
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tool Time Tuesday...Chicken Feeder Idea

Hi everyone...You know I love finding things in stores and then use them for something other than their intended purpose. I even find things in Farmer Supply stores.

Like this Chicken Feeder...a jar screws into the middle and then the chickens feed from the holes on the side.

Not for me though!!!

How about a pretty candle holder?

The part on the top where the jar would go holds your candle.

The holes on the side where the chickens would feed from, holds flowers, berries or evergreen.

Perfect little arrangement.

Don't forget about Christmas too!!

This is an electric candle if you are worried about the candle near the decorations.

I also did another post in the past with a chicken feeder....a pincushion!! Click HERE to see that post!!

Visit your local farmer supply and get a chicken feeder of your own. I've seen them in flea markets too. I bought mine at our Tractor Supply Store.

Happy Tool Time,

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Love your ideas.
    The one lonely feeder that I had, I used as a bird feeder but seeing what you have done, I just may have to go get mne some more

  3. I love this idea, especially that pincushion !

  4. never seen a chicken feeder, but I'll keep my eyes open. It's a nice idea!

  5. I love this!!! Where did you get a chicken feeder? (not too many of them in our neck of the woods!) Great job!

  6. Another great idea!!! Unfortunately, I've only been able to find coloured plastic chicken feeders ... works well for the pincushion and thread holder but not for the candle holder, alas.

  7. So clever, and what a conversation piece! The shape of the feeder reminds me of a spill-proof coffee cup I had years ago!

  8. I love that! What a great idea!

  9. Ooooh!! I like that. I can see it spray painted a pretty burgandy color to really make some evergreen and holly berries POP!!! For Christmas. Thanks for the insipiration!!!

  10. Oh now that is pretty and can be changed to suit the season. Great idea.

  11. I liked the sewing set. Y would use it to Easter, too.

  12. Love this! I think I'm going to try and spray paint mine before putting in the candle and greenery. Apparently my motto is "why keep it simple when I can add more work to my day"! lol
    Thanks Karen for another fabulous idea on Tool Time Tuesday - this has become my favorite day of the week!

  13. Another great idea! I am amazed at your ability to think outside the box; you have a real talent.

  14. Very clever way to re-use an item and turn it into something pretty and useful. --Vickie

  15. I like the industrial nature of the metal and how it's repurposed and softened up for the home. Nice!

  16. I've had 2 chicken feeders for years that I put m & m's and candy corn in. But Dear Hubby thought it was too hard to get the candy out of the holes so off the mason jar came. This seems like a great alternative. The candy will just have to go in a candy dish!

  17. This is really adorable! I bet a lot of crafters will be in Tractor Supply this week!

  18. What a great idea, one I could see whilst reading your post was popping some foam in the bottom and a scissor collection through the holes.In the centre I would copy your idea with the pin cushion. I also love your berries and candle idea.

    Peg x

  19. I'm with you. I love using something for what it wasn't made for. Love your idea!
    Have a great night.

  20. Super clever! I saw a bunch of these at an antique and resale shop and it didn't even occur to me to do something crafty with them. I may be making another trip to Parke County, Home of the Covered Bridge Festival, to pick them up. Thank you for the inspiration.

  21. Tool time Tuesday is my all time favorite thing!!! Thanks for your ideas. Some even make me giggle!!! You are a genius!

  22. LOVE this idea! Thanks for sharing!

  23. That is awesome! You always have the most creative ideas. Thanks so much for sharing. Blessings.

  24. So COOL and CLEVER! who'da thunk it?? Love these ideas!

  25. What a smart idea! I might have to see where I can pick up one of these little chicken feeders!

  26. Karen, You are SO creative. You really have an eye to see things outside the box. I love the pincushion.

    Also I love the look of your blog. I wonder how can I use footer( or header on the top ) where I can take the readers to different pages categorizing them like you did. If you know the answer and have a few minutes will you please tell me? Leave it in my blog comment area.

    Thanks so much. Warm wishes. Dita.


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