stops over he likes to turn the tp under. He knows this makes me nutty!

  45. Over, Now have you ever turned it around in someone's elses house?

  46. Has to be over, like a waterfall I tell my husband. He still gets it wrong.

  47. Over, otherwise the little designs are upside down!

  48. I prefer "over", but if the roll is put on that way, the cat unrolls it! For some reason unknown to me, if it's put on "under", she leaves it alone! Go figure.

  49. Over!!! Now I am on my way to inspect rolls are on, correctly.
    Have a great DAY!

  50. Definitely "over" except for our master bath. The cat sits on the toilet lid and likes to play with the paper, so we had to turn it to an "under".

  51. Funny, most are saying over except where a cat or children are involved. For some strange reason my Master bath doesn't have a built in holder, we moved in Feb, so I have a little cabinet in the toilet closet that the paper sits on top of right now, so mine is sideways, which is good as my Pugs love to tear the stuff up.

  52. Over! I have always been that way. If anyone in the house has it under I have to fix it. Its just easier to roll that way!!!

  53. I prefer to have it over, then it does not seem to end up on the floor, but I am not so picky as to change it if someone else has taken the tie to put a new roll least it was not me, as I normally just find the new roll just sitting on the tub...

  54. Over for me, thankyouverymuch.

    A strange thing to remember, but I recall Johnny Carson discussing this with Ed McMahon. Ed was an under, Johnny was an over.

    The things that stick with us, eh?

  55. i may be *over the top* on some things, but it's UNDER for me ... and, i if i were to come visit, i would change it to under, also ... LOL LOL LOL ... darlene

  56. Over. My hubby just doesn't get it.... LOL

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  58. Always over.......yes I've changed it in restaurants and at dinner parties. I even folded the tissue in a nice little point just like in a fine hotel.......I'm easily amused.

  59. Over, so you don't have to search for the beginning...I wouldn't change this if I was a guest, but in my house, over rules!

    Are you going to tally the responses and be all scientific?

  60. Oh my gosh, OVER!!! I am a freak about it and I will change it ANYWHERE I go.

    Haha how neurotic am I? Seriously I get so frustrated when I can't find the end!

  61. over, unless the mr has changed it then it will be put right pretty quick :))

  62. mine abolutely has to be over..or heads roll lol

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