
Friday, April 12, 2013

Find a Friend Friday Linky Party...

If you'd like to connect with someone new in the world and make new blogging friends, join Find a Friend Friday and see who you can "meet".

You can add your blog...any blog at all, and people will click on your link and connect!! Your blog doesn't have to be a sewing blog or a crafting blog either. It can be a blog on any topic.

If you don't have a blog, you can join in the fun too...just click on the picture links below. I have made so many friends with women who comment or email, but don't have a blog themselves.

Come on in, join the party and have fun with us!!!

If you are new to Find a Friend Friday (FaFF) you're in for a treat! There are so many wonderful blogs to look through.

This is easy to participate in are just linking to your own blog. No Pressure!! No projects to sew, no furniture to paint, no cookies to bake or pictures to take. You are just sharing your site and then friends will stop by for a looksy.

  • click on the blue "click here to enter" link at the end...way at the end, after the last blog that has been linked
  • copy and paste or just type in your blog address...example:
  • enter title of link...your blog name or phrase to grab attention
  • add a photo of you, your profile picture or your blog button or whatever you think will grab some one's attention...(I'm thinking a picture of a big piece of chocolate cake, but that's just me LOL)

That's it...super easy. Have fun checking in on all the new blogs that are linking up each day! Come back, because more are added all the time!

Happy Blogging,

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  1. Thanks for hosting this party! I love to find new friends!
    Marisa from

  2. Good morning Karen,

    Thank you for hosting FAFF! Looking forward to meeting some new friends :)
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Hugs & Blessings ...
    Simply Fresh Vintage

  3. I love a party in the morning. I'll bring the mimosas!

    I'm Bre from It's About Bre. Basically, the site is me blabbing about whatever tickles my fancy. Sometimes it's entertaining. Always it's distracting.

    You guys, let's be friends... BEST friends. <3

  4. I LOVE find a friends friday always nice to see other peoples beautiful creations :) Hope you like my stuff too xx

  5. I love this! I'm really just starting out and would love to get some feedback from someone other than my husband. :) Thanks for hosting this party!

  6. I checked into everyones blogs today and I had a blast! Made new friends, found some interesting projects and in general it was a great experience. I will have to do this again! thanks for hosting

  7. I would love to know where the "click to enter" button is so I can join this wonderful FaFF!!..
    Any Help is appreciated!

  8. This is a great idea! I am a total blog newbie on the block, and have 1 follower. I'm still learning my way around my blog and don't have but one post,not very interesting, but it'll get better! My blog is a sewing blog but I also have a button for all my other ramblings! I would love to make some new friends!
    Hope to see you there!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment...I just love hearing from you!