
Friday, April 24, 2009

Friends on Friday...

First off, I want to say woo hoo for sunshine today. We've had rain here for over a week!!
Today is Friday and that means Friends on I like to post all of the wonderful ideas that my super blogging friends have for other things to do with the Tool Time Tuesday posts.
First up...the sewing car caddy post.
Kaaren from The Painted Quilt thought to hang it on the arm of her lawn chair while stitching on her deck or patio. What a great idea!!! I took a picture of mine hanging from a rocker on our porch. The arm is a little wide, but it worked towards the back. Thanks Kaaren!

This super idea came from Christine from Home with Christine. She wants to use it for an art carrier for her children in the back seat. Below I've just added some crayons and colored pencils. In the can, just add blank paper or cut out coloring book pages. I love this idea!!! Thanks Christine!
The last Tool Time Tuesday post was for the cd case.
Dotti from Apples, Quilts and More said she wanted to use it to organize school supplies. Love it!! I just added some things from our office just to show that you can have a mini office in your car or purse...just added post it notes, index cards and all the other goodies.

These super ladies have inspired me to keep on thinking. How about a little case for the car or your purse for your hexagons and Grandmother's Flower Garden quilts.
scissors , needles and thread necklace and a flower in progress.

Hexies waiting to be sewn into flowers.

hexie papers and some waiting to be whip stitched.

Then how about a little first aid kit for the car!!

you can add your own cold medicine or Tums etc...

The theme of all my Tool Time Tuesday post is to think outside the box when shopping in different stores. That's what Kathie from Inspired by Antique Quilts did when she was in the automotive section. She buys detailing tape that they use to paint on the thin lines on the car. It comes in 1/4" size (other sizes too). She uses it for hand quilting!!! Sooo much cheaper than in the quilt shop. Super, super smart...another great one.
I want to thank everyone who reads my blog, leaves me such nice comments and for all the inspiration from each and every one of you. I just love blogging and the friends I've made along the way.
Have a great weekend and hopefully I can get that tutorial for the car caddy's been crazy here.


  1. Karen...I love the more ideas! I am thinking that the supplies in the case would be great for when I go to meetings or conferences and always need something unexpected. The other ideas are great, too! I love the first aid kit one! Yours is an awesome blog to read and enjoy and glean from. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Karen,
    Great uses today! Love the ideas the fellow bloggers are coming up with! Thanks for sharing!

  3. More wonderful ideas! I especially love Kaaren's idea to use the car caddy outside on a chair! Oh, and I wish we could have some of your rain!

  4. Hey, Karen - how come I haven't been Following you? A bit silly me asking you I suppose, but I've read lots of your comments over time and was sure I was a Follower - never mind - I am now - love your blog and looking forward to the tutorial!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  5. Isn't it amazing the ideas people have? They took your original idea and added to it...wonderful!

  6. Isn't it nice to see your ideas being worked by many quilters and in other color combinations? I love your ideas and I'm looking foward to your next tutorial!

  7. Thanks for all the great ideas. It's fun to look at life and its objects in a new way!

  8. There are such wonderful ideas to do with everything you have posted. Amazing at how anyone can think outside the box and have terrific ideas.

  9. Great tool ideas. I'm always looking for items to make my quilting time easier. Thanks for sharing them. Take care.

  10. I love the creative ideas! Especially the car caddy! I may have to make myself one. We are always traveling somewhere. Thank-you for sharing.


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