
Monday, February 16, 2009

Homespun and Etsy...

Hi everyone!

I hope you had a nice weekend!

Thought I would post some pictures of a quilt top I made a few months ago. It is made with all homespuns. I love all styles of fabrics from Moda, to brights, to reproductions, to homespuns...I love them all. The style of our home doesn't lend itself to some kinds of fabrics. To get out my urge to sew with all different styles, I started selling quilt tops on ebay about 4-5 years ago. I haven't put anything up for auction in a couple of years now...not sure why.

I was thinking about trying my hand at Etsy. Do you think in this economy, people would be willing to spend money on quilt tops? Have you sold anything or purchased anything on Etsy yourself? I am certainly not looking to make millions selling quilt tops. It's just another way for me to do what I fabric and sew quilt tops. It's a win-win situation for me and the buyer, because she may be the one who loves to quilt, not piece...or she needs a quick gift and the first part of the job is already done for her.
The center design of the quilt top above is called Bricks and Stepping Stones and it's a pattern from Quiltville. I had emailed Bonnie Hunter when I started the quilt top. I had asked her if I could sell quilt tops with some of her designs...she said I could use any pattern as long as I give her credit and that I don't mass produce them. I will definitely give her credit and she doesn't have to worry about the mass producing part. lol

Thanks for your help,


  1. wonderfull, just the right present for the litte son of my Daughter, for the first school day,
    Iam the Grandmother and he is then ....?
    Best wishes from North Germany

  2. Etsy, is so worth a try I have an ebay store and also use etsy, I am one of those gals that loves to hand quilt but I do not like to piece at all, you would be right up my ally, and the cost is very small, give it a try, I think you will be glad you did.

  3. It's not how the blog looks, (and it looks fine) it's what it says that counts. I'm also curious if people buy quilt tops on etsy and if what you could charge would even cover the cost of the fabric, yet alone the hours involved.

  4. It's absolutely gorgeous! I had "beaucoup" problems with homespun on my Prim Garden quilt because of the stretching...but I love how it looks. So warm and homey.

    About your spacing on your post, I just posted on my blog and I have a HUGE gap from where I ended to the bottom of the post. Looks like I fell asleep before I clicked "Publish".

    I don't know how Etsy works. Someone has to bring this gal up-to-date on all this stuff. Is it like ebay? My suggestion, FWIW, is to give it a try. It's beautiful!

  5. Gorgeoust quilt top!
    Etsy is very cheap to list things on.. they stay on for 4 months..
    Worth a try,
    Julia 3

  6. Love it. Homespuns have such texture.

  7. What a beautiful quilt top! I've heard Etsy is much better than Ebay but I've never tried either. Good luck with it either way! :0)
    And don't let blogger get to you...I have the same problems with my posts all the time.

  8. Love the quilt top...I'm like you...I like to make a lot of projects that don't really match the decor of my home! I just opened an Etsy shop and nothing has sold...but I haven't really promoted it or put much in yet...but I see other Etsy shops are doing well!

  9. The quilt top is beautiful!! I have no idea how it works on Etsy, but I wish you good luck!

  10. Your quilt top is beautiful...on my to do list for 2009 I have "make a quilt". After seeing all the beautiful quilts out there I think I can make one too...we'll see.
    I switched to TypePad from Blogger not long after I started blogging...I go so frustrated with it.

  11. I've been wanting to open an Etsy shop, too. I'm hoping to get it done in the next 2 weeks. See you tomorrow!

  12. Hi Karen, I found you through Jane's blog and love what you have done in your sewing room. So organized. I opened an Etsy shop but really wanted my website to get going. I need to post on Etsy again.
    I'll be back and Keep Stitchen',

  13. Hi Karen, this is my first visit to your blog...and enjoyed hearing everyone's frustrations about getting a blog post to look right. I thought it was just me (a little OCD) that has to go back to edit my post about 15 times to get it to look the way I want it to...
    I also have an Etsy shop...and thoroughly enjoy it. Take care, Natalie


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