
Saturday, January 31, 2009

And the winner is...

I love doing giveaways! 94 entries. This won't be my last. I have met so many wonderful people during this process. I won't keep you waiting any longer....
Drum roll please....
The winner is
Congratulations Ferne. Send me an email with your snail mail address and I'll send off your package.
I want to thank everyone for leaving a comment on the giveaway post and all my other post too. You've really welcomed me into the world of blogging. I'm a winner in this giveaway too.
94 entries!!!
Hubby's hand picking the winner!!!
Ferne, sorry it's so blurry
Thanks everyone and have a great night! Look for a hexagon tutorial coming soon! I had so many email requests, I thought I would give it a try. Maybe another giveaway too!!

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