
Friday, August 24, 2012

Find a Friend Friday Linking Party...

Welcome to another addition of Find a Friend Friday...the place to share your blog for all to see, make new friends and browse through a ton of great blogs.

If you are new to Find a Friend Friday (FaFF), you are in for a treat! It's a simple linking party to add a link to your blog so friends, old and new, can stop by and visit.

It's great to share your blog with everyone, but it's also fun just to look around. Even if you don't have a blog, you can find a wealth of great people willing to share their talents. and another great blog to follow.

This is an easy one to participate are just linking to your own blog. No projects to sew, no furniture to paint, no cookies to bake or pictures to take. You are just sharing your blog and then friends will stop by for a looksy.
  • click on the blue "click here to enter" link at the end...after the last blog that has been linked
  • copy and paste or just type in your blog address...example:
  • enter title of link...your blog name or phrase to grab attention
  • add a photo of you, your profile picture or your blog button or whatever you think will grab some one's attention...(I'm thinking a picture of a big piece of chocolate cake, but that's just me LOL)
That's it...super easy. Have fun checking in on all the new blogs that are linking up each day!

Take care,

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  1. Nothing better than new friends! Thanks for hosting!

  2. This is one of my favorite pressure and the nicest people. Thanks!


  3. Just linked my blog, now I must hop my way around this blogs!!!

  4. Your parties are always awesome ~ thanks for hosting!
    <3 Christina

  5. I just linked up to find new friends!

  6. Hello.
    Stumbled upon your blog today coming from pinterest.
    I really, really like it and it is super inspiring :)
    and I linked myself to find more creative friends.


  7. Once again, thanks for hosting Karen. I am hoping to make new friends via FaFF. Almost at 60 followers now and promised myself I would do a give-away when I reach that goal.
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment...I just love hearing from you!