
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Banana Brownie Recipe...and a Few Tips Too

What's on my kitchen counter these days? Bananas. What else is on my counter these days... fruit flies. What is it with fruit flies this season. They are driving me crazy. So here's my solution to get rid of them!

Bake something with the bananas.

Banana Brownies. My first attempt making this recipe on a wing and a prayer. I've never added bananas to brownies before and they are yummy!! My first thought when I bit into them was chocolate covered bananas.

banana brownie recipe

Come on in for the easy recipe and a tip for sprinkling powdered sugar and sewing too!

All you need for this recipe is your favorite box brownie and the ingredients in the instructions and 2-3 mashed bananas.

banana brownie recipe

Mix the brownie recipe according to the package, then add and stir in the 2-3 mashed bananas.

banana brownie recipe

Bake in a 13 x 9 pan that has been sprayed with cooking spray or greased. Bake to package instructions.

banana brownie recipe

They are so moist and ridiculously delicious...if you like bananas that is. My husband loves chocolate, but won't touch these with a 10 foot pole! Don't feel bad for him though, there are other goodies for him.

banana brownie recipe

At our house, making them "pretty" isn't a necessity, but a little powdered sugar would look nice.

banana brownie recipe

Here's a tip for you to sprinkle confectioner's sugar on your pastries.

powdered sugar sifter

 A Tea Ball!!

powdered sugar sifter

A Tea Ball is for loose tea leaves to steep a hot cup of tea.

powdered sugar sifter

It has the same mesh screening as a sifter or wire strainer.

powdered sugar sifter

Load the little ball with your powdered (confectioner's) sugar.

powdered sugar sifter

powdered sugar sifter

Then just tap it over your dessert or pastry.

powdered sugar sifter

It's quick, easy and can probably just stay in the container where you store your powdered sugar.

powdered sugar sifter

Don't forget to cut your brownies with a PLASTIC knife!! Click HERE for that post!!

plastic knife for brownies

Want to see another idea for a tea ball I did 3 years ago!!

A Tea Ball HERE for the post on how to make one of your own.

tea ball pincushion

I hope you enjoy the brownies and the Tea Ball tips!

Happy Baking,

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  1. The brownies look delicious!

    I just had some fruit flies too. Never had them before. I got rid of them by putting some red wine vinegar and a drop of two of Dawn in a shallow bowl. Cover the bowl with Saran Wrap and put 5 or 6 holes with a toothpick in the Saran Wrap. Put a rubber band around the bowl to make sure the wrap stays on. The fruit flies are attracted to the vinegar so they crawl into the bowl. Since the solution has the Dawn in it, as soon as they fall into the vinegar, they die. They say to leave the solution out for 10 days to two weeks to make sure you also get rid of any fruit flies that might still be hatching.

    The annoying fruit flies I had were gone within 48 hours, but I left the solution out for two weeks for good measure.

    1. Thank you, thank you! The fruit flies have been driving me crazy. We've tried a couple of things that haven't worked. I'm definitely going to try this.

  2. Sounds delish. I'll give it a try. I love brownies and bananas and chocolate covered bananas, so this sounds like a win win win! Thanks for the tea ball tip. Cool idea.

  3. I just gained a pound looking at these delicious brownies! Thanks for the tip on using the tea ball for powdered sugar! Have a good weekend. ~ Vickie

  4. What I do with brown bananas is to peel them and freeze them. Then place the frozen bananas in a food processor and blend until it looks like ice cream. It's a low calorie banana ice cream-like frozen dessert. You can add cocoa powder for chocolate banana flavor or other fruit like blueberries for another flavor.

    I also slice and dehydrate banana slices. It's like candy.

    Or make a fruit smoothie with overripe bananas and other fruits, yum!

    I have made brownies with bananas too.

  5. Yummy banana brownies I love the idea of using a tea ball to sprinkle icing sugar over baking.

  6. Re: fruit flies - I came home from a long vacation to find an infestation of fruit flies in my house. My trap is a small dish of water, 1/4 cup of wine/rice wine or cider vinegar, a couple of drops of dish detergent and 2 tsp of sugar for good measure. We even put a trap out in the garage near the compost green bin. It works like a charm.

    As for bananas - I have also tried mashed bananas in any commercial cake mix. My son particularly likes it in a white cake that then gets iced with commercial icing. Easy! He thinks it's the best treat and I didn't have to work very hard at it. You can also use commercial cake mix and add shredded carrots or zucchini for a veggie cake. Just add spices to your taste. Cream cheese icing from a tub makes it taste like you slaved for hours to make a dessert.

  7. Best use of a tea ball, put your rings (not opals or pearls or other 'soft' stones), then put it in the dishwasher for real sparkles!

  8. Nice tip with the tea ball. Doesn't leave a sugary mess on the table.

  9. This sounds so good, I have those bananas right now! Thanks for the tips on the plastic knife and tea ball....perfect!

  10. What a genius idea! I have some bananas ripening on my counter right now, and I'm just not in the mood for banana bread. I also have brownies mixes on hand because they were on sale. So glad I came across this post!


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