
Friday, February 8, 2013

Blizzard 2013...

Hi everyone! Just wanted to let you know we're in the middle of the blizzard in the north east. We just lost cable, Internet and the lights are the next to go. Thankfully, we do have a generator.

We live in southern New England, so we're in the 24 inches of snow zone with hurricane force winds.

I have posts ready to be posted until Monday, but if you don't hear from me after that, you'll know why.

Although, I am posting this from the Blogger app on my phone. First time using it, so we'll see what it looks like!! It's easier to use than I thought.

For all my blogging friends in this big mess...stay safe and warm.

Take care,


  1. Thank heavens for a generator! Stay safe and warm and we'll pray that things go well for you during this storm.

  2. Your post from the phone looks good. Stay safe!

  3. Prayers for all in your area during this storm - hope we hear good news soon - God bless - Lurline!

  4. We're knee deep here in NH, and that wind keeps howling something fierce- yikes! So thankful for a warm house today...and hoping we don't lose power anytime soon since we don't have a generator! Yes, stay safe everyone!

  5. Praying for you during this storm! So glad to hear you have a generator! It still won't be a ton of fun, but that will help a lot!

  6. I hope you stay warm! It seems like a good weekend to huddle in the studio.

  7. A generator is a wonderful thing and worth every penny spent. How well we know to run the well for water and a small a/c for cooling in the hot Florida heat in hurricane season. We don't have a generator now that we live in the NW as our weather is fairly mild. Hope you have a snow blower to help clear the driveway. Stay safe.

  8. Will keep all of my friends in the NE safe and warm within my heart.

  9. Stay safe and warm - good time to be snuggling under a pile of pretty quilts with a good book and a a mug of something hot!

  10. Glad you have a generator. Sounds like it's going to be a rough storm. My daughter lives between Boston and Providence. She texted me that the lightning was giving them power surges. Also saw "green lightning"-never even heard of such a thing. Praying for all affected by this tremendous storm.

  11. I live north of Boston, near the NH border. It's pretty bad out there. I'm hoping we don't lose our electricity. Hope you make it through the storm safely with your utilities intact! I've been quilting and knitting all day. Good time to get some projects done!

  12. You take care and stay safe. Saying prayers for all those in harms way.

  13. Stay safe & keep warm!! Sending good thoughts your way!

  14. Hope you stay safe and warm through this storm =) Thinking of you and your family!
    All the way from Aus,

  15. So glad you have a generator! Stay safe! Your phone post worked fine!

  16. That is crazy. Hope all is well. It is amazing that Washington has sunny skies and no snow.

  17. Hope you stay safe and warm. Maybe even get some sewing done!

  18. Praying for you. Take care Karen! You at least have a generator, that is something to feel happy about.

  19. Please stay safe!! You are in my thoughts and prayers!!


  20. Karen, you're in my thoughts for warmth, safety, and quick resolution to the storm. It's a relief to hear you have a generator. All the best to you,
    <3 Christina @ I Gotta Create!

  21. Keep safe and warm ..... and think spring!

  22. I was in the 3 to 6 zone. They kept telling us it would be 6 to 12 but the dividing line moved just a bit north of where I live. I got lucky.

  23. Hope all is well. I was only in the 3-6" zone so all was fine here. Thankfully you have the generator!


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