
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Organizing...Labeling Plastic Containers

Hi everyone! Labeling is pretty much a way of life at my house. Labeling things makes it easier for everyone to find something and keeps the house organized and sane!! I label just about everything. If you sit long enough when you're visiting, you might end up with a label stuck on you too!

Large plastic tubs or containers are my nemesis for labeling though. I usually keep the containers in the attic or our unfinished basement, so heat and moisture are the issue. I store everything in plastic containers from Christmas decorations, college dorm stuff, blankets, seasonal items etc.

To identify what's in the containers, I've used printable labels, masking tape and even written directly on the plastic box. However, none of them worked. The labels fall off from the temperature change and writing on isn't good when I want to use the box for something else at another time.

Here's my new solution I came up with this past weekend.

Three of my favorite things...badge holders, binder clips and zip ties.

labeling plastic containers

This is an easy and simple way to label any box or container.

Here's the finished name tag.

labeling plastic containers

Start with a package of name badge holders. I buy them in the Walmart office supply section for $1.88 for 12.

Write or type your label and cut to fit your holder.

labeling plastic containers

Slip in a small zip tie.

labeling plastic containers

and secure the tie.

labeling plastic containers

Now take out one of the handles from the binder clip by squeezing it.

labeling plastic containers

Slip it through the zip tie loop...

labeling plastic containers

and squeeze the handle back into the binder clip.

You could just slip the binder clip handle through the name badge, but the zip tie keeps the tag hanging forward instead of spinning around.

labeling plastic containers

These clips can be used anywhere.

labeling plastic containers

I made a bunch for all the Christmas containers that were losing their sticky labels.

labeling plastic containers

These were the last few container labels that were starting to fall off.

labeling plastic containers

labeling plastic containers

Now I just clip the name badge to the container cover.

labeling plastic containers

It's secure and easy to read.

labeling plastic containers

When there are a lot of containers, having the labels fall off is the worst.

labeling plastic containers

Now I know which box is which.

labeling plastic containers

Hope this system will help keep you organized too!!

Have a great day,

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  1. Now I know what to do with all of those badge labels that I kept "just in case!" Thanks!

  2. Awesome idea ~ I store a lot of things in containers like those also, and you are right, after a while those sticky labels come off. I was thinking, if you put the twist tie through the badge and the clip then you wouldn't need to take the hook off the clip and put it back on. :)

  3. you never cease to amaze me with your fun tips. this one is a timely one. I was just reorganizing our shed to make sure I have access to what I need and dispose of what I no longer need and ended up writing on the container which I didn't like. labels fall off.........BUT GENIUS

  4. PURE GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  5. So creative!! You never cease to amaze me with the ideas that you come up with on a regular basis!

  6. THANK YOU! I have been going crazy with all my labels falling off and I love this idea!

  7. Love this idea! I will do this as I rotate out the bins of holiday decor. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Fabulous idea! Thanks Karen!


  9. you're amazing! I'm going to fix all those plastic bins today. My labels have been taped and retaped so many times that I just gave up. Thanks for the tip.

  10. I take a lot of kidding for all the plastic bins I use. I keep buying more though. Funny how no one complains when they (or more likely I) can find what they're looking for. I LOVE this label idea! Thanks so much!

  11. Karen you did it again! Love this tip. I have used the stick on labels and when they come off I use clear packing tape to tape over them, but eventually dirt and fuzz get under the tape and look bad. Those binder clips come in so many different sizes and colors too they are great. I use binder clips for other things too.

  12. Great idea!! You can thread the zip tie thru the badge holder and binder clip without taking the clip apart. Love your blog and look forward to every post!!

    1. Glad you pointed that out! I was going to add that, too. We just use packing tape to hold down the the paper. Hubby would not like the clips.

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  14. How did we ever live without binder clips! And zip ties! I use them for everything inc holding the cord for my phone so it does not fall and get lost EVERY night--just take the clip off thread the cord thru and reclip---attach the clip to the edge of your table or charging station or in my case I use a small camera case attached to a tray on my bedside table to make sure I always have it next to me.
    I also use them to clip closed Zip bags for extra security when storing things like tiny beads--also makes it easier to grab the bag!---and for travel with those small pouches of laundry soap. Way too much for a sinkful of hand laundry but I refuse to toss the remainder!

    They also come in handy in the kitchen for holding small bagged spices--the "trial sizes"--and can be clipped to the cabinet edge or handle while cooking--and I use them over the sink to hold small items to the baskets I have that hold stuff like drink flavor straws and vitamins etc---the clip to the edges and hold small easily lost things or notes and recipes. We also use "s" hooks that we slide into the holes in these baskets to hold things like bottle brush and other small sink area needs!

    Zip strips hold my world together! I use them for everything from car repair to keeping my handicapped scooter brake lines snugged to the frame--otherwise they get snagged and pulled. Did you know--you can even get zip strips in METAL in different colors? (ebay)

    Have not tried the ID badge holders but I will! Have tried your pipe hanger handles for boxes and LOVE that idea!

  15. Great tip. Timely, too. We are getting ready to move in the next few years. This will help!

  16. If you have a business in your area that does key punching you might be able to get the binder clips free
    The businesses do not want the binder clips sent back to them that were on the stuff to be key punched so our local business gives them away..........all sizes too.
    Paula in KY

  17. This is a great idea! I like that you can clip the tags on the ends OR the sides of the containers, depending on where you store them! Thanks for sharing this very useful idea!

  18. I need to get new totes for my decorations and will be using this tip. Thanks so much for sharing.

  19. You are a genius, I bow to you!

  20. What a perfect and easy idea. I have the same problem with my plastic bins. As a last ditch effort I started writing on the covers with a Sharpie (take that plastic container!) but the joke's on me as I ruined the tubs for other uses. Now you have given me the perfect solution. I'm so pleased you posted this.

  21. GAAAHHHH! Not only is your sewing/craft room gorgeous, your storage area is pretty too! :-)

    Nice idea for the labels. Couldn't you slip the binder clip handle through the holes in the tag holder, and not use zip ties? I mean put each side of the binder handle through a hole in the holder. Using 1 hole on the holders - yes the tags will turn.

    I learned long ago to label the boxes, not the lids. Sometimes when you have "help" the lids don't go back on the right containers.

  22. P.S. to my comment that you are a genius....I followed your scheme, but came across the name
    tag badge ID CLIPS when picking up the name tag COVERS at Walmart. The ID clips have a tag that
    passes through name cover and snaps on the bottom leaving the clip on top to be fastened to the bin.
    The badge clip is not as big and strong as the binder clip, but I gave it a yank and it holds. A much
    simpler two-piece process....Many thanks, for helping me to be almost as "neat" as you Sew-Sew !
    Walmart was out of the badge covers ( your $l.88 per doz bargain) and I was about to store
    Christmas, so in desperation I went to Office Depot and paid $5.99 doz....Obscene ! Will revisit
    Walmart for the extras......

  23. Well, this is just awesome. Very creative one. This something that could be a help for teacher or students in their school paper works. Thanks for sharing.


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