
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thrifty Thursday...Egg Tray Organizer

Happy Thrifty Thursday...the day we use what you have for something else!!

Since I have eggs on the brain because Easter is this weekend, I thought I would share an idea to use the plastic egg tray from your refrigerator to organize little things around the house.

This egg tray came with our refrigerator, but I removed it because when our daughters are home or if I'm baking a lot, I buy eggs in the 18 pack and this is a 12 egg tray. It's easier to store the eggs in the carton it came in.

egg tray organizer

I also found this other egg tray at a thrift store for 50 cents!!

I use it in my desk draw for small office supplies.

egg tray organizer

 You can do so much with egg trays...

Office supplies in your desk...

egg tray organizer

Sewing supplies. If your tray has a handle, it's also easy to carry your sewing supplies to different spots, especially if you do hand sewing.

egg tray organizer

Organized your buttons...

egg tray organizer

Fill each cup with different beads for jewelry making...

egg tray organizer

Small nails, picture hangers or hardware supplies to keep in the kitchen drawer, so you don't have to go in the basement or garage for small things.

egg tray organizer

Great for jewelry too...rings and earrings

egg tray organizer

If you keep the plastic tray in your refrigerator, you can be really thrifty and use the cardboard or styrofoam egg cartons for all of the above ideas.

I would love it if you'd share your ideas if you use egg trays in your home.

Have a great Thursday,

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  1. Karen what a clever idea! You truly inspire me. You come up with the most brilliant ways to reuse and recycle and that is something that I admire you for. I've learned so much in the past few months since becoming a follower of yours. I am very blessed to have been able to stumble upon your blog. Thank you for all you do for us. It's time consuming and hard work to take tons of pictures to show us all you have learned and I appreciate you and the time you dedicate to us. So thank you. I hope you have a wonderful day. =)


  2. Hi Karen, your store bought egg tray looks just like a mancala board. With a few dried beans (or buttons, or stones or pennies) and an egg carton or tray, you've got everything you need to play a game.

  3. Styrofoam egg cartons are ideal for holding a nice variety of paints.
    Just squeeze the amount of paint you need into one of the compartments. The egg carton can hold many colors and the paints don't dry out as quick as when they are on a paper plate. Good for an artist and for a "face Painter" at fairs, etc.

  4. Karen I have a white ceramic egg holder and I use it for my earrings on my dresser.. I never miss a chance to repurpose!
    Happy Easter.

  5. What a great idea. I've never seen the store-bought egg trays before. I use ice trays for that same purpose. Very good for keeping all those tiny items organized in a drawer.

  6. I use ice cube trays in the same way. When I get an order for bridesmaid jewelry I count out my beads, necklace in one cube and earrings across from it. That way I know before I accept an order if I have enough beads or if I have to order. Makes it easy too when it comes time to make the sets because they are all ready to go.

    Thanks for the great ideas!

    a.k.a Deeder the Beader

  7. The paper egg cartons that I purchase eggs in are saved here at my house, along with toilet paper and paper towel tubes. I use them to start fires in the fireplace instead of wadding up messy newspaper. Over the summer, our collection gets quite extensive, but by the middle of winter, it's all gone! I also don't use the plastic egg tray inside the refrigerator, but now that I think about it, I don't know what ever happened to it! Great idea to use it for organizing little things!


  8. Another great idea from you. Gets you thinking out the box so to speak and what other things you could use for similar uses


  9. I use ice cube trays for my long arm bobbins. I can organize them by color thread. If I am good and wind up the excess thread before I put it away, no tangles either.

  10. Another great idea from you. Thank you for sharing.

  11. Wow, what a good idea! Within all evidence you are a creative person, thanks for sharing with us your idea. I pinned your project, so, many more people will take advantage of your talent!!!! Great Idea!!!!!!
    Marisa from

  12. I have turned my egg cartons upside down and used a darning needle to poke a couple holes in the bottom of each cup. Then I poke wire into the holes when making wired flowers for corsages. My flower tray.

  13. Finally a use for my decorative egg tray which I never use

  14. Finally a use for my decorative egg tray which I never use


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