
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Little corners around the house...

Thought I would show you a few corners of our home:

Our masters bathroom. I love toile, but this is the only room I have it in. It's nothing fancy: no great tile work in the tub, or steam showers, or expensive sinks, just a simple bathroom. One thing I did do was not add a closet...instead I used 2 different parts of a hutch: the bottom of one hutch and the top of another and painted it black. The little tiny drawers in the middle are actually cd holders I bought at Staples office supply. They fit perfectly in that space. I labeled (of course I labeled, I label everything) each drawer: q-tips, nail polish, deodorant, medicine, hair clips etc. There is another black corner cabinet that holds towels and such. The little folding screen is for the cat's litter box. I know... an unmentionable, but I'm keeping it real as they say on other blogs. I don't know about you, but it's easier to keep it in there because it always gets scooped and it's not in the main part of the house. Ok, enough about that. The little opening is the door for her to go through, and I made it out of toile, what could be better.
As I'm looking at this picture, wow, once you take down all the Christmas decorations, I need to put back some color in there.

This little bucket of tulips is in a little corner of our bathroom next to the sink, but on the floor. I change out the flowers for each season. I they serve a very important purpose and have to be fake. In that bucket is my hair dryer that is always plugged in. I hide the dryer and the cord so it's always ready when I need it, but not out in the open for all to see. I just lift out the flowers, dry my hair and when I'm done plunk the flowers back on top!

That little night stand in our bedroom was my grandfathers. It was actually in his workshop. He was a cabinet maker and he kept his tools in there!! The patina is just great...all the scratches and dings.

This is a jar of sea glass that sits on the night stand beside the bed. We live on the east coast about 10 minutes from the beach. This jar is a collection of bits and pieces from different spots over many, many years. The kids still love finding it!

This is a corner in a master bedroom...looks like a good place to read, but I don't use it much. My husband reads the newspaper on Sunday while watching football. Maybe I should start doing my hand sewing there. The light is good there and my eye sight is getting worse. I'm up +2.25 on the glasses you buy in the store. Yikes. I'm too young for that, well not really, but still. (that was off topic) back to the room.
The second picture below is a close up of the ottoman uncovered. The chair and the ottoman are from a 1990's couch set. The couches are long gone, but I loved the shape of the chair, so my sister made me a slip cover. That's one thing I'll never attempt...slipcovers. I love my sister for doing that.

Hope you enjoyed the peek.
Have a great day,


  1. okay love your bedroom and want to see more of that. i'm having issues with mine...and i want your sister to come and help me cover my chairs!! she did a fabulous job!

  2. AMAZING! If you ever venture to Utah, stop by and give me some decorating tips. Thanks for the comment about my quilts. I'm adding you to my fav's, too!

  3. LOL. I think your sister is going to be buuuusssy! LOL. Does she live far away from me too? O.K. I'm seriously laughing over the bucket of tulips, I mean ah hair dryer! I thought I was bad! My husband will totally get a kick out of it when I tell him. Such a great idea. Why didn't I think of that. ;o) ooxx`jod

  4. I just "found" your blog and read around a little. Lovely tribute to your Mom. Darling decor. I understand COMPLETELY about the matching boxes and the need for organization. I am also an "Army brat" - and darned proud of it!! I share a love of pretty, flowery things and ALL THINGS MODA! I will be following you.
    Best, Suzan

  5. Gorgeous!!
    I was really taken with the folding screen for the kitty litter. I have a feeling our two house lions would have no part of something like that, but what a great idea!!

  6. I just love your bedroom -- what beautiful colors. I love them but somehow I never end up using them when I decorate. hummmmm - something to think about.

    You have a nice touch with things.
    Thanks for sharing!

  7. You have a stunning bedroom. Love the cozy color palette. Your sister is very talented. I just made my first slipcover so I really appreciate her work. It's beautiful!

  8. Love the bucket of tulips...:))

  9. That is a very comfy chair and ottoman. Your sister did a great job on it. I love the bucket of roses and Grandpa's chest too.

  10. I had to check out your slipcover, because it was the only one that wasn't white! Your room is lovely. I'm amazed at your stacked hutch, I want some little CD drawers somewhere now!

  11. Any chance that you happen to know the fabric used for your chair slipcover? Beautiful.


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