
Friday, February 22, 2013

Ask the World a Question...

Hi everyone!! This feature becomes more popular every time I post it. On Fridays, I've decided to alternate "Ask the World a Question" with "Find a Friend Friday", so save up those questions! Every other Friday we'll share our blogs and then we'll share our thoughts.

If you're new to the Question and Answer post it's very simple...ask a question and my wonderful readers from all over the world will answer it for you!! Another reason why I love blogging...some many people willing to help and share their thoughts!! Thanks to everyone who asks and for all who answer. I LOVE IT!!

Here's How It Works...

Just ask a question in the comment section. Anyone who reads my blog from all over the world, can answer that question by clicking in the "REPLY " button under THAT question.

There are so many helpful people in the world who can share so much...some have blogs, and some do not. I thought this would be the perfect solution for everyone to ask any question and then we can all help!!

Just an FYI...when you are clicking "reply" in any blog comment format, you are not "replying" directly to that person's email address. You are just replying on my blog under the question, so everyone has to return here to see the answers.

Ask questions about cooking, recipes, crafting, sewing, blogging, photography, vacations in other countries or states, decorating, families, babies...anything goes.

Here's how it will work...
  • post your question in the comment section
  • everyone will read the question 
  • if someone has a helpful answer, that person will click the "REPLY" button right under that particular question and post the answer!!
  • that way everyone can read the answer too!!
  • this is helpful for some who don't like to share their email address or who are "no replies" and there isn't an email address to respond to 
  • just come back to this post to see if your question has been answered!!

If you'd like to read the other Q and A post you can click HERE and HERE and HERE to see how it works or to see if some questions might be helpful for you too.

Have a great day everyone,

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  1. Hi, Question For embroidery machine owners: how do you keep your bobbin fill thread bobbins separate from regular thread filled bobbins? When next to each other on the table, they look the same. I only have two colors, white and black.

    My bobbins are clear plastic. I was told by my sewing machine guy not to mark the bobbins with nail polish (red) as it would throw off the balance as they spun around.


    1. I would put a hair band around it while its not being used, keep it from unspooling and helps u remember or work out which is which! :)

    2. I would mark the bobbins with a permanent marker. That wouldn't be "heavy" like the nail polish so wouldn't knock the balance off.

      Hope that helps. :o)

    3. Thanks, I will try both ideas. I think my kidlette may have left a few of her markers and hair bobs around in the drawers. Probably a good time to clean them out, too, and put things back where they belong. ;-)

    4. I use different colored bobbins.

    5. I would store the bobbins in those rubber ring bobbin holders. You could put one kind of bobbin in one color ring and the other kind of bobbin in another color. If you are unsure of what I am talking about, just google BobbinSaver Bobbin Organizer.

    6. I separate my bobbins into different bobbin holders. Here's my blog post about it:

    7. Thanks Angela, Judie and Leslie. So far as I can tell the 15J bobbins only come in clear. I have a spare bobbin ring, but not enough room to keep it out on the sewing cabinet and no place to hang it. I went to Joann's and got a bobbin box with foam insert for the bobbin fill bobbins so they won't ravel. I can set the box up on its edge. I also marked the bobbin fill bobbins with a blue Sharpie marker. I'm good to go now.

      My other machines I don't worry about because they basically only have one kind of thread to deal with. I keep all the items that belong to a machine with it and its case. I just blanked when I got this embroidery machine set up with computer and all the stuff that came with it--brain overload, I guess and could not fight my way out of a paper bag at that point.

      Leslie, checked your blog and appreciate the pill holder hint. I have one that has each section individually spring loaded. I can use this, too. Bless you all for your help.

  2. This may be a strange place to ask but I'm looking for some blogs, that share information on life with autism, Aspergers and or sensory issues? Specifically any info on parents noticing signs of such or the steady or sudden decline in skill sets,vocab, etc? If anyone knows any blogs or resources that they could share I'd be so grateful! :)

    1. As a family childcare provider with children on the spectrum I used or .org. It was helpful. Good luck!

    2. Sorry - I forgot that the movie The Horse Boy was fabulous and showed a family struggling to unlock a child with autism. There is a whole program around using horses with children with autism at the website for the movie.

    3. Thank you MaryLee, I will check those out. I too am a Carer, through fostering, and grew up with my mother doing family day care also :) I'm working through concerns before our paed specialist appointment on Tuesday, hoping I can quash or substantiate my concerns so I know what I need to address at the appointment! Thanks again.

    4. My son's resource teacher suggested this one to me. It's more on the "humourous"/"just trying to cope" side of things, rather than helpful info, but still great stuff: But, you might be able to message or comment to them and get some help.

      Also, try this:

    5. My son is 3 and has Autism, I love Autism Speaks.. great resources. I knew something was arong by the time he was a year. He still doesn't speak well.. But, he is makeing improvements everyday.... Good Luck I also google Autism Blogs...


    7. Contact your local ARC, they should have lots of information.
      National Institute of Neurological Disorders:
      Autism web, National Autism Center, Autism Now Org.
      Top 25 Autism Spectrum Blogs-Lost and Tired | Babble:
      Autism Blogs: Resources for Children, Parents, Awareness & More
      Latest Posts - The Autism Hub - The Very Best In Autism Blogging

  3. hi all,
    My question is about blogging.
    How can I respond to a comment someone makes in my blog but so that the response gets to the person by email privately ?


    1. If you have your comments set up so that you get an e-mail when someone comments, you can reply to that e-mail and the commenter will get your reply in their e-mail. This only works if the person isn't a no-reply blogger though. If they are a no reply blogger, you could comment on their blog - assuming they have one - asking them to e-mail you.

      Hope that helps. :o)

    2. Thank you !!! It worked !! I cant believe it was that easy. . .

    3. Unfortunately you will get the odd person who doesn't have their emails set to show and you can't email them back, I always feel a bit sad when those come through :(

    4. You're very welcome. I'm glad I could help. :o)

  4. I want to set up a Facebook page using my blog name
    but I have no idea how to do this. Have tried and failed
    I've only been apply to use my own name. Can anyone help?
    Ali x

    1. I just did this. Use the email associated with your blog to set up facebook account. But you have to set it up as a page rather than a profile. That way people "LIKE" you rather than sending a friend request. There is an option to select personal blot as your type of business.

    2. Thanks for the help Linda. I'll try and have another go tonight.

    3. You can also add a new page connected to your current account. That way you can switch accounts without signing in and out every time. Make sure you are signed into your currecnt account and then (Or sign out if you don't want them linked)go to
      -Click on “Brand or Product“.
      -Choose a Category: select “Website“
      -Enter your blog’s Facebook Page name in the text field (ex. PicklenPosey Fan Page).
      -Check “I agree to Facebook Pages terms” then click the “Get Started” button
      Now you have a Facebook Fan Page. You can change the setting and pictures. Hope this helps.

    4. Thanks for the help you've made it sound easy.

  5. I the process of setting up my own blog at and have tried many tutorials on how to add social media buttons with no success. Ive uploaded the button images
    and used their direct links to write HTML codes which I have added as a gadget to my blotter layout but I still have no buttons. Can anyone help?

    1. I've had the same problem. I worked round it by first saving the button onto my computer in the picture file. Next go to layout on your blog. Click on add a gadget. Now use the image button. You can the link the page you want to direct to in the http box. Now use the add image from your computer. Browse and find the photo of the button you want to use. Then press save. Hope that makes sense and works. Ali x

    2. Are you using the HTML codes for linking an image? Blogger doesn't allow HTML codes in the comments so I can't give you the codes here. I hope Karen doesn't mind me linking to a post I wrote on my blog of how to make images link. Here's that post -

      Karen - if you'd rather I didn't link to my blog, let me know and I'll be happy to take it out. :o)

    3. Thank you so much Anne for sharing that great. I already saved your link to my favorites!!!

      Here is the link to the post I did for adding the Social Media Buttons to a blog with icon choices, directions for loading your icons to hosting site etc...

    4. You're very welcome, Karen. I'm glad I could help. :o)

  6. I think It is one of the fines way to get someone attraction thank you very much for the sharing.

    Villas for Rent in France

  7. How do I get a picture to appear next to my comments rather than the orange logo?

    1. Log into your blogger account, on the top right hand corner should be your name, click on that and then click on 'blogger profile'. This will bring up what people can see about you. In the top right hand corner of your blogger profile is an orange 'edit profile' button. If you click on this you can change your profile photo.

      This will be what comes up next to your name instead of the orange B :)

  8. How do I reset my password to Word Press? Not to Techy and can't find old password.

    1. Had to share my son's Google account. Sheila

    2. I had forgotten my password on Word Press so I put in my e-mail and clicked on "lost password" and they e-mailed me a link to set up a new one. Sadly I have done this on many websites but the reset seems to work well so that's my fail safe. Good luck.

    3. Handy Password Hint: get a smallish address book and use it to put in the sites you've joined and the passwords or your blogs and passwords. I put in the date and any pertinent info, like security questions/answers, email address I used, date of birth that I used, zip code, whatever. Use more than one addy section if necessary. I use a fine point pen and leave enough room for password changes that become necessary. The main reason use an address book is that it is alphabetized and I got one with letter tabs. The one I use is 3 1/2" by 5" and a nice size. Of course you will want to keep it secure if you have other persons around.

  9. I have been crocheting for quite sometime and recently I "made" up a stitch but am unsure of how to write it down. I have been scouring my old books and the internet to see if the stitch is already somewhere but can't find it ... Anyone know of a good tutorial for writing stitched down?

    1. Heather, I have no idea how to do this, but have you tried Ravelry? its a free online knitters and crocheters site. All you have to do is set up the obligatory password..and are yarn heaven! I got help the other day with a knitting needle dilemma.

      PS dont' blame me when you get hooked on it tho! (sorry for the pun!)

    2. writes both crochet and knit blog posts, she's really "in to" how stitches work and different things to do with them.

      Go dig around on her blog for awhile. If you don't find what you're looking for (or even if you do), start up a conversation with her. You'll get a lot out of it. :-)

  10. I recently started blogging. Any advise or tips on advertising and/or sponsors? Should I do both? I have an adsense account but I am not sure if that is the way to go. What works to generate revenue?

    1. If you are new to blogging then I would recommend that you steer away from ads and sponsors. Others need to show an interest in what you do and you need to have traffic on your blog before you can even consider looking at revenue. Blogs crowded with ads and sponsorship can put a lot of people off unless you have developed a real niche. If you put a counter on your blog showing how many hits you have and how many followers, then when your numbers are heading up you will find that people will approach you.

  11. Have had a blog for quite some time but just lately it runs all my sentences together. I use paragraphs when I type the post out but when it posts it all runs together one sentence after another. If anyone has any ideas ?? Thanks

    1. On the Blogger page where you write your posts you should see "Options" on the right side of the screen. Click that, choose "Press Enter for line breaks" and then "done".

      That should do it.

  12. How do I add Pinnit button on my IPad? Have tried several ways and can't get it to work.

  13. When I post on my new blogger page, the time that shows up on the post is actually 3 hours earlier than true time. Example: I posted at 11:15 but the post says I posted at 8:15. How do I change this?

    1. Linda, go into your blog then settings. Under Language and Formatting make sure that the time zone is set to your own time zone. Reply if you can't find it and I'll take a screenshot for you x

    2. I already figure it out so will share with all of you - in blogger go to settings, then language and formatting, and update your time zone. Mine was set to Pacific instead of Eastern.

  14. This may be off topic, but how do you clean your pc monitor screen? Don't dare put soap and water on it altho it is very spotty.

    1. I use a dry microfiber cloth, you may need to rub a bit if there's spots to get off :) on my old glass crt monitor I used babywipes and then the soft dry cloth but I wouldn't use anything damp on an LCD monitor x

    2. Thank you Samantha. I happened to have one of those cloths and it worked great with a little rubbing.

    3. Great! I love cleaning, don't worry though, its not catching :)

  15. I have a quilting question. I recently inherited three quilt tops, two were hand pieced by my great-grandmother, and one was hand-pieced by my great-great-grandmother. I know how to sew, but have never quilted and am at a loss about what to do next. I feel like I should learn to quilt and finish these quilts that were started so many years ago, but don't have a clue where to start. Could anyone give me pointers about good websites for instructions, or also helpful hints about working with antique fabrics such as these. I'm sure they are made from flour and feed sacks.

    1. Christi, the first step is to take these treasures to your local quilt shop. After they ooh and aww over them you can check into quilting classes or see if they have anyone who would hand quilt it for you for a fee. Another idea is to just hang them as they are attaching a label on the back detailing who, what, when, where, etc. Now dont' fall over anyone but you can cut them up to make pillows if the fabric is falling apart or downsize them to make smaller quilts, as is or wallhangings. Hope this gets you on the path to enjoying your treasures. An heirloom hidden in a closet is not enjoyed. I think it is better to display than hide.

    2. I agree with Charlotte. Your local quilt store can help you know what pattern they are and then give you directions on how to finish them. And don't be afraid to take Charlotte's advice to cut into them...pillows or smaller quilts that can be given to your siblings/cousins, etc...

    3. My aunt had been given some double wedding ring blocks her grandmother (my great grandmother) had made. The fabric was fairly fragile. So, she hand appliqued them to a piece of tone on tone fabric and had them framed for each of her sisters (4 others). Since my mother had already died she gave me one. It hangs in my sewing room.

    4. Thank you, ladies! That is all great advice. I appreciate your taking time to give me your thoughts, and I will definitely consult with my nearest quilt shop. The tops are all in great shape, so I really hate to cut them up, but the pillows and wall hangings are also great ideas.

  16. How do you get translation widget to work on your blog and can you give a step by step on how to add it to your blog? Thank you!!!!!

    1. Hi...just go to your dashboard, click LAYOUT, then click ADD GADGET. A pop up window will appear with all the gadget selections. TRANSLATE was the fourth selection down. (not sure if it's the same in your pop up window, but look for the word TRANSLATE). Then add that gadget, click save. Then position the gadget where you want it on your side bar and click save again.
      Good luck. Comment again if you have problems...

  17. I have a sewing question. How do you create the double-stitched hem on a t-shirt or other knit top? I have tried using my sewing maching and a serger machine, but can't find a stitch that is like the ones used on "store-bought" tops. I'd sure appreciate some help with this problem. Thank you so much.

    1. Hi Kathy, try using a ballpoint twin needle. This will create two perfectly parallel straight lines on the front and the zig zag on the back. Ballpoint for the jersey.

    2. It is called a cover stitch and is available on some sergers

    3. Use a ballpoint double needle that is 4.0 size - it is pretty close to the double stitching size on store bought t shirts. Also, increase your stitch length to a 3 or 3.5 and wind a 2nd bobbin with the same color thread to use instead of having to buy 2 spools of thread the same color. Hope this helps.

    4. Thanks so much for the advice. I'd never heard of that needle and look forward to getting one and trying this out. It sounds like the solution to my problem, and I'm very grateful to you all.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Kathy, take your zig zag foot with you so you get the correct mm foot. You want one that will fit and not be over large for the hole in the foot.

      In my class we made sure the hem was even, serged the edge with a 3 thread stitch, then ironed the hem. I think we did a 1-inch hem, but you decide what you'd like -- the T-shirt I'm wearing now is at 3/4-inch. After ironing, the serging will leave a slightly visible row on the top side and you stitch over that with the twin needle using a straight stitch on the right side of the fabric. You will sew this on a medium slow speed or less. Then when you look at the under side you will not see the top stitching. If the top stitching is started a couple of stitches before a side seam, when you get back around you will stitch over those few stitches and that will lock it nicely.
      (revised for clarity)

    7. Delia, thanks for the instructions. I am not an experienced seamstress, and can use all the advice I can get. Since I don't have a serger, what do you recommend I do to the raw edge?

    8. Kathy, you don't need to finish a raw edge of a t-shirt or a jersey knit fabric, it won't fray. If you use a zig zag stitch it could give it a bit of a wavy finish but personally, I would just press it under, then under again and stitch it into place. Saying that, you could just leave a jersey knit hem unfinished and it will roll up slightly, that's not uncommon. :)

    9. OK, Samantha, I won't worry about it. Thanks.

  18. Hi, my question is: how much do you pay for fabric (per yard) in countries other than the US? I know our's has gone up quite a bit in the past year or so and I'm just curious if that is the case around the world.
    Happy sewing.
    Ann in MA, USA

    1. For a good quality name brand quilting cotton in the UK I'd pay around £12 a metre (a little over a yard). I'm a cheapskate though so try to upcycle, life isn't cheap!

    2. I live in Australia and most fabric costs up around $22 to $25 per metre (just over a yard) If you take into account that the Aussie dollar is mostly equivalent to the USD atm, we pay considerably more for fabric. Even with the inflated postage increases from the US, it costs less for me to buy online from the US.
      Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

    3. I live in the Netherlands. For quiltfabric I pay € 13,00 to € 20,00 per metre at my local quilt shop.

    4. I live in Scotland and my nearest shop sells quilting cottons at £13.50 per metre which works out to about $18.68 per yard. *gasp*

    5. Up here in Canada we pay about $15-$18 per metre (39") for good quality cotton fabric. If I'm buying a large amount for the backing of a quilt, I try to find fabric that's on sale and can sometimes find "older" fabric for around $5-$8 per metre. I will buy online from US stores since the price is so much more affordable, but recently I've noticed that a lot of the US shops have really increased their shipping costs, which I'm not happy to pay. But, addictions don't come cheap...and buying/collecting fabric is an addiction. :)

  19. I have another blogging question for you. I've seen many blogs that have tabs on the top for various tutorials they've posted. The reader can click on a thumbnail picture to go to the tutorial. I have tabs (aka pages) added in blogger but am not sure how to add the thumbnails with links. Can anyone help?

    1. Hi Linda,
      I have the thumbnail pictures on my pages at the top of my blog. The only way I know how to get that type of thumbnail picture link is to subscribe to a linking service (paid service). I use Linky Tools, but there is also Inlinkz

      Here is the link to Linky Tools...

      Here is Inlinkz...

      Hope this helps. If anyone else knows of another option, let me know

    2. It's the same service I use for the thumbnail links I use for my Sew Darn Crafty Party each week. Instead of everyone linking their blogs, like in the crafty party, you will be linking your own posts for a quick reference picture link for your readers.

    3. Exactly what I needed to know. Thanks Karen!

  20. Blogging question: If I visit a blog that is NOT in english, is there a way to TRANSLATE it if that blogger doesn't have the translation button/bar on it? I have found many many blogs I love but they are in German. :(

    1. Hi Cyn, What browser do you use?? I use google chrome and it gives me the option to translate when I land on a foreign language blog...

    2. try leaving a comment on the blog asking them to add a translator ...most germans can read enough english to understand your message and if they don't, they will use a translator to figure it out :-)

    3. I use foxfire. I could try and leave a comment. Maybe I should just learn german :)

  21. I have a painting question. I have beams that are currently painted to match the walls (an oatmeal color). I am painting a robin's egg blue on the walls and have painted my fireplace a creamy white. Any thoughts on ceiling/beam color?

    1. Depends upon your ceiling height and personal preference. I wouldn't mind at all if the ceiling were the cream of the fireplace and the beams a shade or two darker than the walls.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I am ready to make my Blog look more professional... Who do I use? Where can I get ideas on what my Blog should look like?

  24. Hanging with your treasures is the perfect setting for your quilt! Love the muted colors!

    Truck Spare Parts


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