
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Just a quick one about peg board stuff...

Karen, from "Journey of a Quilter", and I were talking about accessories for our peg boards. I promised I would show her one that I use for all my sewing machine feet.
This first picture is of the screwdriver holder...and no, I didn't steal it from hubby. He has one too!!!

This is what it's intended for:
This is what I use it for: all the different feet for my machine:

Cute, isn't it. Never thought something from Home Depot would be cute!

Karen, you know that circle one that you never use, maybe you could put your scissors in there like this. Maybe?? Not sure of the size of yours.

Well, ladies that's my tool time for today. Remember, always think outside the box when walking through the hardware store...there are so many goodies in there. Hey, maybe I should do a weekly post on hardware store stuff for the quilter.
Be back later today with some quilt top pictures!


  1. Karen will love your hints as much as I do. I still keep all my little attachments in the box they came in. Excellent hints.

  2. Love the peg board ideas...and I'd love a hardware post with organizing tips!!!

  3. That's why I love to visit here...I'm always finding some great tips. Now I'm off to see if I have room to fit a peg board in my sewing room.

  4. Karen, I'm still waiting for my husband to make a frame for the pegboard that we bought in Home Depot about a month ago after the last peg board tips you posted.

    Your tips are amazing! Please keep them coming.

  5. Very true, the hardware store can be a treasure trove of ideas. Yours are great, thanks for sharing.

  6. Very exciting! and I am liking that idea of 'Hardware for Quilters' weekly post. I did see the screwdriver holder at my Home Depot, but could not thing of a use for it at the time. Love your idea! My circle one is too small for scissors. But, I will come up with something. I have about eight of them. Thanks Karen. :)

  7. Thanks for the tip. I can see a trip to Home Depot in my future.

  8. yes post tips on the hardware store. fabulous idea.

  9. This is my first visit to your blog, and I have loved it :-)
    Thank you for having me, I'll be by again.

  10. I just got a peg board in my Goddess Room this past week and was trying to figure out what in the world I would use the screw driver holder for- sewing machine feet...BRILLIANT!!! Thanks for the FABULOUS idea!


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