
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Commencement Gown Transformation…Grandma to Gorgeous

Our youngest daughter Kelsie graduates from college this coming Saturday!! We just can't believe how fast time flies. Courtney graduated last year and it seems like yesterday.

This past Saturday was Kelsie's commencement ball. She searched forever for "that" certain dress that she had in her head, but couldn't find it. We looked online and found some, but they were either too far away to be shipped in time or way too expensive!

Kelsie went to a small seamstress/dress shop in the town where her university is and found this dress that was the right color and lacy fabric, but not the halter, backless, mermaid style she wanted. She sent me this picture of her in the dressing room and asked what could be done. I told her to ask the seamstress, who was also the owner of the shop, if she could take the lace off the sleeves and use it to lengthen the dress. They would also need to narrow the bottom to give it a mermaid look. The back was open, but Kelsie wanted it altered more.

Here's the "before" in the dressing room…(love the black socks she had on!!)

before and after gown alteration

You are not going to believe the fabulous transformation the seamstress did!!

This is Kelsie in her dorm after she picked the dress up at the shop. The wonderful seamstress gave her a deal on the cost of the alterations, because Kelsie purchased the dress at the shop.

"After" of the front...
before and after gown alteration

"After" of the amazing back…

before and after gown alteration

Jared and Kelsie right before the ball. So cute!!!

before and after gown alteration

Christina and Kelsie!! Christina is Kelsie's best friend and roommate at school. She is from Panama and we will miss her dearly. Love you Christina!!

before and after gown alteration

If you can't find the "perfect" dress, maybe ask your local seamstress if you can change things up…you never know what could be done!!

Thanks for stopping by,

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  1. Wow, that dress is stunning! Love what they did with it.

  2. That is brilliant. The seamstress should put photos up in the shop to show just how clever she is. (With Kelsie's inspiration of course)

  3. What a wonderful transformation. Kelsey looks amazing. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend at the graduation.
    Ali xxx

  4. This reminds me when my daughter graduated and yes it just comes round so quick. Your daughter looks lovely in the dress you must be so proud.

  5. Absolutely outstanding and congratulations to Kelsie!

  6. Your daughter looks amazing! The dress turned out so nice. Congratulations to her and your older daughter for graduating, You must be so proud of them.

  7. What a transformation! I especially like that slit in the back, and Kelsie's shoes are to die for!

  8. Absolutely Beautiful!! and the dress too!

  9. Amazing!! I wish we could see what the back of the dress looked like before the alterations. The seamstress she used is a magician....AWESOME!! Of course your daughter would look beautiful in a paper sack...just saying!

  10. Incredible!!!! What a transformation! That's why I love sewing! :-)
    Kelsie looks wonderful in it!

  11. Whoa! Completely different look after the alterations! Stunning!

  12. Beautiful - your daughter and the dress! That is inspirational. I bought something at a consignment shop that I wanted to remake. You have given me courage to try.


  13. WOW!!!!! I had no idea anyone could do this, even though my mother was a seamstress, it just never occurred to me. For her wedding, my daughter had the bridesmaids each buy this one dress from Victoria secrets. they each then had the seamstress make it over to their style and liking. each was totally different and none looked like the original.

  14. Beautiful dress! Congratulations to Kelsey. I still remember your post about the last sandwich you were making for her to take to high school....and she is already graduating from college!!!!!! I can´t believe it. The best of luck for her in the future!

  15. Amazing transformation! Love that back! I agree that the shop should post photos of before and after to advertise their expertise. What an exciting and important occasion this weekend for your family. On another note, I wanted to thank you so much again for your tab of Blogging Tips. I have referred to them a few times now, and I know I will go back many more times, as I start to improve my blog. And woot! woot! on two events: 1) I just successfully added Pages Tabs with your help, and 2) I am no longer a no-reply blogger! I reverted to my blogger profile.

  16. This dress is amazing. Isn't it a surprise what can happen if you ask?

  17. Kelsie you look gorgeousl! Congratulations on your graduation and we'll see you this summer!


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