
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Graduation Day!!!

We all say it, feel it and think it, but really...where does the time go? Kelsie graduated Saturday from Roger Williams University in Bristol, Rhode Island with a Bachelor of Arts in Dance and a minor in business. We are so extremely proud of her!! We told her to follow her heart and do what you love to do in life.

Dance is her life.

Here she is at 2 years old dressed for her very first dance class!!

Kelsie's graduation

 and now a beautiful woman on her way to great things!!

Kelsie's graduation

This is a cute picture of Kelsie and Courtland waiting in line to start the day. Courtland is engaged to our oldest daughter Courtney. We love him to pieces and are lucky to have him as part of our family. All three went to high school together and all  three went to Roger Williams too.

Kelsie's graduation

The university does such a wonderful job with graduation.

Kelsie's graduation

Bagpipes to lead the graduates in…

Kelsie's graduation

Kelsie on her way in, all smiles!!

Kelsie's graduation

Kelsie's graduation

Courtland with a great big smile too!!

Kelsie's graduation

Kelsie's graduation

Kelsie's graduation


Kelsie's graduation

Courtney and Courtland happy as can be. He will start his new job with Millward Brown next week.

Courtney graduated last year and is a graphic designer for the Alex and Ani jewelry corporation, so their lives are in full force right now.

Kelsie's graduation

Love my 2 girls more than anything…

Kelsie's graduation

Kelsie's graduation

Kelsie's graduation

So Kelsie, where are you going after graduation?

Kelsie's graduation

I'm going to DISNEY!!!

See the little Mickey ears on her hat and the Disney font for RWU? She was accepted to the Disney College Program for the Fall session. It's been her life's goal!!

If anyone has been a part of the Disney College Program, we'd love to hear from you.

Kelsie's graduation

Our family…

Kelsie's graduation

Our family and Courtland's family…the nicest family ever!

Kelsie's graduation

One of Kelsie's best friends from high school. Thanks Erica for coming and helping us move all that stuff to the car.

Kelsie's graduation

Congratulations to the 2 graduates. So proud of you both and we love you to pieces!!

Kelsie's graduation

Thanks for always stopping by,

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  1. Such lovely families, Karen! Congratulations to Kelsie and Courtland and the whole family. Thanks for sharing all those wonderful photos, as usual!

  2. What a wonderful day for your family! Congratulations all around!

    Happy week,

  3. I graduated from Roger Williams in 1986. Good luck to Kelsie!

  4. How exciting! Congratulations to YOU for putting two kids through college!

  5. I know you are so proud. Two of mine have graduated college and I have one to go. Congrats to all of you!

  6. Wonderful photos of the day and congratulations. I have never heard of the Disney College, sounds fun.


  7. Congratulations on another successful event in your lives. The best to Kelsie and Courtland. We go to Disney several times a year and have met many of the the participants in this program and they all have raved about it. Sounds like a fun opportunity.

  8. It appeared to be a perfectly lovely day! Heartfelt congrats to Kelsie and Courtland!!

  9. My daughter will be starting the Disney college this Falk in Orlando! Will Kelsey be in Fla or CA?

    1. Hi...I hope you'll read this note here, because there wasn't an email for me to respond back to you personally. She will be in Florida!! If you do come back to this post, email me directly and we can chat!!

  10. How absolutely grand congratulations to the grads and to the parents too!

  11. You captured the excitement of the celebration, beautiful smiles and pride. What a beautiful combined family you have. Good luck to BOTH of them.

  12. Congratulations to all and Godspeed on this next part of your journey! blessings, marlene

  13. Congratulations to all your beautiful family. One more step to be conquered and the beginning of a successful journey.

  14. Congratulations on such a great milestone and to all the adventures to Kelsie that come after! I was never in the Disney College Program (not worked there) but if she ends up coming to Orlando to WDW, we live 2 miles from Magic Kingdom and I'd be happy to help in any way I can.

  15. Congratulations and best wishes to your daughter! Sounds like everyone is on their way to doing great things. Time does fly! Our daughter's first year at Salve was over in a flash! We got to spend some time in RI though and it is beautiful!

  16. Congratulations. Isn't it wonderful that your girls are out in the world and making their own way. I'd say you have plenty of which to be proud.

  17. Karen Congrats! I have very similar pictures from 2012 as my daughter is a 2012 grad from RWU!! It is a wonderful ceremony . She was our youngest too. All the best to your daughter at the Disney program,


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