
Friday, September 10, 2010

Pressing Board Into A Lap Desk...

Hi Everyone...I was cleaning out the nightmare of a mess I have going on in my sewing room/office and I came across this cut and press board. I don't use it much anymore in my sewing room, but it is great to take to a class.

Here's the padded side for ironing

Here's the other hard side for cutting.

Here's what I gave to my husband to use under the computer he uses when he's in my sewing room with me.

Ever since I added that big comfy chair from our bedroom, he's sits with me at night while we're both on the computer or watching TV. Great to have him in here when I'm sewing.

If you have a cut and press board or something like it, use it for a lap desk while you're not using it for sewing. It's the perfect size for a laptop computer.

Off to finish cleaning the mess. I'll have pictures of a few things when I'm done.

See you soon,


  1. Great idea,now I just need a laptop! Ha!

  2. Ooh, am I first?

    This is a great idea Karen, stops your lap getting really hot after a few hours of surfing.

    BTW, I think it is so sweet how your husband comes and sits with you in your sewing room (mine tries to do the same). They know they're onto a good thing!

  3. Good idea! I use mine all the time, but not for that idea. Yours looks so clean whereas mine is really looking well worn.

  4. That is nice that he comes in there to be with you. I will go out of my sewing room and find a cutting project so I can be by my husband.....gets lonesome sometimes.

  5. Clever idea. :o)
    I love the company too. :o) My sewing machine and our computers are all in the same room. :o)
    Your chair is beautiful and looks so comfy.
    I look forward to seeing your project.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Sincerely ~ Tricia

  6. Very clever idea and the cutting side is great for those hot laptops.


  7. That's a great idea. I warped the one I had because I am a heavy steam user (hmm,that sounds a little clinical). Anyway, I envy you having a sewing room big enough to fit such a pretty chair. Mine doubles as a laundry. I take the stitching to the hubby instead.

  8. I can't blame hubby a bit for wanting to sit in that great chair! It's good to have them around once in a while, sometimes they even have good suggestions!

  9. It's a great idea and now you two can both be enjoying the evenings together.

  10. I have one of these set up next to my sewing machine for a mini pressing station. I've never used the cutting side at all though.

    My husband comes into my sewing room often. I love it most of the time. When he starts playing football clips on his laptop with sound though....

  11. Muy buena idea la tabla para el computador y muy buena la compañia de tu marido cuando estás cosiendo. Un besote

  12. Excellent laptop board. I have a shorter version of this board. I'm definitely going shopping for the wider version. Love the multi-purpose you inspired me to try!



  13. I would use one that is ruined....because of the heat some laptops let off it might damage the cutting surface.

  14. Karen, I was just going to say the heat from the computer might warp the cutting mat. My laptop tends to get hot. I left one in the car once and it warped badly. I set it outside on a table in the heat until it warmed up enough to flatten out again. Then I took it back inside and set some heavy books on it to keep it from warping again. This worked well in case you ever have a similar problem.

  15. Hey, you can always decorate it too! Decoupage on the matt side, and cover the cloth side with new fabric. Or has someone already thought of it!

  16. Decorate it, decoupage the matt side, and cover with new fabric on the other. Or has someone thought of that already!


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