
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thrifty Thursday...Recycled Make-Up Compact Sewing Kit

Happy Thrifty Thursday everyone...time to recycle something!

I was cleaning out the drawers of my daughters' bathroom recently. When they are away at school, I pretty much know that what's in those drawers are not important...or they would have taken it. What did I find...empty toothpaste tubes, empty make-up bottles, etc.

I also found this...a make up compact with lip stick missing on the right, empty blush and half empty eye shadow.

I made the executive decision to throw this, but I really kept it!!

Look what I turned it into...a sewing kit!!!

Here it is closed.

Here it is opened.

If your make up compact is really empty, you can just wash and clean it out. I wasn't 100% sure that the eye shadow wasn't one Courtney's favorite, so I popped out the trays until I asked her.

You can use Goo Off to remove glue if you want

 I know that all compacts don't look like this with a lip stick space, but I took advantage of it by cutting a piece of foam tubing to make a pin cushion.

You can make a cute one out of fabric, but this was a quickie.

Add pins, safety pins, extra emergency buttons, needles, thread...

All you need for quick repairs or even when you are doing hand sewing in the car on long rides.

Oh, and that mirror...great to check your hair or make up when you're sewing!!

This is perfect for your purse, car, work desk drawer...any where at all!

No matter what size compact your are using, I'm sure even a few pins, a needle and some thread will fit!!

Remember, think twice before you throw it out.

Happy Thursday,

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  1. Perfect for the car! (I know, you said that) :D I wonder if it would be big enough for a few bandaids, alcohol wipes and a small tube of antibiotic ointment. Hmmm...

  2. You are unbelieveable with the way you come up with such useful ideas. Totally amazing and so cute. Now I have to go through my bathroom drawers looking for something similar. I know there are some compacts that have that open space where lipstick resides. Thanks for the eye opener.!!

  3. I love this if I only wore makeup! Thanks for sharing xx

  4. That would make a great Needle Book, too.

  5. It appears you took out the magnet that originally held the makeup. Why not leave it in there to hold pins and needles?

  6. This is a great idea, thank you! You come up with the best ideas, I love reading your blog.

  7. Your make overs of household items never cease to amaze me Karen! Thanks for sharing and have a great day :)

  8. I collect unused makeup brushes at thrift stores to use as lint brushes on all my machines (I have quite a few machines). The makeup brushes are soft, and really get the lint out, usually better than the lint brushes that are made and sold for this purpose. I love to 'reclaim' items.

  9. What a great idea. If my daughter had left something like this behind I could have done this. :)

  10. This is so creative!
    Thank you!

  11. You've inspired me. I pulled my old compact out of the bin. Thank you for the clever idea.

  12. Wonderful- how many of these do we throw away every year! I'll bet you can even find some pretty things to adhere to the top of the case to make it even fancier!

  13. Great idea as I have two old, (very old) pink Mary Kay compacts that will work perfectly. Thanks for sharing. Blessings

  14. Karen, as always your ideas are pure genius!
    I have a few old makeup cases that I can use for these.
    They would make cute stocking stuffers!

    artsybuildinglady blog


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