
Friday, September 6, 2013

Find a Friend Friday and Ask the World a Question...

Welcome to another fabulous Friday!! Today is the day where I combined both of my Friday features into one..."Find a Friend Friday Linky Party" and "Ask the World a Question". It's the best, because it's all about YOU!!!

Add your blog to the linky party below AND ask all your questions in the comment section! Details for each are below.

Hope you can join us!

Question and Answers

Here's how it will work...
  • post your question in the comment section. You can ask anything at all...from sewing, cooking, family, vacationing in other countries, crafting, blogging, photography, decorating...anything goes
  • everyone will read the question
  • if someone has a helpful answer, that person will click the "REPLY" button right under THAT particular question and post the answer!!
  • that way everyone can read the answer too!!
  • this is helpful for those who don't like to share their email address or who are "no replies" and there isn't an email address to respond to
  • just come back to this post to see if your question has been answered!!

Find a Friend Linky Party

This is easy to participate in. You are just linking to your own blog. No Pressure!! No projects to sew, no furniture to paint, no cookies to bake or pictures to take. You are just sharing your site and then friends will stop by for a visit.

  • at the very end of this post, click on the "click here to enter" link...way at the end, after the last blog that has been linked. See it way down there at the bottom?
  • copy and paste or just type in your blog address...example:
  • enter title of link...your blog name or phrase to grab attention
  • add a photo of you, your profile picture or your blog button or whatever you think will grab some one's attention...(I'm thinking a picture of a big piece of chocolate cake, but that's just me LOL)

That's it...super easy. Have fun checking in on all the new blogs. Come back, because more are added all the time!

Don't forget to check out the comment section too...there are ALWAYS great questions and helpful answers.

Happy Blogging,

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  1. Good Morning Karen, I have a question which I would appreciate help with, I write mainly a cooking and baking blog and I would like to know how I can create a page, which people can click on, to find the recipe written down, so if they want to print the recipe they can.
    There is such a wealth of information which we bloggers have, that it is wonderful to have the opportunity to share information.
    Best Wishes to you,

    1. Hi Daphne,
      Probably I would make a separated pdf file with recipe in printing-friendly format (like a regular text document) and I would upload it to Google Drive or Dropbox and in blog post I would include the link to this file so that I could download a recipe file or at first take a look at it and then print it or download.
      I hope I got your question right :)


    2. Good Afternoon Zane, I have written all this information down and I am going to give it a go.
      Thank you so much for taking to the time to reply, it was very kind of you.
      Best Wishes

    3. Hi Daphne,
      There are recipe gadgets, widgets or plugins for blogs and websites, but there doesn't seem to be one for Blogger. There are some for Wordpress though. Not sure what you are using for a platform. There is a website called "Print Friendly" where your readers can just copy and paste the URL of THAT particular recipe post and print what they'd like. The blogger author can also add that gadget to their website through HTML. I've tried it on my test blog, but I can never get it to work.
      The "make any page print friendly" section is awesome though! Your readers just type in that page's URL and they can pick and choice what part of the page (recipe) they want...what text, no images etc.
      Hope this helps. I was actually going to do a post on this, so perfect timing.

    4. Good Evening Karen, I will investigate Print Friendly, but also I look forward to your tutorial, as I find it so much easier when I am able to see what I need to do... I am a visual learner. Your tutorials are always marvellous, and so easy to follow.
      Thank you for getting back to me.
      Best Wishes

  2. Hello question - How to add my project pictures as background for my blog heading?

    1. Hi...I have a tutorial under my Blogging Tips section to make your own blog header. Click on the Blogging Tips page at the top and it's #20.
      In the tutorial, I used Picmonkey. They now have a collage option which is great for making a collage of several of your project photos for your header. You would make the collage and then add text to title your blog in the collage. You would then add it to your blog header section as a photo and click "instead of title and description"
      If you just want to add a picture, that's done in the editing section of the header in the Layout page of your blog. You would choose one of the different "placement" options for the behind the title" or "instead of title and description" etc.
      Hope this helps

  3. What color scheme does your husband/men choose to wear most (to work or at free time)? Blue, grey, black, green or others?

    1. hubby is most always khaki or navy for pants, then black, navy, gray or darker colored golf style shirts. Plaid or check patterns for long sleeve shirts in the colder months.

    2. My husband just lets me dress him when it comes to work. Helps that he is color blind. I stick with black, navy, gray and brown pants. When I mix in color, it's with his dress shirts or ties. With the tops, I pick colors that compliment his skin tone (which is very white and pale). I my put my husband lavender, lots of different shades of blues, gray, a multi colored stripe.

  4. My hubby is interested in starting a web business where he offers access to on-line tutorials of a professional nature. It only needs to be audio with perhaps some Power-Point visual capability. Video not needed. He has a web site now, but what platforms are there that would help with posting the audio programs, and offering them to clients/interested individuals on a pay-per-"view" basis, to hear on their own time? Some live webcasts might be offered as well in the future. Any ideas?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. When my youngest brother was growing up, he loved turtles. For birthdays and Christmas, someone got him something turtle-ish. Fast forward to Christmas last year and we were reminiscing about the past and he remembered the turtles. My mother crocheted several for him but allowed that those were long gone.

    As Christmas is approaching, I was thinking of making him a crochet turtle. So, I go on the Internet and am totally overwhelmed by the number of turtle crochet patterns out there. Has anyone done one they liked? It can't be too hard as I've come back to crochet this year after over a decade away from it. Thanks.

  7. My brother passed away last year at age 49. His wife of 22 years has started a blog in part because she couldn't find much relating to middle age loss. She is a teacher and a writer. She has much to offer. I wanted to ask you to check out her blog and pass it along to anyone who could benefit. A shout out from you would help her gain readers. You can find it at There is another one out there under griefspeakS and hers does not have an a at the end. Thank you for allowing me this forum to reach people. If it helps one person it is worth spreading the word. Thank you so much.

    1. Sorry, I meant to say that her blog does not have an s at the end. Simply Thanks!

    2. Hello Linda,
      I am so sorry for your loss. My heart and prayers go out to you, your family and especially to your sister-in-law. I have always said that blogging has changed my life with the wonderful people I have met. I will absolutely do a separate post for her blog to spread the word. I think her blog will not only help her through this difficult time, but I am sure there are others who will connect with her and benefit from their shared thoughts and feelings.
      Thanks for sharing her site with me.

    3. Thank you SO much, Karen. I appreciate you and all that I learn from your creative talents and kind heart. Will look forward to your post about Meg's blog.

  8. My question is what's a good site for sewing tips, quilting info etc. knitters have What's a sewers equivalent? An open forum I guess is what I'm looking for. Where you can ask questions like this?


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment...I just love hearing from you!