
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Fabric Pouch With Blanket Stitch Tutorial...

Hi everyone!  I've been tossing around a few ideas for a handmade favor for my annual Christmas party. Over the years, I have made scarves, fabric tissue pouches, key chains etc, but the last 2 years time caught up with me with decorating and cooking and I never finished the projects I started.

This year I'm trying to start early. Not to scare anyone, but Christmas is 4 months from this Sunday. If you are thinking about making gifts for Christmas, I'd start now or you'll be like me...stitching on Christmas Eve!

This year I was thinking about a fabric pouch that can hold lots of different things in your purse. I usually invite 50-60 ladies to the party, so the project has to be assembly-line style.

This is my first attempt at the pouch. I'll be playing with different ribbons and trims and different stitches for the edge or no stitching at all.

fabric pouch and blanket stitch tutorial

This is a quick SEW or NO SEW project and would make great little gifts for any occasion.

I used felt fabric that you purchase by the yard. It's very wide at 72 inches, so you can get a lot from the width. Felt is perfect for this project, because you can leave the raw (unsewn) edge and it won't fray.

These are my measurements, but you can adjust the size to fit your needs. The tutorial is more for the basic instructions.

I cut the strip of felt 4 inches wide  x 15 inches long.

fabric pouch and blanket stitch tutorial

If you want a rounded end, place a can on one end of the felt strip and trace the curve.

fabric pouch and blanket stitch tutorial

fabric pouch and blanket stitch tutorial

Trim the curve.

fabric pouch and blanket stitch tutorial

Now fold up the bottom about 5 inches or your desired size. Pin

fabric pouch and blanket stitch tutorial

Cut a piece of ribbon, ric rac, or trim that will be used to secure the flap. Cut it a 1/2 inch longer on both sides.

fabric pouch and blanket stitch tutorial

Fold over the extra half inch and tuck into the edge of the 2 pieces of felt.

fabric pouch and blanket stitch tutorial

Stitch with a narrow hem on both sides.

If you are No Sew, you could just run a bead of hot glue on each side!

fabric pouch and blanket stitch tutorial

Fold over the top flap and tuck under the ric rac to secure. Technically you're done, but...

fabric pouch and blanket stitch tutorial

you can embellish with a button...

fabric pouch and blanket stitch tutorial

or a blanket stitch. Tutorial to follow.

fabric pouch and blanket stitch tutorial

Blanket Stitch Tutorial

I know there is a proper way to do a blanket stitch, but I taught myself this stitch was I was little and it's the only way I know how to do it.

Knot off your thread and hide knot on the back or between the 2 pieces of fabric.

Bring your needle UP from the BACK to the FRONT.

fabric pouch and blanket stitch tutorial

Pull the thread until a small loop forms.

fabric pouch and blanket stitch tutorial

Take your needle and bring it up through the loop from underneath.

fabric pouch and blanket stitch tutorial

Pull the thread to form the vertical line of thread on the edge of your fabric.

fabric pouch and blanket stitch tutorial

Start again by bringing your needle up from the back. Repeat with needle through the loop from underneath.

fabric pouch and blanket stitch tutorial

Make sure you evenly space your stitches when you insert the needle each time.

blanket stitch tutorial

 This is a narrow blanket stitch.

blanket stitch tutorial

If you want a wider look or longer stitches on top of the fabric, insert your needle further from the edge.

fabric pouch and blanket stitch tutorial

This is a narrow stitch all the way around the pouch.

fabric pouch and blanket stitch tutorial

These little pouches are great in a purse for...

  • first aid kit
  • makeup
  • sewing kit
  • mini wallet
  • gift card holder
  • phone or ipod pouch
  • candy stash

fabric pouch and blanket stitch tutorial

Perfect size for so many things.

fabric pouch and blanket stitch tutorial

I'll keep you updated on my progress with the party down 59 to go!!

Happy sewing,

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  1. Perfect for some handbag sized sewing kits I've made, thank you. PS I do my blanket stitch clockwise, it was funny to see yours going anticlockwise!

  2. I love this idea ! Who couldn't use one of these small bags.
    I am so impressed that you make a gift for each of your guests !

  3. Cute idea! Who can't use a little bag for their small purse items?

  4. I can't wait to show this to my grand daughter. She'll love making them for her sisters and mom !

  5. 3 or 4 years ago I've done one of these for each colleague! They love it!

  6. Karen: What a cute and "quick" idea. Yes, I have been known to travel to a party while hemming my dress at the last minute! HA! Lovely post, thanks for sharing on the tut. {{HUGS}} Joy


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