
Friday, July 19, 2013

Ask the World a Question...Featured Blogger Too

It's Friday and this day is all about you. Every week, I alternate posts with "Find a Friend Friday" where you can share a link to your blog and "Ask the World a Question" where you can have your questions answered by all my blog readers. This week is Q and A's.

In keeping with the blogging-friends theme, today is also the day where I share a great blog with all of you before we start the Friday post!!

Today's featured blog is...

Three Sheep Studio...a life in wool

I seriously think I might have a new obsession coming in wool. You really have to visit Rose from Three Sheep Studio. You will be blown away by her amazing work in wool. Her blog is just FULL of beautiful photographs of her work and wonderful tutorials for the beginner to the experienced.

You have to visit her Etsy Shop too! One word...AMAZING

You will spend hours looking through her fabulous get a tall glass of iced tea and enjoy!!

 Now onto Ask the World a Question...

If you're new to the Question and Answer post, it's very simple...ask a question (any question at all) and my wonderful readers from all over the world will answer it for you!! Another reason why I love many people willing to help and share their thoughts!!

Thanks to everyone who asks and for all who answer. I LOVE IT!!

Here's How It Works...

Just ask a question in the comment section. Anyone who reads my blog from all over the world, can answer that question by clicking in the "REPLY " button under THAT specific question.

There are so many helpful people in the world who can share so much...some have blogs, and some do not. I thought this would be the perfect solution for everyone to ask any question and then we can all help!!

Just an FYI...when you are clicking "reply" in any blog comment format, you are not "replying" directly to that person's email address. You are just replying on my blog under the question, so everyone has to return here to see the answers.

Ask questions about cooking, recipes, crafting, sewing, blogging, photography, vacations in other countries or states, decorating, families, babies...anything goes.

Here's how it will work...
  • post your question in the comment section
  • everyone will read the question
  • if someone has a helpful answer, that person will click the "REPLY" button right under THAT particular question and post the answer!!
  • that way everyone can read the answer too!!
  • this is helpful for some who don't like to share their email address or who are "no replies" and there isn't an email address to respond to
  • just come back to this post to see if your question has been answered!!

Have a great day everyone,

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  1. Amazing work Karen
    good weekend

  2. This is such a good idea, Karen! I'm very new to blogging, and I want you to know that I really enjoy your blog -look forward to each post.

    Now, for my question. I have a project I want to do, but I am having problems finding ONE item I need. To you sewists - I need to find small black ball buttons - preferably without a shank, but I'll take what I can get! LaMode used to sell them, and I have looked on their site to no avail. They came in two sizes, and I can use if anyone has any suggestions, I would really really appreciate your help.

    Coming soon: - I'm in the final stages.......

    1. Elaine, I was looking the the same type of button, in back and could not find them - but I did find some in silver. I bought them and then bought black paint, the little bottle used to paint model cars with and there, black buttons!! it's an idea that might work for your project to!

    2. Elaine, not knowing what the project is, I was wondering if you could substitute black beads?

  3. I just bought some at JoAnn's and I found some really great ones at Hobby Lobby, but they all have the shank.

  4. Hello!I have a blogging question to ask,as I don't really know what to do!I made a blog quite recently, but I write in English (obviously not my mother tongue). Lately I've been thinking to change the language, since the majority of readers come from Greece (where I'm from), but I hesitate since I always wanted to blog in English. What do you think I should do?
    Thanks in advance and thank you Karen from "Sew Many Ways" for giving us this opportunity <3

    1. You can write your blog posts in Greek but add the TRANSLATE gadget to your sidebar. Then your readers are able to translate your posts into their own language. I use this feature a lot. If you need assistance in setting this up, you can email me at

      Hope this helps!

    2. Hi Rylie! Like you I'm really new about blogging (just at the end of April) and English is not my mother tongue as I'm Spanish. At first I aimed only Spanish people readers or people from South America with whom we share the same language but this is the blogosphere so I decided to do every post in English and Spanish. What I do is writing my posts one paragraph in Spanish following the same one in English. I encourage you to do it that way. It's quite a job but that way you know more people can reach you and understand you. Don't use the Google Translator for your blog, it's horrible! jajaj. By the way my blog is for if you or anyone want to have a look and if you please put yours here I'd love to have a look. Thanks Karen for this opportunity to answer and reply questions. Love!!

    3. Thank you Helen and Victoria for your advice! I already have the translator tool but I will agree with Victoria that sometimes the translate is weird and doesn't make any sense. Anyway, my blog is, but it has nothing to do with sewing. It's more personal... I just love "Sew Many Ways" :)
      Thank you again for your replies <3

  5. Imagine my surprise, when I sat down to take a look at YOUR blog, (which I admire and is so entertaining !), and found MY blog !! ;)
    I so appreciate your glowing review ! Yikes, not sure I can live up to it. ;)

    Thanks Karen, for your kindness and for all the time you invest in your blog to bring high quality info. and creative and clever tips !
    You are a gem.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  6. I think you should have a little more faith in yourself and your abilities and keep practicing... We all doubt ourselves in the beginning, but after a while we find our personal style and stick to it!
    I took a look at your blog and I must say that I liked it :)


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment...I just love hearing from you!