
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tool Time Tuesday...Charm Pack Bird Feeder

Hi everyone! You all know that when I'm out shopping or roaming around any store, I look at things with a different "eye". It may be a Tool Time eye, a recycling eye, a thrifty eye or even a crafty eye.

Well, today's Tool Time is definitely a thrifty idea of using a suet bird feeder for a quilting gift bag. Wow...that's a mouthful! LOL

Isn't this the cutest little gift?

When I saw this suet bird feeder, the first thing I thought of was...a charm pack holder. A charm pack is a package of quilting fabric pre-cut to 5 inches square.

We'll be using this suet bird feeder cage as a sewing "gift bag".

You can use this for so many other ideas, but I'll be showing a quilty gift bag version today.

Perfect size for a charm pack...

Perfect price for my wallet. You can find these cages in any store.

A suet feeder is a little cage box with latches to secure the door. You can add a brick of suet to feed the birds or with my to give to your friends!!

Open the cage.

and look what fits in there like a glove!!!

Cutest little thing ever!

Add other goodies like vintage buttons, thread and a tape measure.

Latch the cover.

It even has a handle like a little purse...ohhh, a purse. Now my mind is going in another direction.

Add a cute bow and your gift package is good to go.

Now there is a two for one in this gift. It's also a bird feeder or a "nester" for the birdies. It will hold nesting material.

Save your dryer link and sewing scraps and add it to the suet cage.

Little bits of fabric and dryer lint are perfect for birds to build their nests.

I did another post on this a long time ago, but we made the cage. Click HERE for that post.

This tree is a haven for birds at our house. The birds will pick out the goodies inside the cage and build a warm and cozy nest for their family!!

This is a picture of a bird's nest in our yard made with dryer lint they picked to keep the family warm.

Have fun filling your bird cage, no matter how you use it...for friends or bird friends!

Happy Tuesday,

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  1. What a terrific idea! That would be a perfect little gift to receive! Thanks for sharing:)

  2. This is so cute! Like Kristina, I like how you think!

  3. This is unreal!!! Just love your 'eye'...J

  4. Such a cute idea, one I am sure to use in the future!

  5. Hi - I've just found you via Anne's Blethering Blog. I love this idea - an excellent present for a bird loving quilty friend!!
    Regards Anne

  6. What a brilliant idea, 2 for the price of one . well sort of !!

  7. Genius! I love the dryer lint idea!

  8. Que idea más fantástica para hacerlo y colgarlo en mis árboles frutales. ¡¡Me encanta!!

  9. Wonderful many possibilities! Thanks for sharing!!

  10. Thanks for the idea for the lint. I have been thinking lately that I need to be putting some out soon, but usually put it around on the bushes. This is a very great idea and I always have new suet cages around...I love to give them as gifts to other bird lovers.
    Great idea.
    Thanks, Carol

  11. Such a great idea!! Love the idea of putting nesting materials in it. I have bunnies and they shed their coat around the same time as the birds make their nests. Usually I just place their fur on a branch but this idea is so much better and I wondered what the lint from the dryer could be used for.. now I know :) Thank you for sharing!!

  12. Oh, I love that little basket! Off to find one!

  13. This is genius!! Love this idea ~ I think I'll pick some up soon and I would have never known that birds could use dryer lint for their nests.

  14. Karen, this is SO unique - so many options to use it. We're always feeding the birds, I definitely am a CHARM PACK user and love thinking of other ideas for its use. I've never seen something like this. Thank you.

  15. I love the idea but please DO NOT use dryer lint for nesting material. There may be perfumes and soap residue, but more important it isn’t a good nest building material. Lint HARDENS AFTER GETTING WET providing a poor nest for baby birds.

    There are several different nesting materials that we DO recommend. Birds generally line the inside of their nest with a soft lining. Clean pet hair or cotton yarn cut no longer than 3 inches can be stuffed into an old mesh onion sack or an unused suet cage and hung from trees and bushes for birds to use in nest building. (I know it’s not hard to collect a handful of cat hair right now as the cats are switching to their spring coat!)

    In the end, whether the birds are collecting twigs, leaves, feathers, cattail fluff or cottonwood down, moss, bark, pine needles, mud, or spider webs from the yard or the nesting material we offer, it's fun to watch as different birds collect different construction materials in the spring.

  16. This is so cute and cheaper than buying a gift bag and can be repurposed. I like how your mind works.

  17. Muy práctico y hermoso. Muchas gracias.

    Un abrazo desde Chile!!!

  18. What an awesome idea. A two for one gift for the quilter and bird lover. You think of everything!!

  19. You amaze me, I have one of those and now I need to wash and paint it and fill it up with dryer stuff and fabric, or even from my vacuum bag.

  20. You just saved the next birthday present I have to pack soon! Thank you for this fantastic idea! :)

    x Vanessa |

  21. Love the suet cage for charm packs. However, do not use dryer lint as Whiskerchase explains, but don't use fine thread. As a vet, I have had to pull out the thread that was wound around the toes of a finch before they died of gangrene! we did save the bird in time. The thread had come from pet store nesting material--go figure

  22. So smart! what a cute gift that will make for a bird watcher/quilter which I am.
    I know some that are quilters and bird watchers who would love that.
    I put lint out too for the birds.

  23. I go out to fee the birds every morning when I let my dogs the beauty and freedom of birds. I use a suet feeder in my front yard and was amazed by the mass of Starling who were at it today.(they are usually gone south in winter which rather alarms me that they aren't). This is a super idea for another use...filling with dryer lint and wee fabric scraps. Superb~
    Very cute way to gift. How did you ever come up with that?? LOVE IT!!

  24. I do love your neat ideas for packaging.

  25. Very clever idea! I think I have one of those around here somewhere. Will have to dig it out and use it now.

  26. You are constantly amazing me!!!! This is such a great idea. I know what's going on my shopping list this week.

  27. Such a great idea. You certainly have a keen eye.

  28. love this idea and certainly will use it! good for any crafty gift giving ideas. love tool time tuesday!!!

  29. I love that! I need a little gift for a Ninigret meeting next week. Now, how can I get to Christmas tree shop before then?

  30. What a sweet gift! I'll have to buy some for me too since I love putting the dryer lint out for the birds. Our nests are always made with dryer lint and horse hair. :)

  31. You are too cute with your ideas! I bought two of these silly feeders thinking my birds would like peanut butter suet. Not so. But I am liking this idea!!


  32. This is such a cool idea. Love it. Thanks for sharing.

  33. Brilliant! Can't wait to test this out on some of my quilty friends:)


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