
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thrifty Thursday...Recycled Cookie Tray

Hi everyone. Welcome to another Thrifty Thursday. You know that my motto is "think twice before you throw it out" and this post is proof positive of that

Today, we'll be recycling the plastic tray inside a box of cookies. Lots of companies use the plastic trays to keep cookies separated in the box and free from breakage.

Here is what one of the trays looks like.

Look at that lonely cookie...and then there was one.

These cookies are my absolute favorite. I paced myself this year. We bought these on Sunday. One year I ate the whole package with a cup of tea in one sitting! Lol

Girl Scout Cookies...Samoas, Yum!!

Now let's see what to do with the empty tray.

These trays are great for just about anything. Save lots of them and keep them in drawers for easy organizing.

Great for small sewing projects...perfect to keep hexagons organized.

Several trays in your desk to keep office supplies neat and tidy.

In your kitchen drawer for all those "little" things.

On the workbench for nails and screws.

In a drawer by the front door for keys, change and things you empty out of your pockets each day.

A whole bunch of trays for make-up or hair elastics and clips

Great for jewelry too.

Tidy up your "junk" drawer and organize your batteries.

The list is endless.

You knew that one cookie wasn't going to last.

I need to find a girl scout!!

Happy organizing,

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  1. Lots of cookies come in trays like this. I used to use them to mold my melt & pour soap in.

  2. ooh... I have two Of these.... Wait One of these left,I Can use it when I finish up the cookies, I can use it to hold beads for my jewelry making When I start. Thanks for the idea!!

  3. Awesome ideas! I love that you illustrate each one with a picture. :)

  4. Oh my!!!! Did you eat ALL those cookies to get all those trays?????

  5. Great ideas, thanks for sharing!

  6. aie aie.. j'avoue qu'il m'arrive aussi de choisir mes sucreries ou autres rien pour pour l'usage que je pourrai faire de l'emballage.. l'an dernier c'était les olives.. bonjour les calories.. mais j'ai pu classer toutes mes fleurs par couleur, et comme c'est transparent et avec un couvercle, ce fut un rangement rapide et coloré ! merci pour toutes ces idées et le partage. Amitiés de France,

  7. Awesome idea Karen, I also like how you always show an example of each idea. My daughter was a GS for 13 yrs and I can't even imagine how many boxes I've eaten!! LOL!

  8. Great idea! Samoas are my favorite! I am Cookie Mom for my daughter's troop. We have eaten way too many cookies!

  9. Thank you! I needed an excuse to justify buying even MORE GS cookies!!

  10. Ha! I bought one box of these for each son. They had to hide them from me. I don't think they have finished the boxes yet, but I'll keep my eye out now. And in the South these cookies are called Caramel De-Lites. Hmm.

    1. My friend Tina is involved with Girl Scout cookies. She said there a 2 cookie manufacturers. Same cookie just 2 different names. We've had Caramel De-Lites in the past. I don't care what they call them...they just need to keep making them. LOL

  11. Thanks for the great organizational tip Karen. These are my favorite cookie as well. It is usually a struggle to make it from year to year for the GS Cookie sales. I recently discovered Great Value Caramel Coconut & Fudge Cookies at Wal Mart. I am pretty sure they are the exact same cookie. But, like you, I have to pace myself. It is just reassuring to know I can pick them up any time of the year.

  12. Oh - what a great idea. I never thought about repurposing a cookie tray. I like it! And since I already ate all my Girl Scout cookies, I guess I could go out and buy some more. :-)

  13. Perfect!! Esp. for all those hexies! Thanks.

  14. these guys or gals whichever one one chooses to call them are great for organizing tons of things like you suggest. I especially liked your comment about eating the whole tin of cookies in one sitting! It's nice knowing that someone else does the same thing as yourself. Bet they good, too. Love your blog. Shared on my FB page.

  15. This post made me laugh! what a great way to keep your hexies neat and organised! Unfortunately I've eaten my girl scout cookies already (the peanut butter ones) and thrown the packaging out! Hopefully I'll see another cookie stall soon!

  16. Love this idea for my quilting room. Thanks a lot.

  17. You never know what you can do with a item until you try. Great idea from a great orgnizer.

  18. I like the hexagon idea, nice way to keep them organized.
    I can't eat them, food allergies so no sweets or chocolate, but I do remember how good they were.


  19. Thanks to you I find it really hard to throw out containers of any kind. I have strawberry and blackberry containers stacking up in my sewing room! hehe But I would rather repurpose those than spend money on more containers. Thanks for the creative encouragement. Love your blog!

  20. I've been using strawberry/blueberry/raspberry containers for the same thing. Cut off the lid and it's a see-through tray! Perfect for going inside drawers as free drawer organizers!

  21. I can't stop wondering if you bought and have ALREADY eaten that many boxes of samaos, or if you just used the same tray each time. Good tip - I'm definitely keeping my samoas trays this year.

    1. I used one box of cookies and used the same tray over and over for the pictures. Don't get me wrong, if my cholesterol level wasn't a tad high, I'd eat those cookies every day!! Lol

  22. This post made me a mother/leader of three Golden Girls (who earned their GS Gold Award) and seven Eagle Scouts, we have eaten many cookies and popcorn! Your creative upcycle ideas are wonderful! I am making arrangements to get my pre-ordered cookies today!

  23. I love your awesome ideas, and your comments ALWAYS make me laugh and smile.

    I work in preschool, so another idea is crayons, sorting trays or paint trays (that way it makes for easy clean up, I can throw them away if I am too busy to wash them)

    Just make sure you use trays that don't contain peanuts if you have any allergies in your class room.

    Have an awesome day.

    :) Denise

  24. Awesome post about reusing "trash". I love it!

  25. Good job Trish! I will think twice before I throw a plastic cookie tray away!

  26. Got one more idea for you which I have been doing......putting small spools of ribbon in them plastic cookie tray. They line up real nice too! Oh yea, I do love those cookies and don't feel bad, I, too ate the whole package in a couple of hours!!! LOL! Just couldn't stop at one! ugh!!!

  27. UGH! I just threw about 5 of those away! Thanks for the idea.

  28. Love this to get some of those cookies! They look so yummy!

  29. You just make me smile.....thanks for your great organizing tips. :)

    Happy Sewing!

  30. Hi Karen, I so enjoy your posts, and reading the above comments I have a lot of company. You make me smile, and you are just so organized, and have so many super ideas. (I am in the process of repurposing the hard glass case into a portable sewing kit). Please continue as you are one I will keep with throughout the summer months. Blessings and smiles, Emilou :-)

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Karen you dont have to wait for the girl scouts anymore KEEBLER coconut dreams are the same as SOMOAS

  33. While your idea is very clever; those cookie package inserts are way too flimsy to use in a lot of situations. I'd rather spend the extra money and buy something sturdier elsewhere. I do save the clear containers that fresh fruit comes in from the produce dept. to hold flower seed pods when I deadhead them. Have a bunch of Prairie Sun rudbeckias in a container on the workbench right now, waiting for me to dump them in a paper lunch bag which I will label on the outside and save till Wintersowing time.(Jan/Feb). Or maybe plant them before first frost time so they have a chance to come up and bloom in the Spring. I'll keep your idea in mind though. I'm sure I could use it somewhere!


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