
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sharing on Sunday Give Away #3...Martha, Martha, Martha

This is give away #3 in Sharing on Sunday. As I said in last weeks post...

"Sundays are my day to say thank you to everyone who stops by, leaves a comment, sends me a personal email, forgives me when I don't email back right away or when I'm still trying to catch up, shares a thought, shares a picture, or just peeks in while blogging on the fly. No matter when or how you visit...I'm just happy you came by."

This weeks little giftie is Martha Stewart's book on organizing. I just found this yesterday at a consignment shop for $1.00. I know...double sacrilege...first Martha in a consignment shop and second, only for a dollar. I just had to pick this up. I already have this book (from another consignment find). My is all swollen and wrinkled from the great basement flood we had last fall, but it's still great and I can read it.

So, here is the book up for grabs this week. It looks brand new. The spine and pages don't even have any wrinkles in them. The only thing is a little dog ear fold in the cover on the bottom right. See it down there in the picture? No biggie, because the book is beautiful.

Here are some pictures of the pages. The last one is the copy right date. It's from 2001, but the organizing ideas are timeless.

All you need to do is leave a comment on this post and I'll be back next Sunday night with the winner and then again show off the next week's give away prize.
Ok, this is post #4 for tonight, so I'm officially done...I really I am!
Thanks for always being there,


  1. I bet Martha would love your "Tool Time Tuesdays" on your blog and would love to go shopping at Home Depot with you!! Okay...throw my name in the hat for this one. I could certainly use some organizing tips!!!

  2. What a great book...even if I don't win, it was great to look at the pictures you shared! Can't believe I never heard of this one!

  3. I have never seen this book's looks really interesting...

    We are looking to downsize so this would really help a lot...

  4. Karen, this looks like such a great book. It would be a wonderful to have help when we move into our new home :-) Thanks!

  5. I would LOVE to have this book. I'm a huge Martha fan (and a huge organizing fan...if I could only teach the man to keep up with what I set up )

  6. I think you can never have too many organizing tips! That books looks fabulous!


  7. What a beautiful book, AND a beautiful blog!

  8. What an amazing find! And, how cool that Dawn won the last one! I follow her blog too~

  9. I love Martha. I found one of her first ones at the thrift store, I remember seeing it in a store when it first came out and I drooled over it. She has wonderful ideas that can be such a springboard for inspiration.

  10. I love Martha Stewart! I can't believe you found it for $1!

  11. Wow you are really on a blog-a-thon.... I can always use help in organizing.... and re-organizing.... Have a great week.

  12. Wow, if there is one thing I need, it is organization tips! ;-) It looks like a fun book. Thanks for the chance! :-)

  13. I would love to win this book about organization! I need all the help I can get.

  14. What a great giveaway! I love Martha and I love your blog! Thanks!

  15. What a nice giveaway gift. I enjoy your blog!

  16. I was just about to embark on a redo of my back porch, this book would be an great help! Thanks for the giveaway!

  17. Wow, what a bargain. Good to know though that Martha is going to be recycled and given back to a loving home.
    hugs Deb

  18. Nice book, but where did the years go...

  19. Karen, you are just so generous! I am getting ready to move into a new place across the country and I'm hoping to down-size and stay organized. Some beautiful and functional organization ideas from Martha would really help me out!

  20. Wow! Great pictures, great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

  21. what a great book! I would love to win!

  22. I'm not confused, I'm just disorganized so I need a little help.I think this book will be a BIG help for me.Thanks for a giveaway and all your Tool Time Tuesdays.

  23. Great book, thanks for the giveaway! Greetings from Slovakia :-)

  24. I am actually watching Martha while reading your blog.


  25. Thanks for the great giveaway!!

  26. looks like such a great book, I have been decluttering and organizing our closets and basement these past 2 months...boy could I use this for ideas
    Kathie who is also having a giveaway !!!!

  27. My goodness Karen, what a lot of comments already! I love watching Martha's show, so I know I'll love her book, and trying to be organised is my favourite thing. Here's hoping I'm lucky :-)
    Thank you for sharing on Sunday.

  28. Post Four? Oh goodie.. I've got some more reading! :-)

    Darling I think you should write a book about your studio! You are great with your tips and ideas... hmmm... not just studios... how about a book on TTT? You'd be on everyone's bookshelf for sure! :-)
    Food for thought hey?!!

    Wishing you a happy week ahead!
    Warm wishes and hugs in abundance!

    Vikki xo :-)

  29. great book, just what I need.:)

  30. Great-looking book! I would love for this for the thread rack alone :-)

  31. What a fabulous book, and what a great idea to give something away every week. I love your tool-time Tuesday. It reminds me of a show Iused to watch on DIY Network (I can't recall the name now, because it was years ago, but there was someone who always could transform the mundane into something useful and beautiful).

  32. I found you through Kathie from Inspired by Antique quilts. Really enjoyed my visit here. I will be back!
    ~Joyce in MI

  33. I could really use some organization in my life - sure hope you pick me! Thanks, Karen!

  34. I could probably get organized if I had Martha's staff. However, I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen so maybe the book is the next best thing. Please count me in.

  35. what a find...and for $1...that's an organized person's dream come true!

  36. Wow, I just love Martha! (my hubby gives me a very hard time over Martha) That's such a nice giveaway! I know I could certainly use some organization:)

  37. Great book! Saw it at the library one day but didn't take it out ;then it went missing. Darn!!( or words to that effect)

  38. I have my fingers crossed for this one! Thanks for your generosity yet again!

  39. What a find! I would LOVE this book. Heaven knows I need some organizational HELP!

  40. This book looks wonderful! I think I need to find a copy of it!

  41. Who couldn't use more organization? Count me in - Martha rocks.
    - Danielle
    other-option AT hotmail DOT com

  42. What a great Book! I love to read organizing books. Great give-away and find for $1.00. Laura

  43. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  44. Great find! It is something I could use. Hopefully I don't have too much stuff for her organizing tips. Great giveaway.

    Have a great day.

  45. What a super book with inspiration how to store things, I love to join your great give away! Thnks for organizing this

  46. I love your blog! I made your over-the-door Christmas card displayer this past Christmas and love all your ideas and creativity. Organization is always a challenge for me, so I would love to win this book!

  47. I am currently trying to reclaim my bedrooms, not because the kids have moved out ( I don't have any) but because for months, I've just shoved everything that was in my way into them. This book could well be the serious inspiration I need to continue the quest!

    Love your blog and always check in on Tuesdays for your tool post...Great ideas!
    Anna in IL

  48. Please enter me in your drawing. I always need some ideas for organization! Thanks for the opportunity.
    Kelly Stockstill

  49. So many great ideas to be found in this book, I really like the thread spool holder. If you saw what my studio looks like right now, you would know I need this book!

  50. A very cool book and gosh knows I need some organizing in my sewing room! Thanks Karen once again!

  51. One of these days I'll get organized! Winning this book might just help! I'll have to check back next Sunday to see who won.

  52. What a great book of ideas ! Please include me in your generous giveaway ! Thank you :)

  53. This would be great to have. If all goes well and we don't have a heavy monsoon season this year, I hope to be in our new house by fall and will be organizing a brand new quilt studio. Oh boy, can't wait. But I do need all the help I can get.

  54. I've just discovered your blog and I'm finding the marvelous pictures of your sewing room really helpful as I try to organize mine. Do please throw my name in the hat, and thanks!

  55. Wonderful ideas...please enter me in the giveaway!

  56. I can always use more ideas for organizing, Karen! Great gift!

  57. Organization what's that???? If I win this fantastic book maybe I will find out and get organized....if you only knew how unorganized I am, so my fingers are crossed little prayer said now sit & wait thanks!

  58. Great book. Right now I'm in need of help. I'm usually pretty good with organization, but I'm fresh out of ideas.

  59. Thanks for all the great idea's. I'm always looking for new and better ways to organize my sewing workshop.

  60. Oh yeah, I could use some organizing! Doubt that even Martha could help me though. Love, love your TTT!!!!!

  61. That looks like a good book. I could use the help.

  62. Here's what you have in common with make it all look possible!
    She would love you too!
    Great give away'll cost you more to mail it!
    I'm in...

  63. I just read a review of Martha's book. I'd love to give it a read. Thanks for sharing!

  64. Karen,
    The book is timeless, like you said.
    Who doesn't need organizing ideas!
    Please put my name in the hat.

    Thanks, Karen

  65. I don't sign up for very many give aways but after being in my studio this morning I think I would like this book. Besides, I fit the criteria for winning: I stop by every once in a while )or 4 times when you post a lot. ;-)

  66. There is some serious inspiration in that book! Wowzers!!!

  67. I can't believe I've never seen that book before. Love your ideas! Thanks for sharing them!

  68. You certainly have a lot of fans! That's good to see, since I like your site---glad I'm not the only one!

  69. GlitzyMe@tampabay.rr.comJune 18, 2010 at 12:19 PM

    Hi Karen,
    Love your TTT with canning jars!
    There's just no end to your it!

    Chris in Fl

  70. I'm always surprised and delighted with your blog! You certainly have many creative ideas. Thanks


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