
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Organize Your Kitchen...Cookie Sheets

Here's a quick tip to organize your cookie sheets, cutting boards and other bakeware pans. I think they are one the hardest things to organize in the kitchen...right up there with plastic containers. If you stack cookie sheets on top of each other, it's a pain to rummage through to find the correct one. You can't stand them up or lean them against something either, because they will tumble over. Been there...done both!

Here's my solution, an office filing rack!!

organized cookie sheets

You know, the filing racks that normally hold and organize your file folders, papers and things.

organized cookie sheets

I used mine in one of my lower kitchen cabinets.

Here it is empty...

organized cookie sheets

and here it is full of cookie sheets, plastic cutting boards and cupcake pans...

organized cookie sheets

Neat, organized and easy to see which one you need.

organized cookie sheets

If you remove one, all the others still stay in place!!

organized cookie sheets

Try a filing rack somewhere in your'll love it!!

organized cookie sheets

Happy Organizing!!


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  1. Brilliant idea, Karen! This is just what I need.

  2. I have my pot lids on another rack.....perfect!

  3. Great idea Karen, thanks for sharing.

  4. I use a file rack to hold my rulers for rotary cutting. I rarely make cookies anymore, but I use my rulers every day.

  5. I have mine stuffed in "that corner" cabinet, they are slid back in the unreachable area, where all I have to grab is the end to pull it out. Only problem is there is a space "black hole" between the cabinets that sucks things down in there and I can't find them. Last month it ate my cupcake pans and after I mixed the batter I had to stop, run to the store and buy new ones. I had remembered giving a set away and was thinking that was the only set I had. Last week I was grabbing stuff out of there and poof out comes the cupcake pans that I could not find down in there weeks before.

    This is the only cupboard that I have that is big enough to stand them in, for now until I win the lottery and redo the kitchen.

  6. What a great idea! I only have one cookie sheet, but for those who have many this would be a great organizer. :)

  7. Those racks are also good for storing your quilt rulers and template plastic. I've been using one that way for a few years now. It works great.

  8. Nice idea! I saw a similar "pin" organizing various sizes of skillets by using a rack designed to store pan lids vertically. This is working out great for my skillets and griddle.

  9. That one is great Karen. Let me share with you what we found when we moved into our new home. The people that owned it before we did placed those wire shelving, like you find at Home Depot, on their side and made slots for baking sheets in our cabinet over the fridge. It is a great spot, as it is out of the way, and it is deep.

  10. I've been using one of those for my cutting boards, and I love it!

  11. I have one out in my pantry (aka the laundry room) for all my big trays. I LOVE it! We're in the middle of a kitchen gut and I had two things on my absolute MUST have list. A dishwasher and a skinny cupboard for storing sheet pans upright. I cant' wait!!!!

  12. Another great idea! I'll have to give it a try.

  13. Perfect solution to one of my biggest challenges. Thanks Karen!

  14. Brilliance...sheer brilliance...! Now I'd better head off to the office supply shop! xxx

  15. simple of an idea yet I would never have thought of that....awesome.

  16. I like that idea. How simple but I didn't think of it that's for sure.

  17. I use these in my studio to support canvases as they dry. Mine are usually 12x12 so it works well


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