Friday, March 22, 2013

Ask the World a Question...

Hi everyone!! It's Friday and this day is all about you. Every other week, on Fridays, we have "Find a Friend Friday" and "Ask the World a Question".

This week is Question Day...

If you're new to the Question and Answer post it's very simple...ask a question (any question at all) and my wonderful readers from all over the world will answer it for you!! Another reason why I love many people willing to help and share their thoughts!! Thanks to everyone who asks and for all who answer. I LOVE IT!!

Here's How It Works...

Just ask a question in the comment section. Anyone who reads my blog from all over the world, can answer that question by clicking in the "REPLY " button under THAT question.

There are so many helpful people in the world who can share so much...some have blogs, and some do not. I thought this would be the perfect solution for everyone to ask any question and then we can all help!!

Just an FYI...when you are clicking "reply" in any blog comment format, you are not "replying" directly to that person's email address. You are just replying on my blog under the question, so everyone has to return here to see the answers.

Ask questions about cooking, recipes, crafting, sewing, blogging, photography, vacations in other countries or states, decorating, families, babies...anything goes.

Here's how it will work...
  • post your question in the comment section
  • everyone will read the question
  • if someone has a helpful answer, that person will click the "REPLY" button right under that particular question and post the answer!!
  • that way everyone can read the answer too!!
  • this is helpful for some who don't like to share their email address or who are "no replies" and there isn't an email address to respond to
  • just come back to this post to see if your question has been answered!!

If you'd like to read the other Q and A post we've had over the weeks, you can click the Q and A link in the labels section. Today's post will be the first one you'll see, but scroll down for the others.

Have a great day everyone,
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  1. I am looking for a Prairie type doll, either to buy or a pattern to make one. I would like to display it with an antique quilt. Not to primtive, more like the Oregon Trail age, Civil war era, that time frame (1800's). If you know where to find one or a pattern, please let me know. Thanks

    1. What about a pillow case dollmade out of muslin?I did one a few years back and just got my pattern online free. Don't remember the site but just try googling pillowcase doll.

  2. Hi Carolyn,

    Not sure if this will help but I found this doll making site this morning, there are some wonderful cute doll pattern freebies here. I was unsure of the design you were after but there could be something interesting on this link.

    The only problem, I now want to go and make lots of dolls! lol

    Thanks Karen for another great Friday post.

  3. I'm hoping some of you crocheters out there can help me. Whenever I make something and have to change colors frequently, inevitably I end up with places at the ends of my rows where my work starts coming apart. I recently made a baby blanket and it's a good thing I washed and dried it first before gifting it, because I had to try to fix several spots where this happened. Any idea what I am doing to cause this, and how to fix it? Thanks.

    1. When I change colors I always tie the two ends together in a knot before I crochet over the tails.


    2. I tie knots too if the project is going to get lots of washings. Another thing I do is make sure when I weave the ends in I weave them in opposite directions and never weave them in a straight line...up down back and around works for me!


    3. I found a tutorial on youtube for magic knots. I have used them when joining colors on a current project which I'm changing colors every other row (I did not want to weave all those ends in). So far so good :)

  4. I have a question. I got an email about Google Reader going away and it said, Turning of the ViperChill RSS Feed, what you have to tell your blog readers by ViperChill. What is this? I have no idea what ViperChill is and if I have it and how I got it. I haven't made a decision yet as to where I'm going, Bloglovin or Feedly. What confusing mess.

    1. I think that email that you got was from ViperChill which is a website about social media. They posted an article with the text you metioned here: (

      I've moved over to Feedly :)

  5. My brother is getting married in the fall and I would love to make him a quilt that everyone at the reception signs. Any suggestions for a really pretty pattern? Should I preassemble the quilt top or just have the blocks out to sign? Thanks!

    1. I,too, think that you should have it assembled, but just the top--not sandwiched or quilted. Then you could iron on freezer paper to the backs of the portion you want signed--to help stabilize it and make it easier to write on the fabric.

    2. I have twice made wedding ring quilts as a wedding gift. I cut the center pieces out of white and and took them to the wedding with a fine tip fabric pen and had the guests sign a message to the couple, then sewed them after.

    3. Definetly assemble after, unless you know that no inappropriate remarks will be written.

    4. I made a quilt for my nephew's wedding. I cut squares 5 inches. With a pencil Ilightly drew a square 4 inches inside the 5 inch square, backed it with freezer paper and put the squares in a basket with a PIGMA pen at the reception. I asked that everyone write in the 4 inch squarethen trimmed that block down to a 4.5 inch squareunfinished and used that in the quilt. Turn out to be a cute quilt. I just made a pretty good wall hangingsize. If you wanted it bigger you could make your squares bigger to accomodate your quilt block. I just made a snowball block and trimmed it with the colors used in the wedding. Good luck! Keep in mind some kids will draw in the block but that just added to the quilt. I just wrote in the child's name and age next to the drawing.

    5. how fun! I recently made a signature qlt for my brother and his wife. I bought 6 panels of labels. sewed them together and put 3 borders. I had it custom quilted. i did not want any qtling in the label, but around it. when i got it back i bound it. at the wedding we had a table that they could display it. in a vase there were micron pens. i believe we used #5 or 8, black. no one had any prob signing the qlt. you can check out the pic here:

      the qlt is now on there bed. it is king size. they loved it! good luck......

    6. I'm making one this month. After checking with others who have made them before, I will just supply squares of fabrics with a margin, backed with freezer paper and have appropriate pens. I will assemble after wedding.

  6. I would have the quilt completely finished and then you wouldn't have people signing in the seams (spoken from experience).

  7. Sandy, I made a quilt for everyone to write a message for our son's wedding. I made squares. A white center with their wedding colors around the square. I put the blocks in a pretty box and set it out. I used pigma pens and had extra's along, just in case. After the wedding I put it all together. I also did a block in the center with their wedding picture and embroiderd in some extra blocks. I would not put the quilt together before the wedding.Who knows where it could be dragged around to and people trying to find a place to sign and leaving extra ink marks. Just sayin.

    1. I agree with Paula--just have the blocks to sign. If you don't want to frame the block with fabric you could put masking tape around the edges to keep the signatures out of the seam allowances, but that's a very good idea to sew around it--never thought of that! You could iron freezer paper on the back to stabilize the fabric.

    2. I did put freezer paper on the back of each square to help stablize it. Thanks for reminding me, Eileen!

    3. Thanks everyone for your suggestions! They were all wonderful! =)

  8. I've got a blogger question. I've been dying to find out how to get create those thumbnails and link them like on this blog. For example go to the "Sewing Tutorials" page, to understand what I mean.
    I really hope someone can help me. :)
    Thank you!

    x Vanessa | houseinthesand.blogspot.

    1. Hi Vanessa,
      The thumbnail links are a paid service that I use. There are a few out there, but I use Linky Tools. If you click on the word linky tools under one of my Sew Darn Crafty parties it will bring you to his site. He's awesome to work with. Very helpful and always answers any questions. Good luck.

    2. Forgot to mention, the thumbnails I have at the top of my blog are private lists only I can add to them. The parties I have are public, so other bloggers can share their posts. I just noticed a link to his site under any of the thumbnails I have at the top of my blog

    3. Hi Karen,
      thank you so much for answering! That really helped me out!! :) x

  9. Hi - I have a pretty eyelet fabric that I'm making a dress out of. I happily sewing along until I realized there are buttons. I haven't sewn buttonholes before much less on eyelet fabric. Can I do that? Should I do that? I was thinking of using a twill type fabric for the button placket and collar instead. Thoughts? Opinions? Thanks!!

    1. You certainly could change it up. You could also make buttonholes in your dress using some sort of a stabilizer or interfacing. Sometimes buttons can add a cute touch to a garment. Buy a small amount (which is all you probably would need), like 1/8 or 1/4 yard and practice if buttonholes are something you are leaning towards. Good luck!

  10. Hi there! Does anyone have any tips on quick & easy ways to remove labels from jam jars? I love upcycling jars & bottles, but leaving the labels to soak off always takes ages :) Thanks!

    1. i use a product called Goo Gone. I got it at the hardware store but i think I've seen it at WalMart and Lowe's. Works good for me.

    2. I use one called Dissolve is the same as Goo Gone. They are both citrus based. Wondering if peanut butter would work? they use that on gum in the hair. Worth a try if you cannot locate a citrus based product. Lowe's is a hardware/home improvement store.

    3. I soak a paper towel and lay it over the label. Walk away and come back 30 minutes or an hour later, and the label slides right off.

    4. wipe sticky label or area where label was with Eucalyptus oil leave 10 mins and simply wipe off with a scourging pad and wash in hot soapy water

    5. Mayonnaise...I put a thick coat over the label and leave it for 30 min. and it comes right off. Works great on jars and picture frames that have labels on the glass.

    6. You can also try cooking spray....I've heard that works. I use a heat gun used for embossing...and the glue is heated and it peels right off. I use this to get price tags off of things.

    7. Wow, thanks for all the great ideas! I've got loads of jamjars, so think I'm going to have to try them all :)

  11. Would just like to say that I wish all bloggers would caption a photo at the bottom of the photo....not on the top. Thank you.

    1. With Blogger the captioning is always at the bottom as long as you click on the "add caption" and type. Some people don't use this and just type and other blogs might be different.

  12. My question is: where's the best place/category on your blog to go back to posts like "how to back up your blog," "google reader,"..would it be under "Blogging Tips?" BTW: I finally got the LINKEDIN (you answered my email a couple of months back) code on my blog.

    Thanks so much and I'm like you, I don't want to lose any of my followers. I was looking to see if you're on Networkedblogs. I just hooked up with them a couple days ago. :-). Now If I can only get the categories (tabs) like you have like: tutorials, blogging tips, FAQ's, etc on my blog!

    Still trying to figure that one out! -JC

  13. Not sure what to do: won a giveaway on one of the blogs I read, sent an email with my thanks and address. Weeks later: nothing arrives. Should I email this person again or just forget it.

    1. another polite email wouldn't hurt=maybe thier computer crashed or they had some other temporary setback. After that, I'd just let it go.

    2. maybe life got in the way of them sending it. Sometimes life deals things and blogging has to take a back seat for a bit.

      I would email letting them know you are awaiting its arrival in case they DID send it and the post office is at fault. could be a number of reasons.

    3. That happened to me once too. It's been months and nothing arrived. It wasn't a big deal to me to get the item I supposedly won, so I did nothing. If the item you won was being shipped from another country, it can take weeks to arrive, so be patient. If it was truly sent, and they want to know if it arrived safely to you, then they might email you to inquire about it.

    4. I've been waiting well over a year for a handmade-something that I won in a give-away. She wrote once (14 months ago) to apologize for being slow; I figure there must be a reason so... "whatever!"

  14. I read that you should somehow imbed a label in any photo you put on your blog so you can easily search for it in google to see if anyone is using your photo without your permission...does anyone know how to do this?

    1. Hi Ali...This topic is my blogging tip for this Monday, so look for the post tomorrow.

    2. Great!! Thank you for all your tips!

  15. I am a new homeschool teacher to my 9 year old daughter and I am looking for some Easter crafts that we can do together that aren't your typical crafts ie: baskets, bunny ears, decorate eggs, etc... can anyone suggest anything? Thanks!

    1. Jo, check out the blog where Olivia has some really good Easter and other ideas. She, too, has a 9-yr- old daughter, plus a 7-yr-old son and a 4-yr-old daughter that she homeschools.

    2. So sorry. I gave the wrong address. It is Please try again. Her current post has 100 ideas for Easter activities.

    3. Thank you so very much Kay!!!


  16. HI, we just switched our computer to an iMac and I was wondering what Blogging program iMac users can recommend .I use to use Windows Live Writer and loved it and hate writing my posts in Blogspot...what programs are good ?
    Any help is appreciated :-)

  17. Hello :D I just tried to read my blog list, and I got the dreaded malware warning (thankfully not from my blog, but because of one I follow). However, my blog isn't backed up and I have no idea how to do that. Can someone help me?
    Thank you :D Hope everyone's having a great (malware free) day!

    1. Hi...I just did a post on this recently. Here's the link:
      Good luck

    2. I searched your blog after I wrote that, because I thought I'd remembered it. Thanks for your response! I'm pretty computer-illiterate, but I'll definitely give it a try!


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