
Monday, February 11, 2013

Blogging Tip...How to Stop Following a Blog

Hi everyone!! Today's blogging tip is how to "unfollow" a blog. I know blogging is about "following" blogs, making connections with friends all over the world and getting inspired, but sometimes our interests change, the blogs we are following change and other times our reading lists are just so long we can't read them all.

Well, Anne from My Blethering Blog, came to the rescue!! I contacted Anne and asked if I could use the instructions for how to unfollow a blog that she had left in the comment section of one of my posts. I wanted to share the instructions with you in a picture tutorial. Thanks Anne for letting me share!! Click here for Anne's blog and here for her Etsy shop she is amazing!! So many cute won't be disappointed!

How To Unfollow A Blog...

In the past, I would go to my dashboard and click the gear, circled in red, and I was able to add or delete blogs on my reading list.

For some reason, blogger has disable that feature...not sure if it's just my dashboard or everyone's.

This is how Anne explained how to do it...

Go to the blog you want to delete from your reading list or "unfollow".

I am using my ever faithful friend Tina's blog, Seaside Stitches, for my screen printing examples. Click HERE to visit Tina, she has awesome quilts and tutorials too. The quilt in the picture below will be in a quilt show. Congratulations Tina!!

On the blog that YOU want to "unfollow", find the Followers or Join This Site gadget, circled in red.

On the bottom right, click the green "Sign In" link.

Choose how you will sign in...I used Google.

The next screen will be to sign into your account.

Your picture icon should appear. Click the green "Options" button.

Next, you will click "Site Settings"

The next screen will look like this. Off to the right,  you will click "Stop Following This Site".

I didn't click that for obvious reason...can't stop following Seaside Stitches!!

Hope this was helpful for you in managing your blog reading list. Thanks to Anne and Tina for their help.

Happy Blogging,

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  1. Aww, this makes me sad simply because my blog just got it's first follower! But thank you, I am still following blogs that don't post anymore, and I don't want them hanging around my list to confuse me anymore hahaha

    1. I'll have to go see your blog "Rainy" and see what's going on over's good to know how to unfollow someone....but I haven't the heart to do it yet....
      Mel's Designs 'n Harmony blog and on Facebook.

  2. I am sending you a big giant hug through the computer! I have been unable to unfollow blogs also, and it has been driving me crazy. I figured there had to be a way................thanks again for posting this.

  3. That was very helpful! I've recently realized that I follow more blogs than I can realistically keep up with and have wondered how I could unfollow a few of them. Of course don't worry, your blog is one of my favorites and I do not plan on unfollowing you!!! :)

  4. I agree.. this is soooo helpful there are a few blogs that I lost interest in

  5. This is how I can usually unfollow blogs that have been stale, recently I tried to unfollow blogs that I've outgrown (something like that) and they have taken away the followers tool so I can't even unfollow them. It's getting me really annoyed because I really don't want something in my reader if I don't have anything in common with the blog. The other way I was able to unfollow was through google's manage your blog link but google took that away so now I am stuck with blogs I no longer read popping up. There are a couple of blogs that shut down and other spyware companies took it over and now it 's always in my reader when they post. I am so frustrated. If you could figure out how I can unfollow these blogs I would really appreciate it.

    1. Hi Kim,

      First you need to go to your dashboard. To get there, click on "design" at the top right of your blog then on "my blogs" to bring up the reading list. Next click on the wee cog wheel over on the right side where it says "view in google reader". A new page with "manage blogs I'm following" and a list of the blogs you're following will appear. At the right of each blog name is a blue "settings" link. Click on that link for each of the blogs you want to unfollow and the page where you can unfollow the blog will appear. I hope that helps. :o)

    2. This appears to be disabled. This is what pops up when I click the cog wheel -
      We are unable to load your FriendConnect data at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please try again shortly.

      I don't see any other way to unfollow blogs unless they have GFC. Some blogs do not even list it on their blogs anymore. Plus if they use typepad or some other host, I don't see how to unfollow.

  6. Thanks for the mention, Karen. What a great way to start my day! :o)

  7. Thanks for the very helpful info. I just started following your blog. Even though I'm not into sewing, I've found some great organizations ideas lots of other great stuff.

  8. Thanks for this Karen and for the new blog to check out. :)

  9. Thank you for not un-following my blog! See you tomorrow.

  10. Thanks, I have been playing around unsuccessfully with this. I have been reluctant to follow, cause I won't sure how to undo it. :)
    Love your blog and am always anxious for your next post?

  11. Thank you for posting this! I have been trying to figure out how to "unfollow" for months!

  12. Yes thanks for the tip...Many have stopped blogging and I would love to do some house cleaning...

  13. What a wonderful tip, I don't need it at the moment, but It's good to know that I have somewhere to go and find out if I ever need to.

    Happy Monday bloggers!


  14. Karen, I can still unfollow a blog from my reader settings. I just tried it. I go to Reader Settings, then subscriptions. I can either hit unfollow, or when I have selected a blog, click on the garbage can (sad isn't it? putting someones blog in the garbage? But there it is...)

  15. Karen, the blogs I wanted to unfollow were very hard to unfollow mainly because they were taken over by spammers and they had removed the GFC widget. Even tho' I unsubscribed from Google Reader, the blog feed reappeared. Finally, I logged on to a GFC via another friendly blog I followed. From there, I clicked on Options/site settings/sites you've joined and there I could click on Unfollow. It was extremely challenging because the window only displayed 30 sites at a time and I follow a lot of sites. Unfortunately the ones I wanted to unfollow were like at the bottom and the only way I could do it was to "sacrifice" the blogs that came before.... But I finally managed to get rid of the spam blogs which unfortunately started with the letters "T" and "V".

  16. Great advice. I wouldn't have figured that one out. Nice to know if I ever need it. :)

  17. Thank you Karen and Anne! I had just been puzzling about how to unfollow, could not figure it out at all, and was overwhelmed at the number of blogs I'd somehow collected. The instructions were so clear and even a techno-phobe like me could follow them!

  18. OMG! THANK YOU! I have been trying to figure out how to do that for months. Well, okay... by "trying" I mean: I have been thinking I should do a Google search for instructions after failing, a time or two, to unfollow a blog. It was really bugging me that it's not more intuitive. Still does, actually. Anywhoooo... Thanks! :D

  19. THANK YOU! I've been trying to 'unfollow' a few blogs for quite a while now. I will try this out.

  20. Thanks for posting this! There is at least one blog I follow that no longer posts and a few that I would rather not follow for a variety of reasons. Thank you!

  21. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I have been struggling to "unfollow" blogs and couldn't do it anymore thru the reader settings. UGH. What a life saver you are

  22. Thank you for this info! I was able to unsubscribe from 1 blog. There are others who have removed the GFC widget so I can't "unfollow" them. I tried the method mentioned in one of the comments, and that seems a great option, but I don't want to have to remove all the blogs I do want in order to get to the ones I don't.

    Any suggestions how to "unfollow" or unsubscribe if a blog has removed the GFC widget and a person doesn't want to have to remove all the desirable blogs in order to get to the undesirables?

    Thank you!!!

  23. Do you have any suggestions on how to unfollow a blog that the blogger has discontinued? That drives me nuts...someone discontinues or deletes their blog and there's no way to stop following.

  24. The odd part for me after reading your post is that the gear icon in my Blogger dashboard Reading List still works for me. It takes a second after clicking it for the blog list to populate, but once it does, all the Settings options are there next to each blog. I can click on any of those and then choose to stop following any of the blogs listed there.

  25. I just found a link that may be helpful to anyone trying to unfollow a blog that is in Google Friend Connect. Just click on this link:
    It will list all your GFC-followed blogs. It will show a "Settings" link beside each one that you can click on and then a window opens that looks like Karen's last image in her post. Then you can stop following. :) I hope it helps! It took me an hour of Googling to find that link. :)

  26. This has been really helpful, I totally love to sew but never knew there were different ways too do it. I just started out and wanted to do more, but could never find the right tutorial or article.

  27. This is great except what do you do when the blog doesn't have the list of follwers on it??? I have so many abandon blogs I want to unfollow but there is no possible way =/

  28. Great info that I need to put to good use.I'm glad someone has worked out how to do this! Thanks.
    website design

  29. oh my god thanks so much! *goes off to purge long follow list* xx

  30. Thank you, I some how followed my own blogs - needed to unfollow myself. You made it so easy.

  31. Thanks a lot, man. I wanted to make an anonymous blog.

  32. Hi there, my question is a bit different. Does anyone know how we can find who unfollowed us with Google Friend Connect?
    Thanks a lot.:)

  33. Super helpful and very clear instructions, thank you.

  34. thank u!
    now i can unfollow blog that has been not update for long time :)

  35. I love you sooo much. Thank-you, you literally saved my life c:

  36. Thanks for this - it was very helpful and worked!!

  37. Oh my gosh!!! Thank you so much Artchick! I have been trying to pare down my reading list and trying every possible way to do that. I've even gone blog by blog and through the whole multi-step process through GFC. Then I got stymied by those blogs who have deleted the GFC widget. It's been driving me nuts and I can't believe how well the link you posted to the GFC user overview works. FINALLY!! So happy I discovered this blog

  38. Great post! This is very useful. Thanks!
    xoxo Zoe

  39. Omg, thank you so much.. I have been trying to figure this out (on my own) for the longest time but today I admitted defeat and your post was the most helpful :)

  40. Thank you so so much for posting this blog!

  41. Yeah just unfollowed a nasty spammer blog!! Thanks for this!

  42. Thanks for this post! Unfortunately, I've had a blog-relationship go bad and I didn't want to see it in my list of blogs anymore. Your post was perfect!

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Thank you sooo much for this! I am following so many blogs that have not posted in months and currently blogger only allows you to follow a max of 300 blog, which is limiting! This post has helped my blog so much, thank you! :)

  45. Thanks a lot. It's a bit confusing. There has to be an option to delete from the blogger interface.

  46. Hi, thanks to the both of you for this very useful information!

  47. Thankyou I accidentally followed myself hahaha


  48. I always find myself ending up on yourself, it's full of so many helpful tips! For that reason, I'm following you now, thanks for all your help!

  49. Thanks so much for the help! :) I needed this!

  50. Hi, I cannot seem to stop following a blog I did not intend on following. When I click on settings in Manage Blogs I'm Following in Blogger I am asked to sign in with Google. When I sign in using the same user and password used to sign in to Google initially I get a window with the following message:

    We're sorry...

    We were unable to handle your request. Please try again or return a bit later.

    I never get to the listing of blogs I am following (which is only the one I started with right now).

    The blog I wish to remove from my reading list is:

    This is very frustrating and any help would be appreciated.

  51. I wish there was a way to do this without visiting the site! Some HORRID, nasty porn-blog has bizarrely and worryingly found its way onto my follow list (I have no idea how) and it just suddenly showed up in my reading list tonight and I really want to be able to unfollow it without clicking on the site!!! x

  52. I have tried everything to delete blogs from my reading list & nothing works. I was so happy to come across this blog post of yours & immediately followed your instructions, but still the blogs remain : ( Any ideas?

  53. Thanks... I've been trying to unfollow some blogs but don't know how to do it. This will help me.

  54. thanks I have been trying to unfollow three blogs and this really helped :)

  55. THANK YOU! I was at the end of my rope. Blogger hadn't fixed another problem (a blog that I'm following has been hijacked by a porn site) so I was trying to simply unfollow the blog until they can get it fixed. Ironically, I was having the same problem. It says try later, but all the days and hours later that I would try it same thing. You have saved my sanity :-)

  56. Do you have any ideas for what happens when the blog in question is hijacked by spam and the new spammers take the Friend Connect button off? I can't unfollow on their site now.

  57. Do you have any ideas for what happens when the blog in question is hijacked by spam and the new spammers take the Friend Connect button off? I can't unfollow on their site now.

  58. This is so helpful thank you! I have to say I don't see why Blogger makes us jump through such hoops to unfollow a blog though, as you say the blogs we follow are sometimes transient, you'd think they'd appreciate that.I also wish we could select which blogs we follow that we want to display.

  59. Hai Karen, I was looking for this feature in my blog and could not find it, but with your help now I can do it. Thank you so much! Love your blog also.

  60. Thank you! I really needed this last night!

  61. Is there any way to see who unfollowed your blog? Thanks!

    Mommy Rockin' In Style

  62. Thanks so much for the info! :)


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