
Monday, August 30, 2010

An Empty Nest...

We moved our 2 daughters into their college dorms this weekend...miss them already.



  1. My son started college this fall also, but he is commuting from home..
    and I am so happy about that..

  2. One is hard enough so two out at the same time must be dreadful. My only advice is "keep busy".

  3. Bless your heart .... I know this has to be tough. You are in my thoughts today.
    Sincerely ~ Tricia

  4. It will be awhile before I reach this stage, but I am already dreading it! It is so funny how we spend every waking minute with our kids and it just never seems like enough.

    Embrace the new phase and enjoy your time,

  5. I just love the pictures of your sewing room. You are very fortunate to have such a space - and with a window. I have a sewing room, but not like yours . . . I, too, will be an empty nester in a few weeks. I don't know how I am going to manage that.

  6. Big Hugs, my oldest leaves in 2 years and I am already getting sad about it :(

  7. My eldest is 6 and I already feel it! Starting primary school has set off some pangs in my heart. Hopefully I'll be sick of him by the time university rolls around and I will be pushing him out the door. :)

  8. Next year I send my oldest off to college. Not looking forward to it at all. I know we raise them up to let them go but it doesn't help this Momma's heart any.

  9. I just wanted to let you know that my sister just came across your blog last week and passed it on to me. I am are brillant! I love all your ideas. I am currently in the process of reading all of your old post and I cannot wait to see your future! Thank you for sharing your mind with all of us who might not think outside the box!

  10. I dread the day we drop our 2 daughters off at college. My oldest just started high school. Sniffle. I hope your empty nest doesn't feel too empty.

  11. Hi, Karen. I just dropped off my oldest for his first day of kindergarten. He never went to preschool, so this is the first time I'll be without him for a whole day. My heart goes out to you.

  12. Oh how I know that feeling. You know the two hearts are not beating in the house any longer but just in your chest and mind.

    Unfortunately my introduction to "motherhood" came with that experience several times a year. When I got married 10 years ago, I became a step mother to three lovely girls, 11, 13, and 15. Our home lit up upon their arrival and when they boarded the plane to go home after summers and holidays I could not go back into the house without crying and missing every last dirty cup and pile of clothes. Their heart still beats in my heart and mind....but now they are 21, 23 and 25....and I get to enjoy some of the wonderful places they go and things they do because they come back and share them with me.

    Hang in there and keep a big supply of klenex on hand!!


  13. Oh I remember that day in our house. I couldn't talk about them for a week without tears coming! Hang in there, it gets easier. They're ready to leave the nest, but your nest will always be home.

  14. With my kids, I couldn't wait to get rid of them, lol.
    But when they are not around I miss them;)


  15. I'm sure they miss you and their dad too! Lucky for you, technology can keep them close, and they are smart girls who won't cause you a lot of worry. My youngest wants to move out of state to go to college next spring. We'll miss her bunches!

  16. I know the feeling very well. Hang in there!

  17. GlitzyMe@tampbay.rr.comAugust 30, 2010 at 12:01 PM

    Awwww.....part of being a parent. It will ease in a short wile. Now it's time for you and your hubby again!

  18. My baby just started college last Thursday. He is commuting but he has a pretty full load and I do miss him already. I am very glad that he is able to commute, but in 4 years he hopes to go on to Graduate school and that will be out of town. I hope your girls do well. And Mama too :-)

  19. Karen, I can totally relate as my youngest just moved out in May. It is an adjustment but take the time to enjoy what you love doing now. Have a great week :)

  20. I completely understand. We moved our daughter to college this weekend too. She's our first to leave home. I came home exhasted, got in bed and bawled my eyes out.

  21. Come on, karen!! Cheer up!! Your girls are starting to live a great experience and in a few days they will be back with tons of things to tell you about. In the meantime we are all here for you in case you just need a few words of support. Go shopping...maybe to the hardware store...think you will probably find tons of new things to use for tool time tuesday. Or just go shopping for some beautiful fabric and make something nice for you, just for YOU!!!
    I am sending you a big, strong hug, a bear hug!!

  22. I know that feeling all to well. Keep busy and keep that cell phone nearby because they will call :)

  23. Hi, I just discovered your blog, you have so many neat tutorials. My own daughter starts 7th grade Thursday,so I have 6 more years till college. I'm not looking forward to the empty nest time. I hope to try some of your projects when the weather is cooler & I have some free time.

  24. Oh, I know that feeling. I was an empty nester for a while, then life happened and now I'm waiting to become one again in a few months. It's both sad and relieveing at the same time, isn't it...

  25. One of the exquisite things about being an empty-nester, is being able to see what a *great* job you did, as you watch your grown children pick their path through life. Enjoy that sense of accomplishment! :)

  26. It's nice that they are together and not too far from home. You'll be OK!

  27. Oh I know how you feel! I have two daughters as well. But I'll tell you, while we always will be a parent it is kinda fun having them as best girl friends. I'm enjoying having adult girls! and I'm learning to text more.

    Time to start that BIG project Karen..what do you say?


  28. hardest thing I ever had to do last week leave her in Indiana and drive home...
    I know how you feel
    I am quilting my fingers to the bone trying to keep me busy!
    try it :)

  29. That is a tough milestone, for sure!! Bless you!!!

  30. When I miss my little one (who just started Kindergarten but is gone nearly the entire day) I take it out on my fabric stash, perhaps that will help you too?

  31. Awww sweetie, my heart goes out to you... actually, I've got a tear in my eye!

    I've put the kettle on sweetie... we'll have a cup of tea? How about something sweet to go with it? I'll get out the finest china... :-)

    Thinking of you - lots of love!
    Vikki xx

  32. Oh Karen, my heart goes out to you! I have 3 away including the youngest (this year). The oldest is back at home having graduated from college last year and we couldn't be happier about that. I'm still teary but I know I will find much to occupy my days until they come home for a visit. The "empty nest" is a hard transition for us. The important thing is that they are happy and doing well:) (*HUGS*)

  33. Thank goodness for cell phones, texting and emails (and Facebook if you're into that). You can be in touch when you need a virtual hug.

  34. Awwwh! Sorry, great that they have each other! They will be home before you know it, with laundry!

  35. I hope they are close by each other! You probably will wish for even longer weekends! HUgs!


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