
Friday, October 22, 2010

Friends on Friday...You Had Me At Bonjour

I haven't had a Friends on Friday post in a long while. In the past, on Fridays, I've shared a wonderful new blog I've found, a friend's project or a beautiful photo. Well, today I am sharing all of that and more in just one blog. Welcome to...

This unbelievable blog belongs to Kirsty. She is an Australian, living in the south of France and is sharing a bit of her beautiful life with us through her blog. With her permission, I have taken some photos from her blog. You will be transported to France in a heart beat. Seriously...her photos should be in a magazine. Better yet, maybe I should go visit her and see for myself how beautiful the south of France really is LOL !! Pour yourself a cup of tea and enjoy...

This first picture is the view on her walk home.

This is a picture of her childrens' playhouse in the back's like a fairy tale.

These vineyards are just a short walk from her home...

Just perfect!

and these are from her yard...cherries


made into fig jam.

and this is her lunch...Oh Kirsty, I think my plane to France leaves in an hour and it's only a 6 hour flight!

The bakery in her village...

from the bakery to this...yum!

Ok, I would die if I lived there...look at this. I'm speechless!
Just look at this is lavender in her yard.

The next few photos are from weekend trips in France. The colors are breath taking.

and by the way...she's crafty as all heck!
This is a quilt she made for her brand new nephew.

This is her cathedral quilt she's working on...

A beautiful pillow she made.

Look at this detail. I would never use it, it's so pretty.

and this is adorable.

This was a plain paper lantern turned into a cutie...I might also mention this was her first time using a glue gun. What??? First time...I bet she hasn't put it down yet. Those little things are priceless!

I just love finding a new blog and most importantly...a new friend. So hop on over to You Had Me At Bonjour and click that follow button. You will not be disappointed.

Thanks Kirsty, for allowing me to use your photos...I think I took too many, but I couldn't help myself.

Take care,


  1. How cool, going to check her out! Thank you for sharing!

  2. WOW......what a beautiful place to live!!! How about I go with you over there? I think it's unwise for a female to travel alone.....would be better if two of us went!

  3. Thanks for that site, just beautiful! She is so talented and what a way to live! If you need a flying partner, I am good to go! Karen

  4. Wow - what a blog! I could cash in some of my hubby's frequent flyer miles and be there tomorrow. Thanks for the virtual vacation- LOL!

  5. Karen, gracias por presentarnos el blog de Kristy, las fotos son muy bonitas. Pasaré a hacerle una visita. un besot

  6. GORGEOUS!! what a dreamy place to live - some girls have all the luck ;)

  7. Thanks for sharing, This was inspiring on an early Saturday Morning.

  8. Thanks Karen. I loved her site and am now following it.


  9. Grazie per le belle foto!
    E' fortunata la tua amica a vivere in un posto così bello.

  10. Thanks for sharing Karen, beautiful photos.
    She is a very talented girl. ":O)

  11. Hi Karen!

    We live in Brittany, N W France, and think that it's just as pretty as the South - we may not have as much sunshine, but we certainly have lots of lovely scenery :-)

    Luv.............Ann J

  12. What a lovely setting she lives in!
    She is quite talented!

  13. Isn't blogland wonderful! I love to travel...and looking at her pictures is a virtual travel for me! :) Thanks for sharing!

  14. that is a lovely blog and a very creative person as well.

    Gill in Canada

  15. Wonderful blog, I can see why my daughter and her husband have a vacation in France every summer. Thanks for sharing. Pam in VA

  16. Love everything! The cathedral window and the bunting lampshade especially! xxxxx


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