
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tool Time Tuesday...Sandwich Box Sewing Kit

Happy Tuesday everyone! In today's post, we'll be using sandwich boxes or snack boxes that are used for school or work. You know those cute little compartmentalized boxes that keep your food organized!! Right up my organizational alley.

I've seen these boxes in just about every store. Cheap, cheap. I bought one in a consignment kitchen shop and the second design (further down in the post) in a discount store.

From Sandwich to Sewing!!

Just a little old sandwich box.

The box opens up with half being a large compartment and then the other half a covered section.

Here's lunch...

The cover closes over to keep little things contained.

Then closes over one more time.

Now onto the "Tool Time" version...

Hexagons and fabric in the sandwich section. It can hold other small sewing projects too...embroidery, cross stitch etc.

Thread, pins, needle case, scissors and other goodies in the individual compartments.

Close first cover to keep small things secure.

Then fold over the top!!

Easy to take with you any where you go.

Buy 2 and you'll have lunch and sewing on the go!!

This is the second box. It's for dipping snacks

It has a large cover for the whole box and a small cover for the dipping section.

Food version. Maybe veggies in the outer section and salad dressing in the center.

Sewing version. Pins in the center and sewing supplies on the outside.

The little dipping cover keeps pins all save and sound.

and the big cover keeps everything from spilling out.

Here's a extra tip... to keep your measuring tape from unrolling in your sewing kit, just secure it with a mini binder clip.

Look in your cupboard to see if you have a plastic storage box that can be used for your never know!!

Hmmm...this could be a tough one. Use it for food or use it for sewing? is the picture of the sandwich box that was shared in the comment section. I asked Happier Than A Bird Quilts, if I could share it in this post. Visit her blog too...awesome quilts. Click HERE to visit. Thanks for letting me post it.

Hexie Heaven...LOVE IT!

Happy Tool Time,

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  1. Love these ideas, but especially the measuring tape one. I have a measuring tape that won't stay rolled and some binder clips on my desk. How did I not make that connection?

  2. Why didn't I think of that.... another two for the price of one. Thanks Karen.

  3. Great idea! And the clip on the tape is brilliant. I have an elastic band around mine but I know I have a few of those bulldogs around so I'm going to dig one out today. :o)

  4. I have one of the first boxes ..... I have used it as a money box when I have sold things at craft fairs. It did start out as my husband's lunch box, but when he retired of course I pinched it and put it to better use! I have a sewing kit in one of the little toiletry bags that you get on long haul flights - the various pockets are ideal for stowing sewing supplies.

  5. I have never seen these lunch boxes !
    They would be perfect for taking "Yo-Yos" on the go.
    Great idea !

  6. Siempre con tus buenas ideas. BuscarĂ© haber si encuentro una cajita como la primera que me vendrĂ¡ genial para cuando viajo.

  7. If I ever see one of those lunch boxes, I' m going to buy a few. Very clever. Do you recall where you got yours?

  8. What a very clever idea ~ especially the binder clip on the tape measure. I have a roll of Stay Tape that needs taming.

  9. Okay, how silly am I ? I haven't seen either one of these types of lunch containers. I guess I'm a bit old fashioned. All I have are the actual Sandwich container (tupperware) that hold "only" a sandwich. Hey, I DO have two of them though, LOL. I like "organization" so this post was right up my alley. Have a great Tuesday, Karen. Always enjoy your blog.

  10. OK. I NEED me some of those boxes! Too funny - at Christmas time I was grocery shopping and was suddenly struck by the perfectness of some little rectangular party dips for storing scrap bits useful for applique. Yep. I bought ALL of them - something like 12. ROFL We ate lots of dip over the next weeks - just emptied the last. So now I have a wonderful set of containers for those scraps, which I'm sorting out by colors.

  11. Great idea. Maybe now I will actually organize my supplies.

  12. The dip container is awesome, I've never seen one before, but that is so perfect for pins.
    I've been using a Sistema container very similar to yours for about a year now to keep my hexie projects organized, I LOVE it. I can throw it in the car and not worry about anything spilling, and then I have something to entertain me while I wait in the school pick up lane.
    Here is a pic of mine, only 2 slots on the one side, but it's perfect for my 1" hexies.

  13. That one with the hole in the middle that you put pins in, well you could also have made a small pincushion to fit that hole. I recently found a ceramic bowl that is similar idea and I hot glued a pincushion I had made a while back and it fit perfectly. I will be taking photos and putting it on my blog soon. I just hadn't done so yet and then saw this and it reminded me.

  14. I have a couple of Tupperware sandwich boxes that I've used in this manner for a couple of years. I've never seen these styles but I'm going to begin my search - they are both fabulous. Thanks for the tips, Karen.

  15. Wonderful and fun ideas! Thanks!

  16. Oh man. I was thinking, just this weekend, how I really needed to clean out my extensive collection of plastic containers. Many are recyclable, but now you've given me a reason not to recycle them. Who doesn't want things organized. I knew I came here today for a reason.

  17. I like the sandwich box idea a lot. I'm making hexagons and it would be perfect for that kind of project. Just big enough. Not too big.

  18. Great idea!! Thanks for the tip...I got given a sewing box for Christmas but it's just one big trunk with no compartments. I might buy myself a few of these and then my organisation gremlin will be satisfied!
    Thanks! Lulu x

  19. It's amazing that if these were sold in a sewing shop that they would be 3 times the price!


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