
Friday, August 10, 2012

Find a Friend Friday Linking Party...and a New Friend!!!

Hello to all my friends out there. Friday is usually the day we have Find a Friend Linking Party...well, we're still having the party, but I'm sharing a new friend I made this week. (the linking party is at the end of the post)

I read absolutely EVERY comment I receive...over a hundred every day. Each comment means the world to me and I thank you for all of them. When I have extra time at work or on my day off, I try to click on the links attached to the comments. Well, I stumbled upon a wonderful blog and more over a wonderful story.

My new friend is Geta...from the blog Geta's Quilting studio.

Geta is from Romania and is an amazing quilter...ok, amazing doesn't even begin to describe her. I could have a post a mile long about her, but I'll just share a little and let you enjoy her blog and website on your own.

This is a post I'm doing on my own, with permission from Geta to use her pictures. She did not pay me as a sponsor of my blog...I am just so thrilled to share her story and what a story it is.

Geta's quilting life is one of dreams to be sure. Her story takes her from not even knowing what quilting is in her country of Romania, to having 2 quilts in the Houston Quilt Festival!!!


You MUST CLICK HERE to read her story on how she started her quilting journey...self taught in a country with no quilt shops!! She learned from the internet and even that was an obstacle in the beginning. She had to go to an internet cafe to use the computer. I am just in awe of this story...I think it will stick with me forever.

Geta is also a published author of a book on trapunto quilts...

Here are some from her collection.

Here are some of her quilts...

She even sews favorite!! Her quilt is much further along than my poor quilt!!  She's my new inspiration.

I hope you have a chance to visit Geta...CLICK HERE for her blog and CLICK HERE for her amazing website where you can buy download her amazing patterns she designs herself. These are just a few.

The blogging world is just incredible and the people we meet are even more incredible. Funny how this little key board we type on and the screen we look at are the connections to a world of wonder.

Thank you Geta for letting me share your story!!



Let's find more great friends today and share your blog with all of us.

If you are new to Find a Friend Friday (FaFF), you are in for a treat! It's a simple linking party to add a link to your blog so friends, old and new, can stop by and visit.

It's great to share your blog with everyone, but it's also fun just to look around. Even if you don't have a blog, you can find a wealth of great people willing to share their talents. and another great blog to follow.

This is an easy one to participate are just linking to your own blog. No projects to sew, no furniture to paint, no cookies to bake or pictures to take. You are just sharing your blog and then friends will stop by for a looksy.
  • click on the blue "click here to enter" link at the end...after the last blog that has been linked
  • copy and paste or just type in your blog address...example:
  • enter title of link...your blog name or phrase to grab attention
  • add a photo of you, your profile picture or your blog button or whatever you think will grab some one's attention...(I'm thinking a picture of a big piece of chocolate cake, but that's just me LOL)
That's it...super easy. Have fun checking in on all the new blogs that are linking up each day!

Take care,

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  1. This is my first time linking up- thanks Karen! Your blog is such a happy place to be! Have a great weekend! =)

  2. I just also recently found Geta on Pinterest, her story and work is truly amazing and inspiring!

  3. I have been following Geta for several years now and I've been amazed at her work for a long time.

  4. I've seen Geta's blog before - she is so talented and her quilts have a ton of 'wow' factor. Works of art, all of them.

  5. Holy cow those quilts are amazing! I'll definitely be heading over to check out her story, such talent!

  6. Oh my goodness, Greta's quilts are amazing! I'm defeinitely going to be visiting her blog to read more, thanks Karen!!

  7. Greta is so talented! Gorgeous quilts all round! Will definitely visit her blog, thanks for sharing!

  8. Such beautful quilts! I thought I would link up this I'm off to make new friends. Thanks so much!!

  9. OMG! That rainbow sphere quilt is the coolest I have ever seen!!!

  10. I love the dimension to her quilts and would love to know how she does it!!! Beautiful work... all of them but the first square one was my fave! btw... I dislike cooking .. not just peeling potatoes! lol

  11. Greta's quilts are stunningly sophisticated and artistic. What a pleasure to read about someone so passionate about learning something new, that she overcame whatever obstacles there were to feed her creative soul. This was very inspiring and something we should once again aspire to instead of focusing on how to do something quick and easy.

  12. Thanks so much, Karen, for hosting this fun party! It's such a great way to meet new friends!

  13. Wow! What great talent and determination!!
    Someday I will find my talent!

  14. Thanks for the help on linking up .:-D

  15. Karen, thanks so much for sharing Geta's story - WOW is all I can say!

  16. Wow - she makes amazing quilts! I am such a beginner!!!

  17. Greta is such an incredible quilter. Her quilts look like works of art.

  18. Thanks Karen,
    I went to Getas blog, and I love what i saw, beautiful!
    Liebe Grüße

  19. Karen, WOW what an amazing story, and what an amazing blog Geta has!!! She is SOOO talented. And she is a TRUE inspiration. Thanks!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment...I just love hearing from you!