
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tool Time Tuesday...Flexible Tubing

Happy Tuesday! It was very busy here last week. I thought I was going to post sooner about different things, but Tuesday pops up before you know it.
I'm so happy to share this week's TTT with you though.
See this package of plastic tubing below...well, I've had this in my Tool Time idea box forever. I found it in Home Depot (where else, right?) It was super cheap. I think $2.00 for this package of 7 feet. It is split flexible tubing found in the electrical section. It's used to bundle wires to keep them neat. That's the reason why I bought it, because this stuff is so expensive in Staples...$12.00-$15.00 for 6 feet.
Here's a close up of the label. It's already split the length of the tubing and it's very easy to cut the desired length you need with regular scissors.
This one is 1/2" diameter, but they do come in different sizes.
and it's very easy to open up the split.
Here's what I use it for...bundling all those crazy wires behind the computer.

You can also slip it over the handle of shopping bags to keep the bags closed and it also makes it easier to carry without the handles digging into the palm of your know with the weight of all your purchases in there!

Also works if you have 2-3 bags. Just slip all the handles in the tubing and all the bags stay together...

even when you put them down.

These are the only 2 ideas I could think of for this tubing. It would still be in my idea box if it weren't for my new blogging friend Diana from Didiblog. Diana is from Spain and she emailed me a few days ago wanting to share her idea for bobbins that I think is just FABULOUS. It uses this plastic tubing, so she wanted to share it with me for Tool Time Tuesday. Isn't she so sweet for thinking of me. When I saw this idea all I could say was I LOVE IT!! I emailed her and she gave me permission to use all the pictures below from her blog.
Look at this's the best. Just open up the slit in the tubing and slide the bobbins in. Keeps them from unraveling and they don't fall's great for traveling to a class or to a retreat too.

Such a great way to keep them all together and organized.

Look how cute this box is!!

and look at this...It's a bobbin donut!

Her blog is in Spanish, but if I understood it correctly, these are CD's they covered to make this adorable holder. (Oh my gosh, I hope that's right) Love it so much!

Thank you very much Diana for letting me share this wonderful idea with everyone. This is just another reason why I love blogging!
Please go visit Diana's blog Didiblog. Even though you may not understand Spanish, her blog is fantastic and the pictures are explanation enough. Such inspiration!
Have a great Tuesday,


  1. That is a really great idea! Thanks, you two!

  2. Great idea. I like the way you think up alternative uses for products. :)

  3. muy buenas las ideas gracias por compartir

  4. This is so brilliant! Thanks again, I will keep this one!

  5. Hi Karen! I knew your blog just through Didi's. And it's correct, there are two CDs covered with fabric and the upper side is a pincushion. Great!
    Thank to your TTT now I look aaaalllll things with new eyes. Everything could be useful!
    Kisses from Spain.

  6. Great ideas! To translate Diana's wonderful blog you can bring up a Language Tools page from Google, paste the blog address in and click the language you want to translate to.

  7. What a great idea!!!! And so simple!! Thanks for posting in my blog. My friend loved the cd costers I made for her using your tutorial.
    Language tools from Google are great. I use it to read blogs in German, french and other languages, and I am discovering a whole new world.

  8. Hello Karen. Thanks for your kind words.

    The pinkeep is made up of two cd's like you say (I forgot to tell you about it sorry..) but I had a hard time adjusting the tube to the cd's because it tends to make an oval rather than a circle. If I were to make it again I think I would use plain cardboard covered with fabric, it would take far less time and less swearing from my part... :)


  9. BTW I love the idea of using it as a handle to carry bags around. See? I was handling this tube for a week and didn't realise this use! Thanks

  10. Congratulations again on the Brilliant idea Karen!!!

    i don;t know how you come up with so many great ideas! Good job!

    Have a lovely day!

  11. Wow great ideas! Love the bobbin carrier. Thanks for sharing so much creativity.

  12. Wonderful ideas! I will get some soon to cover all those wires under my desk! Love the CD bobbin holder, so cute that it is a pin cushion as well. I can see some cd pin cushions coming.

  13. WONDERFUL IDEAS! YOU SHOULD HAVE YOUR OWN TV SHOW!!!!!!!! Look forward to checking your blog daily to see what's new!

  14. Such a simple idea going in all different directions!!!

  15. You did it again, more fab ideas! Thanks!

  16. I hate looking at all those unsightly wires...thanks so much!!!! Yet again, I am not disappointed....

  17. Great ideas Karen. Thanks. I love
    the shopping bag one too. Keepin'

  18. We have a load of them left from our thank you for this great ideas!

  19. Seems you have a foreign counterpart--how fun! Clever idea, and so inexpensive. I like the handle idea and the bobbin keeper idea. Thanks!

  20. Once again, a great idea. I thought of you this week when I used my tower heater as a maniquin to take a picture of a shirt I had embroidered. I was saying "Wouldn't Karen be proud of me, using something to do something else?"

  21. Such a brilliant idea to store bobbins.thanks for sharing all these wonderful ideas.

  22. hi Karen - mind if I tag you for a quick blog game? Visit my blog for details! Jenn

  23. I hate the wires behind the computer....very clever idea! I'm off to Home Depot to buy a new frig and this is going on my list!

  24. Love the plastic tubing idea. I wish I could get my hubby to use those. We have too many computers in the house, what a wiring nightmare. LOL
    Also love Diana's idea for the bobbin holders.
    Thanks for sharing yet again.

  25. Love how stuff in the hardware section works so well in the sewing room.
    Thanks for sharing now I have an idea for some of the little boxes that I just can't throw out.

  26. Loved this post! I am on brain overload right now!

  27. Great ideas you have got here. Never really thought about those ideas. They are very useful. I like the one for the crazy wires behind the computer. That has been my problem too and i find it really annoying, all these wires. That will make a great way to organize all those wires. Thanks for these awesome ideas. Never thought that a flexible tubing can be so useful in keeping some stuff organized.


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