
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tool Time Tuesday...Car Caddy

This weeks TTT is from the automotive section again and your recycling bin. I made this in honor of our trip to Disney. I am actually typing this Friday morning at 2:00 am. Just finished all the packing and last minutes things and wanted to have this post all ready for Tuesday. Miss a TTT...never!
This little cutie is great for anyone who likes to do hand work in the car. It will hold all the essentials and more. I just finished sewing this Thursday night before we left so I could use it on our trip. When I get back, I will put together a tutorial for you. (Edit: I added the link to the tutorial at the end) For now here are a few pictures I took before we left. ( I even used our suitcase to display it on!)
You will need one plastic cup holder. This is the kind that hooks onto the door next to the window. I saw a 4 pack of these in the Walmart auto section for $1.98. You will also need one metal can that fits your particular holder. (Mine is a pineapple can!)

You could have a taller can if you'd like, but this is what fit my holder.

Once you have the tutorial, you can sew one of these. Isn't she sweet? This one is made with the cutest fabric. The blue and red is "Fun with Feedsacks" by Glenna Hailey from P&B Textiles and the red is from RJR "The Roaring 20's and Beyond" by Betsey Telford.

I sewed little individual pockets to hold seam ripper, scissors, glasses, ruler, pens or pencils.

The inside of the can is lined around the sides and it will hold your spools of thread. If you're wearing your thread necklace from a previous TTT, this inside space will hold a bottle of water. I'm going to use this part for all my hexagons that I will be sewing on the way down. Don't forget the pincushion that's tied to the hook for all your pins and needles!!!

and now, this is how it looks in the car. It's already for me sew the time away.

I hope you enjoyed this edition of TTT. I really love trying to come up with fun things to make and share. What I really love are friends like you who leave such nice comments and encouraging words. Thanks a million!
Here's the link to the tutorial I put together. Click HERE and it will bring you right to it.
Talk to you soon,


  1. What a great idea (as always)! It's just perfect for a car trip!

  2. Karen - we can have this without being in the car. What better way to do it in front of the tv (but we need to find sthing to hang it to.

    The SCISSORS - better have it point the other way around. It looks so damn dangerous - even without kids.

    1. Zarina, Agree about scissors.. she put display to let you what it is .. but she will put scissors updown.


    2. Karen, you should know that the reason I came to your site is that someone who had JUST found it on Pinterest wrote a glowing report on what could be found here, and it was absolutely justified. Like the writer, I have spent a lot of time since I found it just poking around. You're a creative genius. I find that my mind doesn't work so well looking at found item and thinking of alternate uses like yours does. I find an object I like and think of ways to achieve that with materials I have on hand. Yours is by far the better way. Jax

  3. OH. MY. GOSH!
    That is so GREAT Karen!!


  4. That's sooo sweet, Karen! I love it!!! I thank you for sharing all these great ideas with us! Have a lovely and creative week!

  5. oh my goodness! SOOO SMART! I just came across your blog recently and I just LOVE it!You are my kind of gal! :)

    Thanks for sharing all your wonderful ideas!

  6. I love this week's idea! What a creative little travel kit! Great job!

  7. That's really very clever! Pity I can't sew in the car...

  8. Wonderful idea....but I can't sew or even read in the car. Got something for that? LOL

  9. I can't sew or read in the car either but I know what I'm going to do with mine! Hang it over the side of my lawn chair while I'm stitching out on my deck, patio or beside my imaginary pool this summer.

    bring on the tutorial, Karen. It'll be ready just in time for outdoor grilling and stitching!

    Have a safe trip home!

  10. This is an awesome idea. I will be making one.

  11. oh my goooooodness! how creative is that!! you have inspired me to post old articles I use to write for a online newletter called nine patch news. I use to work at the big orange box and my articles related to the quilter and using the home improvement store as a source for sewing room equipment.
    thanks for your work! (muah) liz

  12. great idea except for the scissors - I know we don't plan to be in a car accident but if we were those scissors might become a dangerous thing. I use the little necklace thingy to cut threads.

  13. loving this! I'm always the one driving (one of the downsides of single parenting) but I'm thinking how I can turn this into a little art carrier for the little people in the back seat. So clever! I am always so amazed with what the blogging world comes up with- what will your TTT be next??

  14. I love it Karen and look forward to your tutorial.

  15. You never cease to amaze me! This is soooo clever! and I'm sure it could have many uses can't wait for the tutorial.

  16. I know I need one of these. And its so cute to boot! Thanks so much for sharing your terrific ideas.

  17. This is one of the best idea's I've seen in a while. Do you mind if I put a link to this on my blog?

  18. This is so, so cool & so handy! I love this.

    You are so wonderfully creative!...

  19. I just got your package!!! THANK YOU! I can't wait to use my necklace...and I'll be blogging about your wonderful gift first thing in the morning!!! Hope you're having a wonderful time!

  20. I am glad Mel sent me over to your blog. I just signed on as a follower and will be looking forward to the tutorial for this great little item. (I want to look back at some of your other "tools", also.)

  21. I love checking out your blog to see the next great quilting/sewing gagets that I may need for my sewing room too!!

  22. Karen, this is the cutest and great idea that I've seen. Thank you and can't wait for the tutorial. I'm always dropping things when I sew in the car.
    Have fun this week,

  23. Karen, I had to come back and tell you I made one of your little sewing car caddies and am so happy with it. I just love it. Thank you so much for all your wonderful ideas.

  24. Wow! Thanks Karen for such a simple, never-thought-of idea. I love stitching in the car because I can still carry on a conversation with my husband and still get something done. Awesome idea!!

  25. This is great! I hate riding in a car and always have a project to work on. Now I will have a nice way to store and organize my supplies. Thanks for posting this!

  26. Cute, cute, cute and did I mention cute. Wonderful idea.

  27. You are "sew" clever. I love your blog and it has become a favorite for me. Have a safe trip.

  28. Boy I'm so happy to have found your blog what a terrific idea keep them coming & hope your trip was "GREAT" thanks

  29. Oh, my goodness! This is such a great idea! I can't wait for the tutorial...

  30. That is such a great idea! I can't wait to see the pattern! Thanks for sharing!

  31. Great job!! you clever gal you. Love it, so now when I talk on my cell phone, text, and take pics I can also sew!! WOOHOO

  32. This is GREAT!!! I am always trying to sew in the car while running around with the kids - I can't wait to try this. I really like this Tool Time Tuesday-you are very creative. Thanks for the wonderful ideas.

    Elizabeth M.

  33. You have done it again!!!! I can't wait to whip one of these up. So clever :-)!

  34. I can't sew in the car but what a wonderful idea for those of you who do.

  35. Hi Karen! :-)

    This little beaut has been on my 'to-do' list for a few months now... and today I went out and purchased the fabric to make it!

    My friend has just bought a camper trailer, so she and her hubby will be travelling a lot, and it will be perfect for her. So it will become part of her birthday gift.

    Thank you so much for all of your wonderful ideas and inspiration! And thank you also for sharing it with us all!

    Vikki :-) xx

  36. Sorry karen... I am back again! Could you please point me in the right direction for the tutorial? I'm happy to purchase it :-) It is probably right before my eyes and I can't see for looking! That wouldn't be a first!!! :-)

    Kind regards!

  37. What a great idea! I'm always taking some sort of project in the car and forever dropping my needles or scissors in the floor or between the seats! Thanks for sharing!!

  38. Great idea - makes me wish I had a driver!!! Please do me a favor though... Will you put a guard on those scissors. Mine came with one, but if yours didn't - or you lost it - maybe a knitting needle guard would work. Love your ideas.

  39. Another great idea! I always hand sew in the car, even on shorts trips around town. This will work perfectly for me. Maybe I'll make 2 of just for containing all my thread and fabric snippings. I would certainly be able to fill up the pockets on both. Thank you!!

  40. just found your blog! it is wonderful! fantastic ideas! please point me in the direction of the tut for this. this would be a great gift for my quilt friends. and of course for me too! thanks again! now I will become a follower...


  41. Wow, I just found your site and Thank you. I love it. We went on a treasure hunt at the thrift store and found 12 cup holders for 5$. I can not wait to make these for Myself, Family and friends. My 84 year old MIL is so excited to help me make these she is sure they will be the hit at our Christmas in July party at our house. Thanks again.

  42. This is awesome. I love it. I can't do handiwork in the car for getting carsick. But I can see this in the bottom of my quilt bag at a dr.s office or anywhere you have waiting to be done. Thank you so much for sharing.

  43. Wow, that's outside the box for real! I love it, and I'm bookmarking your blog so I can see more of TTT!

  44. Love the idea! But I haven't see those Cut holders in years, where can you get them?


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