
Monday, November 4, 2013

We'll Miss You, Annie

It was a very sad weekend. Our wonderful dog, Annie, now has her angel wings. She was over 13 years old and we knew it was coming, but it all happened so fast.

She was the best and smartest dog and will be missed very much. There were so many emotions on Sunday...our oldest daughter Courtney and her fiancé Courtland being here to witness it and Kelsie away at college, not being able to say goodbye.

"Dogs are not our whole lives, but they make our lives whole"
Roger Caras

Crazy little puppy...


Catching some warm sunshine…she couldn't see or hear, but her nose was always up in the air smelling everything!


Last wag of her tail...


We'll miss you, Annie

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  1. i have been where you are only too many times, and it always hurts so bad I think I might die as well. But just know this: it hurts so much because you loved so deeply.

    Keep her in your heart always.

  2. I'm so sad at the loss of your four-legged friend. Know that a lot of us, who have been there, are sending you warm thoughts.

  3. I am so sorry for your loss.
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your furbaby. They are truly members of our family. I have a black Lab grandpuppy who is turning 7 in February, and I hate to think of what it will do my daughter when she faces the inevitable. We all love her so, as you loved your Annie.

    xo Linda

  5. Gosh, this post brought tears to my eyes, ~I am so sorry for your loss, it really is tough saying good bye to such a dear family member. And your dog looks just like my dog, who got his doggie wings a year ago last August. He was 14 years old, name Bruno-- THE Sweetest dog one could ever hope for. I miss him still. What sweet loving eyes our labs have and the incredible sociable loving doggie family member.... never to be forgotten! (((hugs))

  6. AAWWW, so sorry for the loss of your furbaby.. They are such comfort in so many ways.. She knew she was loved and is happily trotting across the Rainbow Bridge, tail wagging happily.. Hugs to you and yours.

  7. Oh Karen, I'm so very deeply sorry for your loss! I believe that many of our beloved four legged companions intentionally leave quickly in a caring attempt to try and lessen the inevitable heartache we feel so acutely. Annie is most assuredly flying on the wings of an angel. Take care.

    xo Sue

  8. :( I'm so sorry. It's always so hard to lose a pet.

  9. oohhhh...tears and more tears.... Karen, just another thing we have in common. A yellow Lab. Mine is 12+ and named Lucky. The sweetest, sweetest sweetest, as you know.
    It's so terribly hard. Sweet Annie.

  10. So sorry to hear about Annie. Dogs are such a big part of our lives xx

  11. So sorry... pets enhance our lives and are so loyal....

  12. XOXO, sorry about your dog! But Thanks for hosting! Don't forget to link up this friday @

  13. It is so hard to lose not just a best friend but a good and loving companion,a member of the innermost family circle. She will live on in your memories.

  14. My condolences on the loss of your faithful friend. The animals we bring into our homes and our hearts are a true gift that makes our lives fuller and happier.
    I hope your memories will bring you comfort and always a smile to your face and your day.

  15. Karen,
    I am so sorry to hear about your Annie, she looks like the sweetest doggie and I know how much she'll be missed. I had only just hit publish on my own blog about losing my sweet kitty cat tonight when I saw your post, too. It's so hard to lose a friend, especially one who's been with you so many years. Sending you big hugs and much love, oxo -Lisa

  16. My heart is very sad for you and your family Karen. Only those of us who have shared our lives and love with a fur friend can fully understand the profound loss we feel when we have to say goodbye. "May time heal the hurt and memories dry the tears". ~Bonnie~

  17. Words don't make it any better, but I'm so sorry, Karen. She will always be a special part of your family. Praying for comfort for you and your family this week. {Hugs}

  18. She must have been a wonderful part of your family. It's so difficult when our furry friends leave us. I am so sorry for your loss.

  19. Our wee dog got her angel wings in July so I know exactly how you're all feeling. As I keep telling my girls, "it's okay to cry". Hugs all around for you and your family.

  20. No words can express the feeling loosing a friend! Hug you!

  21. Oh how sad. I know how you must be feeling, I lost my cat over a year ago and it still makes me sad when I think of him gone. Hugs to you

  22. She was a part of your family. She probably considered herself a lucky dog to have been your friend. I feel for your loss.

  23. so sorry. she will always have a place in your heart. hugs.

  24. I'm so sorry for your loss. We had an Annie, too, who lived to be 11. She was a beagle and died seven years ago. We haven't had the heart to get another dog.

  25. A big hug, I'm sorry for your loss...

  26. I am so sorry for your loss. It's hard to know what to say, but I am sure she was a happy and much loved friend . You were lucky to have found each other and known such joy. Irene xxx

  27. My heart goes out to you. I know the difficulty and pain in losing a part of your familiy. I, too, lost one of my "babies" this weekend. We had to say goodbye to Lucy on Friday. She was in pain and full of cancer. I can't let them suffer. But I will. Prayers to you.

  28. Good Morning,
    My heart is breaking for you. Our furry friends are the most faithful friends! I'll be thinking about you and your family...

    Take care, ~Natalie

  29. So sorry for your loss. She will always be in your heart.

  30. So sorry for your loss. We have gone through the same thing many times and it never gets easier.

  31. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Hoping your find comfort in her memories.

  32. I'm so very sorry for the loss of your pup. Our furry friends love us unconditionally. That is what makes the bond so very special. We also lost our yellow lab this past summer to cancer. He was only 8 years old. 5 months later the pain has dulled but it seems like only yesterday that he was with us.

  33. my sympathy, I know how you feel; I lost my beloved Bambou, 13 years old, on September 5; my train was 20 minutes late and I got home too late to say goodbye. I think he waited as long as he could as he was still warm but his heart gave up ...

  34. My heart aches for you. Your memories of Annie will always be with you - take comfort in that. ♥

  35. So so sorry for you loss. Nothing worse than the loss of a beloved pet.

  36. Karen, I'm so sorry. A beautiful girl, she was lucky to have such a loving family.

  37. Sorry for your loss….we have two dogs and know what it's like to lose a four-legged member of the family. How blessed to have had such a wonderful pet. Warm thoughts floating your way.

  38. so very sorry, Karen. tears here even though she wasn't our beloved pet. we let them into our hearts so deeply, so easily.they remind us every minute of every day how full of joy and devotion their hearts are every time they see us. Oh if only we the humans could love so freely! I hope you have another dog or puppy to shower with your love.

  39. My heart goes out to you and your family, Karen. We lost our 15 y/o Norwich terrier in August and it broke my heart. I miss her everyday. Sending you much love and empathy. Linda

  40. Karen, I am so sorry for your loss of your precious Annie. My heart aches for you, knowing the joy our pets give us.....unconditional love. Praying for peace and comfort.

  41. Karen- I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved Annie. ((Hugs)) to you and your family during this difficult time.

  42. The last photo, of the last wag, sent me into tears. I have three dogs, but my oldest, Angel, at 13 1/2 is on borrowed time with us and I try to cherish every moment. I am so sorry for the loss of your Annie.

  43. Oh Karen! I am so sorry! I lost 2 pets this year as well. I am happy that you were there with her to "love her' on her way. She KNEW you loved her..that is the best.

  44. They ask for so little and give so very much. We're crying with you. San and Dolly

  45. So sorry for your family's loss. I know how hard it is to lose a furry family member.

  46. So sorry, Karen. They really do weave their way into our hearts!

  47. I am so very sad about your beautiful Annie - I truly believe not having them in our life would have been the greater loss. Know that she is across the Rainbow Bridge playing delightfully with my Brady, Heather and Shannon. We know every day with our little 15 yo Cairn terrier, Casey Gail, is a gift. Judy C in NC

  48. Sorry to hear about your dog. Pets really are part of the family.
    When we lost our cat someone sent me a poem called 'Rainbow Bridge'. If you haven't read it it's beautiful, although chances are it will bring many tears to your eyes.

  49. My heart is with you. I still miss my first baby dog.

  50. Oh how sad. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Our four legged furry friends bring us so much joy. It breaks our hearts each time we say goodbye to one of ours. Time heals all wounds. She'll always live in your hearts.

  51. I'm so sorry. I know the pain and am shedding some tears with you.

  52. Sorry about your loss. Pet become such a big part of the family.

  53. It's hard to lose a pet. They are as much a member of the family as anyone else. I still miss my Emma (our Golden retriever) and Snookums our cat and it's been over 10 years. Plus we had pets before them too. We have been pet-free since Emma died. We just cannot go through losing another pet. Hugs to you Karen!

  54. One of life's greatest losses is the loss of a beloved pet. I feel your pain. They have such a unique sense of unconditional love and affection. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  55. when you showed 'last wag of her tail' it made me cry... so sorry for your families loss...

  56. So sad for you....May God bless you and give you comfort during this very painful time.

  57. I am so very sorry to hear this. We have had Labs our whole married lives. One of them, living to 15. We have adopted my husband's cousins Chocolate Lab, and he is 7. He is like Marley if you know what I mean, and I love him so. We have a Wheaten too, and he is currently sick. He has been off his feet for a couple of days. I know how these furry kids take ahold of our hearts, and we love them like family. My condolences to you, on the loss of you beloved Lab.
    xo Kris

  58. I'm so sad for you and your family. They are such a big part of our lives, their passing leaves ahole impossible to fill.

  59. I am sorry to hear about your loss, I know how it is when we have pets that are a big part of the family.


  60. Pets love us like nothing else, and we love them in such a special way. I still cry when I think of my cat who passed away more than a year ago, but then I console myself with memories of the time we had together.

  61. So sorry. I know how much you'll miss her. I still miss my Daisy and Fidget and Rosie and Wiggles and Skipper. The dogs of my lifetime who have made my lifetime special.

  62. Oh I am soooooo sorry. Its been a sad weekend for another one of my friends lost their dog too. I guess a lot of perfect friends got their wings to fly with the angels this weekend. My hugs from afar comfort your heart today and the days to come.

  63. So very sorry, Karen. I lost my beloved Barney in September. They are members of our family and are missed each day as we go about our routines without them. Our Vet sent us a beautiful poem Rainbow Bridge. You can google it to read.

  64. I am so sorry for your loss Karen. I lost one of my little dogs in Jan. and my sister lost hers on Thurs. They are just like our kids and members of the family. Annie has her wings now and is no longer in pain.

  65. So sorry for your loss. I know how it is to loose a pet (many times over) and that quote is so right. At least they will be in our hearts forever.

  66. I'm so sorry for the loss of your Annie. We, too, had a dog named Annie, a Golden Retriever, who got her wings when she was 13. They will always be a part of our lives and in our hearts. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this time of grieving.

  67. Oh Karen, I'm so sorry for your family but maybe Annie has made friends with our Bryn. We lost our much loved yellow lab in January. Take care.

  68. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's hard to find a good dog (at least for me I've adopted 3 in my life and I'm pretty sure they all would've needed to be institutionalized or put on psychotropic drugs had they been human lol) anyway losing a pet is so very hard. They are family. However you will be finding little blonde hairs stuck to random things for the next decade, lovely little reminders of you puppy that's crossed over the rainbow bridge.

  69. Karen - it's so hard, isn't it? If I had any words of wisdom I would insert them here: [ ]. I cherish my 19-year old cat every day and night.

  70. I am so sorry!
    I can imagine how do you feel, I have a dog, and we all love him very much.
    She is in the dog paradise.
    Sorry about my bad english.

  71. I'm so sorry to hear of Annie's passing. I had to put down my yellow lab this past August so I can relate. Our beloved Cinnamon was 17 yrs old and gave us many wonderful memories. We miss her so much. Our house was so empty. We knew we had more love to give so we recently rescued a collie/retriever mix. Her name is Bella. She is about 3 yrs young. And she is the sweetest thing. We may have officially rescued her from a shelter but she has rescued our hearts. She has returned joy and laughter to our home. You will always miss Annie but I'm sure there is another special dog out there just waiting to bring you love and joy. God Bless. And thank you for your blog and sharing your world with all of us.

  72. Annie was a beautiful dog. Big hugs.

  73. I'm so sorry for your loss. One of the greatest injustices is how short our pets are in our lives.

  74. Oh man, what an awful thing to cope with. I feel for you and your family. I grew up with pets, so I'm no stranger to losing them. Our dog and cat that we have now are both 12 years old, so I know our days are getting shorter and shorter. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  75. Sharing in your pain, the loss of our fur babies is a sad fact of life. Take some time to cherish the memories .

  76. I am thinking of you, I just lost my gorgeous labrador Murphy 3 weeks ago. Its heartbreaking, they are such a big part of our lives.

  77. Ouch, My heart aches for you. Our dogs enrich our lives so much. Hugs to you.

  78. So sorry for the loss of Annie, they are our family. Hugs to you and all.

  79. I'm so sorry for your loss of beautiful Annie. There is really no way to explain the pain when you lose a wonderful dog. I hope you find a bit of comfort in all of these expressions of sympathy. Take care and be gentle with your self as you grieve.

  80. Sorry to hear of your loss. I understand how precious our little ones are to us. Take care. :)

  81. I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend! They really are one of the family, aren't they?? My cat is constantly by my side when I'm home...I can't imagine him not being there...

  82. I have sent special thoughts to my Sherlock and Zoe Over Rainbow Bridge to greet Annie.....I understand....

  83. I am so sorry for your loss of your sweet Annie. I completely understand. Thinking of you and your family.

  84. Oh I am so sorry! She was a beautiful girl and I know she was an important member of your family. We lost our sweet boy Casper this past summer so I feel your grief. Sending hugs your way.


  85. I'm so sorry!!, but as you were blessed with her, she was also very fortunate to get to your family too
    I send you a big hug

  86. Karen, so sorry for the loss of your precious Annie, I know how heartbreaking this is. Prayers for you and your family. Hugs,Lizzette

  87. We lost our 10 year old Lab last Tuesday. It is so sad. I believe in a place called Dog Heaven and I know Annie is there. Thinking about you.

  88. I am so sorry for your loss. I still mourn my Corda who we lost a year and a half ago. I have faith we will see her again in Rainbow Bridge where she will join us in our journey to Heaven. It is so hard knowing we will probably outlive them, but the joy they bring us during their all to short lives is worth all the pain.

  89. We just lost our beloved Chewey of nine years to liver cancer ~ my heart goes out to you and your family.

  90. So sad for you and your family. Try to take comfort in knowing that Annie had a wonderful life with you and is no longer suffering. Big hugs to you Karen!

  91. What a terrible weekend for you and your family. The pictures above show how much she was loved. They sneak in and steal our hearts. Hugs and Blessings, Judy

  92. So sorry for your loss Karen.... My heart goes out to you and your family. Know Annie is watching over you... Hugs, Karen on Keuka

  93. We will be facing that soon enough with one of our dogs. I'm hoping she lasts till our son gets home for Christmas. So sorry. Our pets are part of the family, and live on with us.

  94. So sorry for your loss! I have a fur baby, Hershey, a brindle boxer, that is 10 years old. So, I know how much you can love a pet and how much they bring to a family.

    Tracey J.

  95. I am so very sorry for the loss of your beloved friend Annie. Sending prayers and hugs your way and thinking of you and your family..

  96. Karen, I'm so sorry about Annie. Seems like we have all been there and can truly say we feel your pain. You will be in my thoughts. Diane

  97. I am so sorry for your loss, Karen. I always have a dog nearby and when they reach the end of their too-brief life I ache. Something that has helped me greatly is a book written by my brother-in-law. Here's a link in case you would like to see if it helps.

  98. I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Annie. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you mourn. Furbabies are such a special part of the family and Annie will be waiting for you when it is your turn.

  99. So sorry to hear about Annie, our own golden lab is getting old and every day I see her getting slower and slower, can't imagine how you must all feel right now. Kind regards Mary

  100. My family understands this sadness all too well. We are sending up prayer for peace and healing for you and your family!

  101. I'm so very sorry. I think I cried more tears for a beloved cat of ours than I ever thought possible. Our hearts are so intertwined with theirs. May you carry those 13 long years of precious memories with her in your heart. We are just learning now how amazing labs are, we adopted a 4 yr old chocolate boy.

  102. I, too, am so sorry to hear about your loss. They are such good friends and it hurts so much to loose them. My thoughts are with you.

  103. I'm so sorry. We lost ours earlier this spring. It is so hard- even now. We brought a puppy home about a year and a half ago and she trained her well.

  104. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. From your words and pictures, I know she was a very special member of the family. May memories carry your family through this tide of sadness. How fortunate for Annie and for you all to have had so many years together! Love to your family at this time.

  105. So sorry. We have lost animal friends and it always hurts. She is now 'over the rainbow bridge.' God Bless.

  106. I'm very sad to hear about Annie. It's so hard to say goodbye, but they leave with us with wonderful memories we can cherish. Many hugs to you and your family.

  107. Be sad for a while, but soon you will only remember the joy.
    xx, Carol

  108. So sorry to hear. They are good friends and it it sad to loose them. Hugs and smiles to you

  109. My heart felt sympathy. I could not respond yesterday. I cried.
    Fond memories of a true friend whose love was always there.

  110. so sorry to hear about Annie - sending you and your family warm thoughts

  111. Rest peacefully, Miss Annie. You were lucky to be a part of a loving family and they were lucky to have you! Hugs to you, Karen, and your family!

  112. Sorry to hear that your beloved Annie has passed... Your love and care are apparent ,and I also think she was lucky to have you for her family. Sending prayers for comfort and fond memories...


  113. What a nice memorium, very touching. Especially the last shot of her tail. Love never has a happy ending does it?, just our wonderful memories. In time they will be sweet and not so sad. Thank you for sharing your grief. My prayers for your healing and wonderful memories.

  114. I am so sorry about your dog. I have had mine pass away to soon also. I love the tribute you did. Hugs,

  115. So sorry for your loss. Our pets really do teach us unconditional love.

  116. There is nothing like the love in their eyes and the wag of their tail. The loss of one so loved goes to our core. May your wonderful memories ease that pain.

  117. I'm so sorry---hugs to you and family.

  118. My love and hugs go out to you... I know it was an emotional day but I'm so glad you were with sweet Annie.

  119. Oh, big hugs to you. Animals are such wonderful parts of our family.

  120. I'm so so sorry for your loss. I am crying like a baby after reading your post. My dogs are so very precious to me , as Annie was to you and your family. I'm sending hugs and best wishes to you all.

  121. I am so sorry for your loss of Annie. Dogs are such an important part of our lives and when we lose one, we lose a part of our families. Hugs to you and your family.

  122. I am so sorry for your loss. Dogs become a big part of the family. Hugs!


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