
Friday, August 31, 2012

The Last Hurrah...Boston Trip

The last weekend before our 2 daughters Courtney, Kelsie and Courtney's boyfriend Courtland go back to college, we usually plan a little mini trip. They all work so hard the entire summer, that last weekend is their only free time. We're about an hour and 30 minutes away from Boston, Massachusetts so that's our favorite place to go.

On our way back home we have another back to school tradition...Wright's Chicken Farm. It's not a farm really, but a delicious all you can eat chicken restaurant.

We stayed at the Marriott Copley hotel in the Back Bay area, which is attached to 2 malls...perfect for girls!! We also walked all over Boston...and I mean we walked. No taxis or subways. The weather was too nice! We did...

Here are a few pictures from our trip...

Five Napkin Burger restaurant. The best burgers any of us have ever had. Kelsie doesn't even eat hamburgers and she loved it.

Courtney and Courtland.

Kelsie always with her lemonade. This was fresh squeezed too.

Hubby and me...

Now onto the burgers...Gorgonzola with sautéed mushrooms and shallots for all the girls. We ordered broccoli because we like it, but also to relive some of the guilt!! LOL

Hubby's cheese burger...

Courtland's bacon and cheese. The fries were so good too.

Then another stop on the trip was Pinkberry. A frozen yogurt shop. Add as many toppings as you like. I had nuts and granola.

This was hubby's...I won't even try to defend this mess by saying it was frozen "yogurt" !

Courtney's was a little better with all fresh fruit and a few chocolate cover pretzels.

Here are the 2 Courts under the "Court St." sign.

Kelsie trying on a French beret. She looks like a 1960's beatnik. lol

In front of Paul Revere Mall on the Freedom Trail in the North End.

The ever famous Mike's Pastry in the North End too. A "must stop" if you go to Boston.

Cannoli, cannoli, cannoli...that's all I'm going to say!!

Boston Commons swan boats

Found this shot on google of Faneuil Hall. Shopping and more eating.

Then back home to Rhode Island in the northern part of the state. Wright's Farm for all you can eat chicken dinner.

The way it looks in these pictures, in a nut shell, we went to Boston to eat. Should have brought a heart defibrillator with us though. LOL

We had a great time as a family and love being with the kids. They all moved back to school this past Monday and we miss them already.

Hope you get a chance to visit Boston or the north east some time!!

Have a great weekend,

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  1. Live in NH but love oldest daughter lives and works there, she attended college there as middle daughter spent 2 yrs in Boston too. We were just in RI looking at a college for our youngest daughter.....AND I have had one of those to die for cannolis--wishing I had one now! Looks like you all had a fun trip!

  2. I only live about 30 minutes from Boston. Have you ever explored the historic area of Concord, MA? It is a little outside Boston and we just love it. Walden Pond, Sleepy Hollow Cemetery and Louisa May Alcott's house.

  3. I have been to Boston and love love loved it. So English.
    Thanks for sharing your trip. Bought back some great memories

  4. You just made me hungry. I want one of those burgers.

  5. we love Wrights chicken farm. good eats! sounds like you had a great trip!

  6. Yep.....Mike's! Next time you go.....get the pastry call 'lobster tail''s to die for! Yum!

  7. What a fun trip!!! I love Boston! Cannoli...I want one!!!!!!!!

  8. We just got home from a wedding in Boston. Had a great time!

  9. I love Boston! It is adorable!

  10. I have a friend that lives near Boston! Does that count? What a great trip and walking everywhere is best as you get to see all those hide away corners.
    Hope you don't miss the girls too much, Karen. xo

  11. I'm new to Blogger and to your posts, but did really enjoy this one. Your photos are wonderful and your daughters are beautiful! Thanks for sharing the fun and love with us!! The food surely does look amazing! Yum!!

  12. If you love cannoli you need to go across the street from Mike's and try Modern Pastry. They fresh fill/dip the cannoli when you order. They are soo much better. Don't get me wrong I love Mike's the lobster tails, half n half cookies, cup cakes, itailian cookies, fruit tarts (I could go on) are fabulous. Glad you enjoyed your trip!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. If you like Wright's Chicken Farm you will love Wright's Dairy. Not the same Wrights as far as I know but both great places. Wright's Dairy is a dairy farm with a bakery that makes awesome pastries and wonderful cakes. You can order the cakes with whip cream icing. Mmmmmm! I always order cakes for special events from here. They do a beautiful job. Oh! and spinach or broccoli pies. I gained five pounds looking at the pictures of your food and another thinking about Wrights Dairy. :-)

  15. Love, love Boston! It looks like you had a wonderful trip and great times together!

  16. The Court street pic is my favorite! We have the same problem in Boston. So many great places to eat and we want one of everything! How did you have room for Wrights after all that?

  17. I am so glad I could enjoy your pictures of Boston. The food looks amazing. My husband and I visited Boston a few years ago and it wasn't exactly a positive experience. The city was in the middle of their 'Big Dig' where they were digging up entire streets to redo their subway system and it poured rain the whole time we were there. Needless to say we got lost several times because entire streets and important intersections were closed off and it was really difficult to see anything through sheets of rain. We have to go back one day to revisit the city under different circumstances. Your photographs have so inspired me to definitely eat a cheeseburger while I am there!

  18. You've inspired me to visit Boston. I never thought that Boston has a lot of stuffs to be explored. Its quite interesting. Thanks so much.
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  19. Oh I am so jealous, a Mike's cannoli ! Glad you had a great time. I love Boston!

  20. I made hamburgers for lunch today that looked just like those.
    We had not had red meat for ages and today was the day. YUM.

  21. My daughter graduated from Wellesley and is now a grad student at Tufts. Whenever we go up to visit, we like to visit some of the attractions in the area. We particularly like to visit the aquarium in Boston. We've enjoyed lots of great meals there, but have never stopped at Mike's. We'll have to try it on our next trip. Thanks for the recommendations.

  22. Very nice & impressive article you have posted..Your post have the information that is helpful for me as I am a new blogger.i will definitely visit Boston.I would like you to keep up the good work.



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