
Monday, August 27, 2012

Outside In Cupcakes...

My hubby went on a hiking trip last week with 5 other friends to climb Mount Washington in New Hampshire. It's the highest mountain in the northeast and it was definitely something he could check off his bucket list!!

I, thankfully, did not go. Hiking is pretty much last on my bucket list. No wait, it isn't even on my bucket list. Lol I did bake for them though!! It was a 5 hour trip and they were staying there for 5 days, so I baked a lot of different goodies. One was a simple yellow cupcake with chocolate frosting.

How do I package yellow cupcakes with chocolate frosting for a van full of men who don't really care what they look like?

How about frosting on the inside..."Outside In Cupcake"

Here are the easy steps...

Start with your cupcake...

Cut off the top and scoop out some of the middle. I used a melon baller.

Fill with your favorite frosting...

and put the top back on!! I used Halloween papers are so easy to bake for!

Now you could wrap it like this for party favors or little gifts, but remember these were for men!

Here's how I did it assembly line style.

Put the frosting in a zip lock bag and cut off the tip.

I placed all the cupcakes that were ready for frosting in a foil tin.

Big dollop of frosting in each...

and the caps back on. Easy to wrap with foil and no mess from the frosting sticking to the wrapping.

All the goodies were gone by the end of the first day!!

I will share some photos from his trip on another post...just beautiful!

Have a great Monday,

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  1. That's an excellent idea! Thanks for sharing it...

  2. They look really good and a great gift idea x

  3. What a fantastic idea...perfect for kid's lunchboxes!

  4. what a sweet treat. Cupcakes look fantastic

  5. Fabulous idea! Great for picnics, too!

  6. It never would have occurred to me to put the icing on the inside. Great idea.

  7. This went straight to my Pinterest board! Another "Duh! Why had I never thought of that!" Love it!

  8. That is an awesome day, that could be good for any type of packed lunch.

  9. When I think of all the lunches I've packed over 46 years....hubby, kids, grandkids. Now you give me this gift.....hahahahaha

  10. How clever to put frosting inside!! Now I know how to pack them in the kids' lunches!! If you don't have a melon baller, you can also use an apple corer, if you have one, to remove the inside of the cupcake.

  11. What a great idea I will use this idea when I go to quilt retreat next month! Karen, I love all your ideas and visit your blog daily. Thanks for such great tips, tools and interesting blog!

    Marsha Beane

    1. That's a great idea!! I've done this before with deviled eggs but never thought to do it with other things.

  12. We'll have to convince you to hike up Mt. Washington, Karen! You can go up to the Lake of the Clouds AMC hut and park yourself there -- eat dinner, sleep on a bunk, (need reservations, by the way)and then finish the trip to the top the next morning. You could even take the cog railway train down to the bottom if you didn't want to brave the hike down.

    The cupcake idea is sheer genius! Thanks for sharing!

  13. Great idea Karen. I'm always having to make and pack treats for guy trips and this will come in super handy. Thanks.

  14. What a sweet little surprise! These are such fun...can't wait to make some up!
    Have a wonderful week, my friend,

  15. I'll bet those were gone before they hit Worcester! lol

  16. What a clever idea....for children also!


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