
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thoughts on Thursday...

Picture it...You are walking past a yummy cake or pie. You notice that someone before you has cut it a little an angle, not square at all. We can't have that, now can we?

Trim, trim, trim!!!

Well, I think I have convinced myself that if I straighten the edge of the yummy dessert and eat that little sliver that I have trimmed away, there aren't any calories in that tiny piece. Back me up on this ladies! LOL

I am merely tidying up the dessert...don't you agree???

Here is Exhibit A...delicious corn bread that needs a little work!

Here's to straighter dessert every where.

Happy Thursday,

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  1. Haha...that's awesome. I completely agree that the small piece from "tidying up" and fixing someone's cutting recklessness does not contain calories.

  2. I totally agree! You are just trying to make it calories in that! This rule also applies to not-quite-perfectly decorated cookies or cupcakes....can't have a 'bad' one given to a guest.....must eat that ourselves! Again, no calories!

  3. I still think it needs just a little more trimming on the one side!!! I made brownies tonight--first time in quite awhile--and my son took the pan of brownies with him!! I have nothing to straighten. Wonder if there is another box of brownie mix in my pantry???

  4. There are also no calories in any chocolate which you eat late at night when you are trying to get an essay done to deadline! lol!

  5. I'm with you on this one Karen! I especially need to straighten up chocolate cakes. This also applies to ugly or broken cookies. So unsightly! They must be "taken care of"!

    1. Absolutley! you must not have crooked desserts hanging around!

  6. I'm glad I'm not the only one that does this. Yesterday I told my husband he couldn't have the broken cookies as they didn't look right. It's great to see this is a worldwide rule created by woman as I live in the UK. Ali x

    1. You are definitely not the only one, Ali! I don't serve broken cookies here in Arizona, USA, either! (except to myself, that is...sometimes...just a few) :D

  7. It is the perfect way to sneak a little piece after you tell everyone you're on a diet and that you "don't really have a sweet tooth". Lol

  8. Of course you have to tidy it up!! And you can't waste that little piece...or that piece, or that last little strip! (I also straighten pictures on walls.) I'm sure there are no calories in those small pieces. None.

  9. Hahaha! I'm guilty of the same thing!

  10. Hi Karen
    I tried your pineapple anglefood cake....Wonderful!!!!!!!!
    Thanks, it is a keeper.

  11. Yes, it is like broken cookies. Every woman knows there are no calories in broken cookies. They just make the cookie plate look messy. Have to keep it pretty! :)

  12. Those unsightly edges must be trimmed! Can't have uneven edges, it's just not right. Everyone knows that! And calories, we don't need no stinking calories! Nope, not a calorie to be found.

  13. And if you warm up that sliver of cornbread, and put a teeny sliver of butter on it, you are just being a good citizen! 8-)

  14. I don't know what is it??? is there a recipe w that??? it might be too many calories to have only a sliver... which means you might as well eat more!!!

  15. I agree completely! Neaten it up.

  16. Too funny!! I will look at cake now from a whole different perspective...and hope that the person before me was a little wonky!!

  17. You might enjoy the book It Doesn't Count If... by Daisy Westmoor.

  18. Oh thats so funny, its exactly what we called it when I worked at the bakery in Apple Hill in Camino, Ca. "Trimming" those pies....bread puddings, strudels etc...hilarious!

  19. Now wait just a darn minute here, its waste not want not. So your actually doing a good thing by not just throwing it away...........

  20. Hahaha, this is why I can't make a lot of sweats, I tidy up the pan too often!!

  21. What??? Why on earth would anyone think any differently?? The same rule applies to all the frosting around the cake plate after you've decorated. And to broken pieces of cookies and pies. They must all be cleaned. duh!! :)

  22. Oh I ALWAYS do this and NO, there is no calories in those little slices. ;)

  23. I absolutely back you up! Ha Ha I expected to see a photo of what it looked like after it was straightened!

  24. Oh SO true!
    Same thing with anything in sight, like the little bit of cereal left in the cupboard behind boxes. Now who would put that small of portion back in the cupboard. I must take care of that!!

  25. Definitely -trimmings don't count as calories. AND - while you are at it, I noticed there's a crack along the bottom. Hmmm....doesn't that need to be trimmed up too??

  26. It makes sense to me but I believe broken biscuits don't have calories either !

  27. I thought I was the only one who did that! Yay, a new group to belong to!!

  28. I get so OCD about how things are cut that I will remove everything from the pan just to straighten out a "problem" from someone else being reckless in their cutting. You also must eat those things in pairs so that they balance out on your body. You don't want one hip to get smaller than the other!!

  29. Totally agree! I also believe, & I'm sure you will agree, that if you munch while walking around, there are far fewer calories. Oh, also, what you "taste-test" during cooking is totally calorie-free. Perfectly logical, don't you think?


  30. Oh Mary, the eating in pairs! I totally do that and thought it was just because I have twins! LOL! Trimming is absolutely required, who dared to leave such an unsightly crooked-y cut? Around our house, it's my husband, who obviously doesn't share this important behavior.


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