
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

And Sew it begins...

Here we go! I'm jumping into blogging feet first. I've loved reading and following so many blogs this past year, I thought I'd venture into one myself. I really want to thank 2 wonderful people that I've met through blogging. Jodi and Vanessa They have encouraged me so much...I wouldn't have started this without them. I have so much to learn about all of how to link to a blog, because I know that can't be right. Oh well, wish me luck!!!



  1. Hooray ! If you could see me now, you'd see me doin the Happy Dance. ;o) LOL. You're gonna love Blogging! And you have so many wonderful things to share. Can't wait. Welcome to BLOG LAND. ooxx`jod

  2. YAY!!!!! if you could see ME now you would see me smiling from ear to ear! WOOOHOOO!


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