
Friday, March 6, 2009

Rants and Raves...little rant and a BIG Rave

Hi Everyone
Just a short tuna rant...and I apologize in advance for this. Why can't I make 2 sandwiches out of one can of tuna, oh I don't know...maybe because they give you less in the can and charge you more. Tuna was always a 6 oz can. Now it's 5 oz. I know that's not a big difference, but now I can only make one sandwich. This along with every other product out there, like a pound (16 oz) of coffee is now 11.5 0z. and don't get me started on Nutri-Grain bars. When my girls were little those bars were it's a 2 bite snack. Ok, I'm done. Do you feel the same??? The picture of the tuna can is blurry, but trust me it says 5 oz.
See below for the rave, because it is a fantastic giveaway from a friend of mine!!
My friend Tina, from where I work, started a blog not too long ago, Seaside Stitches. She makes beautiful quilts, volunteers her time with the girl scouts and does a hundred other things too. One of those things are these beautiful lapel pins. They are absolutely adorable and she hand makes them all!!
Guess what...she's having her first give-away for your choice of 3 of these pins. Yes, I said 3, so go see her and tell I sent you (not for any reason for me, just tell her I said hi! Oh, and she's opening an etsy shop soon, so you can buy one if you don't win!
Isn't this the cutest, tiniest thing you've ever seen?

That's my rant and rave for today. I also went to Home Depot this morning and I got a ton of stuff for "Tool Time Tuesday." So stay tuned.

Have a great day,



  1. Can't help with the rant, I do not eat Tuna!! Can help with the rave, are you kidding she makes these, I am off, thanks for the information!

  2. Three cheers for Tool Time Tuesday!

  3. Your friend's pins are beautiful!!! Thanks so much for letting us know about her blog/giveaway!

  4. About your Rant! If you add celery and apples to the tuna, along with the mayo, you get two sandwiches, other wise...keep the rant going!
    I love the pins your friend makes, so thanks for the post.

  5. So funny! I was on that same rant the other day with my friend and it was over a can of tuna. I just say unbelievable! I love Tina's blog, so yes get on over there if you haven't already.

  6. You know every once in a while, I buy something and then wonder. I hadn't caught the tuna yet! Geesh. Those pins are fabulous! ooxx`jod

  7. I'm with ya on the foody thing!
    Grumble grumble!!!

    ..and Wow your friend Does the most beautiful teeny work!!!
    I'm off to visit!!

    Wooohoo!! hugs!

  8. I have been noticing too that things are getting smaller but the price seems to be getting bigger.
    I went over and entered, those are so cute. If I don't win I just might have to buy one.

  9. I went over too Karen. Those pins are absolutely amazing.

    Tool Time Tuesday? I can't wait! But I think the title should be changed to "The Tip Queen Presents... Tool Time Tuesday".

  10. I am so with you on your rant. The other day I was making a pasta sauce and needed l l/2 cups which I could usually get out of the can size I buy....and it was way short, and I mean WAY!!! It is so frustrating to be ripped off by this downsizing scheme!!! OK, off my soap box. Love the pins and I off to check out your friends blog!

  11. I am with you on the rant, I don't eat tuna, but by the canned chicken for chicken salad (I am the only one who eats it!) and I couldn't agree more, same thing is happening wtih chicken! UGH!

    Those pins are so pretty, I can't beleive she makes them!!


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