
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Would Love It If You Could Vote...

Hi Everyone...we have exciting news in our family. My 8 year old niece, Lindsey, has made it to the finals of the nationwide contest for Doodle 4 Google. Woo Hoo for Lindsey!!

Doodle 4 Google is a competition for K-12 students to draw and redesign Google’s homepage logo for the world to see.  One winner will receive a $15,000 college scholarship and $25,000 technology grant for their school.  For more info, see the Doodle 4 Google's Home page here.

The theme for the competition is "what I'd like to do someday".

The artwork below is what Lindsey drew for the competition. She wants to be an artist in the future and she is certainly on her way...Great job Lindsey!!

Lindsey is one of 40 nation wide finalist in 4 age groups. She was chosen out of 107,000 entries. She is in the age group K-3 and her artwork is in Region 1...Lindsey Coffua from Connecticut.

The voting starts now through May 13th. She has already won a trip to the Google office in New York for the awards ceremony on May 19th and her artwork will be in the Whitney Museum.

If you could just take a moment and click HERE to view her artwork and click the "Vote for this Doodle" button, you would make one little girl very happy (and one auntie too!!)

Thanks so much for taking the time to help,


  1. That is so wonderful, she did a beautiful job on hers, definitely an artist in the making.


  2. I like it! And...I voted for her. I wish her the best of luck.

  3. I'm off to vote now , good luck Lindsey !

  4. She is 8!! Wow! I did vote. Good luck sweetie!

  5. Karen I voted! Please let Lindsey know that hers was the cutest. Let us know how she made out...

  6. I've just voted. Lindsey has done a terrific job!

  7. Well I have to say, of the ones I looked at (after I voted for Lindsey), her's is very 'easy' to read and understand. It says a lot.. Good Luck, Lindsey.

  8. I just heard about this on the radio today - very cool! Congrats for (her) being a finalist!!


  9. How could I NOT vote for this budding artist!! Well done, Lindsey!! You are going to be famous one day! Good luck!

  10. I voted, and in all honesty, your niece did have the best one for her age group ... congratulations!!

  11. I voted, Karen! I looked at the others and Lindsey's really was the best in her category. She's really good for an eight year old and I like what she said. When the results come out, please let us know.

  12. good luck Lindsey! You got my vote!

  13. Great work! I voted for Lindsay and I had a look at the other age groups. Wow! What an amazing bunch of kids!

  14. Voted. She has done really well!

  15. I voted for Lindsey, hers was by far the best in her category! Good luck!!

  16. I had no problems voting because it really is my fav! Artistry obviously runs in the family! Good luck Lindsey.

  17. What a wonderful opportunity for your niece! She's got my vote. Always glad to help out a little acheive their dreams:)

  18. Voted. Congratulations and good luck to Lindsey.

  19. I am voting as soon as I finish this sentence!

  20. Wow!! She did a great job and I voted for her!! My 8 yr old daughter likes to draw and color (among other things) but your niece has some definite talent. How exciting for her about going to the awards ceremony and the Whitney Museum!! She will never forget this experience. Good luck!!

  21. Vote cast! Good luck to your niece! What a fantastic design!

  22. I voted. Wow, there were some wonderful entries in all the age ranges.

  23. I voted! Ended up voting for each age category! Wish her my best....she is talented.

  24. I voted for Lindsey. She is very creative. We have a little artist in our family too, my 7 year old granddaughter. She is in the first grade. A water color of a sunset that she painted at school was selected to be on display at the Frist Museum. We attended a reception in her honor (as well as other young artist) at the museum with our Mayor last month. She was thrilled beyond belief.

  25. Oh, that is so great! love her google design. I saw something on world news about this competition.Off to vote!

  26. I voted, I hope she wins, hers is one of the best!!

  27. I cast my vote for Lindsey - great job.

  28. I voted too! How could I not vote for such a great piece of art AND done by an artist with the same name as the place I live!!

  29. I voted - honestly they were all very creative but I think Lindsey's was the best.

    And this morning the Harbor Freight sale flier finally got opened up. I swear after reading through the past Tool Time Tuesdays I have a shopping list. Thanks.... no really.

  30. Voted and wishing Lindsey the best of luck. To be that young and that focused - well all I can say is "Lindsey, You go Girl!"

  31. I voted for her 5 times, is that bad? She really was 5 times better than any of the others.

  32. She got my vote (sss). And speaking as an Elementary school teacher of 23 years and an art major...THAT ONE HAS TALENT...8 YEARS OLD..oh yes she does have talent. I hope her school is meeting those needs. The arts are often neglected!


  33. My vote is in--best of luck, Lindsey!!

  34. Great job Lindsey. You've got my vote.

  35. I just voted! She is awesome. Good luck Lindsey!

  36. Voted! And what a wonderful sketch it is.

  37. Good Luck Lindsey!
    I love your drawing you did a really great job.
    Of course I will vote for you.
    Keep up the good work.
    Keep us posted
    Prim Blessings

  38. Just voited.
    Cute design, by the way.

  39. I voted and love the picture. She did a fab picture.

  40. Good job to Lindsey! She has my vote, best of luck.

  41. You post so many neat projects on your blog, how can I say no? Love Lindsey's art work!

  42. I voted for Lindsey's drawing. Hope she wins!

  43. Good luck Lindsey! You did a great job and you received my vote!

  44. Keep up the great work Lindsey! I voted for your drawing--it's the best!

  45. Karen, I voted for your niece. Hope she wins!

  46. I love it she did a great job!! I voted fingers crossed for her!

  47. What a coincidence--I voted this morning--and it was for your niece! I felt that hers was the best in her age group. I also liked her written comment. Congratulations, you have a very talented niece

  48. Your Lindsey is very talented already! Just checked out all the other entries, too, and those kids are all talented! What a great contest! Of course, I voted for Lindsey! :o)

  49. Tell Lindsay it was wonderful. I voted for her.

  50. I've already voted, and good luck :)

  51. Aunties rule! I voted. Best of luck to Lindsey. She is very talented.

  52. I love it!! She did a great job and doesn't live far from here. A wonderful aunt and wonderful artist!! I voted for her!

  53. Thanks for posting about this! Happy to vote for her. Loved her design:)

  54. Just wanted to let you know I voted for Lindsey. She is a very talented artist and I liked her's the best. You must be very proud.
    Good job, Lindsey!!

  55. I voted (a few days ago)! Good luck!


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